I’m at Laced for Grace today. I’m including this post in Thankful Thursday because I am thankful for the reminder to praise Him no matter what.
Here’s a sneak peek of my devotion:
I don’t know about you, but I have to learn the same lesson over and over before it sticks. And even then, it only sticks for a season. I’m a slow learner.
“Start praising Him.”
“Put on worship music and praise Him.”
“Keep praising Him.”
These words echo in my mind. Words of wisdom from my spiritual mentor and dear friend. It doesn’t matter what my circumstances or emotions are, she always directs me to my God. To the healing power of praise. When life is the darkest and I feel hopeless, she reminds me to enter into His sanctuary and present an offering.
My praise.
And that’s not always easy or natural when life is hard. Why didn’t I think of that?
To read the rest, please visit me at Laced with Grace.
(For more thankful Thursday entries or to add your blog to the list of blogs, please visit Iris at Grace Alone.
You know, God’s timing is so amazing. I needed to be reminded of this today. I have an illness that I have to deal with from time to time, more times than none, and today is one of those deal with it and hold onto Him even when you can’t feel Him. Praise is the open door to victory. I don’t understand why it is so hard for me to remember that when these days come. Thank you. It’s just what I needed…
Much Much love and blessings,
Isn’t that the truth? Praise Him in everything, let everything that has breath praise Him… How hard it is to do that “all” the time!!! I struggle to remember it, too. Thank you for the post and the reminder! Blessings.
Tiffany, I wanted to stop by and say “THANK YOU” for the sweet b’day wishes. You guys really know how to make a gal feel SPECIAL! Thank YOU so VERY MUCH!
Oh, and I enjoyed your “TT” post – in CHRIST, there is ALWAYS SOMETHING to be thankful for! =-)
I enjoyed your note at Laced with Grace today.
I really enjoyed your note on Laced with Grace. We must praise. It’s even sweeter when it is during a trial.
Paul and Silas are great examples.
Awesome and God-timed post. My husband is having a horrible time at work in a situation with no end in sight. He was pouring out his heart to me this afternoon. (Today was an specially bad day.) Not long after that, I ran across your post. I'm anxious to share this with him tonight. Thank you for this often overlooked remedy to the trials we face each day.
Love & blessings,
And as your mentor has gifted you…you are gifting others. By pointing us to God!
You are so precious.
I’m heading over to Lace with grace.
Blessings to you sweet friend!!!
Oh boy, I am definitely the same way. Every once and a while I have to be reminded AGAIN of something. I’m just glad God loves me anyway.
As the days grow evil, we will need to remind each other often I think. Thanks, Tiffany, this is a clear prescription for uplifting our spirits!
Praise the Lord!!!