I always promised myself I would visit and comment on everyone’s blog who visited mine. I even visit some blogging friends who rarely comment or visit mine. Lately I cannot seem to dig my way out. My email box is full of friends/blogs I need to visit. And then, there are friends I haven’t visited in months, but I still think about them. Please know I love all of you. I value every comment. I care. I just can’t figure out how to do it all–and do it well. I believe blogs are relational by design. If I spent all my time blogging, I would miss out on the relationships God has placed right in front of me. I need face to face contact too. So I am learning to juggle both. It’s not easy! I’m ungraceful. I drop balls. Please forgive me.
Any suggestions?
Much thanks to all of you who faithfully come by and say hi! I really appreciate your friendship, prayers and support. This month is my 4 year anniversary of blogging. Wow, blogging has brought some amazing people into my life. I’m so thankful! I am a rich woman!
Boy,I know what your talking about.
I love visiting my blog list and I have made friends throught this crazy way of commuitcating.But it can steal your time!
I may not leave a comment but I’m reading and enjoying my visit.
Wow, I gave up feeling obligated to read & comment. It takes a lot of the joy out of it for me. I make an attempt to get around to those who comment to me, but I know I don't succeed. You are a great encourager. I think you need to give yourself a break so as not feel overwhelmed.
You are right, there are lots of other relationships in our lives that need attention too.
Don’t ever feel obligated to visit everyone’s blog often. I do when I can–sometimes it’s fun to sit back and catch up with some I haven’t been to in awhile–like having a cup of tea with a friend you haven’t seen much of.
Enjoy blogging without the guilt!
I completely understand… I have my regulars that I visit, but sometimes you just can’t make it by… I think we all understand, sometimes real live people just have to take precedence…
Do not be hard on yourself… let the Lord led you…
Just keep sharing and writing obediently from your heart. Know you are loved by me with no strings attached. You are more than welcome to come by anytime you have a chance. I totally understand the time constraints. I’m feeling it, too. Some bloggers stop coming around after I don’t comment after a few times. I just can’t worry about that. I just need to be obedient and do what God has called me to do.
One of my favorite reads is Ann Voskamp @ Holy Experience. She doesn’t even activate comments, but you can email her a comment. She responds as she can. I’ve only commented once and she responded a month later. I still read her frequently.
And now that I’ve written a disertation on don’t worry about blog political correctness, I’ll end my saying….
Press On!
Oh dear friend, just be where Papa tells you to be.
I don’t visit blogs every day. Just when Papa gives me time. There are some that I check through my “blog follower”. It’s an easy check. That way I can see if anyone has updated so that when there is time I can go and read them.
Don’t try to catch up, just be where He tells you to be.
You need to be where Papa asks you to be each day. There is no one to please… no one to disappoint.
Follow Him…. If you are feeling expectations it’s not God. He doesn’t put expectations on us. You are free to be….
Love ya,
I’m better at times than others. No advice. I think the new blog link thing helps because the updated blogs stay at the top, this way I don’t waste time opening everyone on my list. I know by looking if they’ve updated or not. Also accept the fact that you can’t always read everything, just read when you can. I find thats enough. Hugs girly!
(BUT ALWAYS pick up your awards…heehee…jk)
That’s for sure. Not all the people I follow blog everyday. I use google reader and of course there’s a couple of you who force me to use feedblitz… lol. I get emails for you. Sometimes the Lord leads me to just delete/bypass blogs that are just chitter chatters/whingers, etc. HE leads me to the really meaty posts that I need. My blog isn’t really so heavy with traffic that it makes it hard for me to get back to those who leave comments.
Leave it to God Tiffany, HE will lead you. It’s impossible to do ALL of them.
I view blogging as ministry and ministry is giving so when I write I am giving whatever the Lord has laid upon my heart and He will send whomever needs to read it for that day so please don’t feel pressured. This is not pressure it’s ministry. Go read whatever the Lord leads you to and write whatever He leads you to. Trust in His leading and know that all of us love you and we love each other and WE ALL LOVE THE LORD and our goal is to share with whomever God sends, when He sends them.
I hope that helps. Love you so much. Love you all!
Praying for you always.
I can so relate! I took a break from blogging and visiting blogs. I’m just now started back visiting and I’m not sure when I’ll actually write something on mine. Too much happening in face to face life right now.
I popped over from Julie’s blog and this post caught my attention.
I agree that while blogging can be a wonderful way to connect with fellow sisters in Christ, writers and friends, it can be incredibly time consuming. It’s a balance I continually try to find.
I pray you find your balance as well.