I’ve been stewing all morning. Fearful. Stuck. Angry. Frustrated and feeling small. Wondering what else I can say about life and abortion this week to really make a difference.
Who even cares anyway? Aren’t people tired of hearing about this?
I almost didn’t post, but I sensed God saying shout out again. So here I am.
This morning I went to Planned Parenthood’s website again was appalled at the lack of honesty about abortion. They promote it as most women feel a sense of “relief” afterwards. Sure, you are relieved in a warped way–to a point. But this is not the whole truth. You feel like a murderer. You know what you’ve done is just plain sick and wrong. You hide this experience from those closest to you. You hate the physical evidence of your “choice.” Cramps. Blood. Pads. Your body and mind respond accordingly. You either shut down or sob rivers.
I shut down. Act normal, like nothing happened. Lie. Say you had a miscarriage.
Another annoying fact about Planned Parenthood’s website. There’s nothing about post-abortion syndrome. What? I’m heartbroken to know women wonder what’s wrong with them a decade later. Or near the anniversary date. Anxiety. Thoughts of death. Depression and more. They even use the words, “abortion is very common” so readers will feel like it’s no big deal.
The worst part is they have the nerve to share that late-term abortions may be more complicated than abortions done earlier, but they are “still safer than labor and childbirth.” Who ever thought of that? Talk about insane.
About crisis pregnancy centers, they call them “fake clinics.” They steer women away from these places because they are known to scare women about abortion and give them false information. Like having a baby is something terrible. I just don’t get any of this. Who wrote these pages? Hitler?
Here’s my problem. I have small faith and big fear. I see a giant force to contend with. I struggle knowing how much money Planned Parenthood has and how powerful they are. I feel like a peanut trying to topple Mount Everest. What can a peanut actually do?
This morning I reread David and Goliath to grasp more about fighting the “giants.” Believe me, Planned Parenthood is one HUGE giant to me.
David’s faith filled words from 1 Samuel 17 encouraged me this morning. May they help you face your giants, whatever yours may be today.
“32David said to Saul, “Let no one lose heart on account of this Philistine; your servant will go and fight him.”
33 Saul replied, “You are not able to go out against this Philistine and fight him; you are only a boy, and he has been a fighting man from his youth.”
34 But David said to Saul, “Your servant has been keeping his father’s sheep. When a lion or a bear came and carried off a sheep from the flock, 35 I went after it, struck it and rescued the sheep from its mouth. When it turned on me, I seized it by its hair, struck it and killed it. 36 Your servant has killed both the lion and the bear; this uncircumcised Philistine will be like one of them, because he has defied the armies of the living God. 37 The LORD who delivered me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine.”
Saul said to David, “Go, and the LORD be with you.”
My “Go” command is writing this blog entry. This is my sling and my stone!
I believe God is on my side and against abortion. After all, He is the giver of all life. Unborn lives. My life. Yours.
So on this beautiful January day, I praise Him here for all the world to read! I celebrate my life with joyful songs. I pray God for victory for those in the valley of decision, the precious pregnant ones. May they choose life. I plead for the leadership and hearts of Planned Parenthood to soften and change. I shout out that my God is bigger than any man-made giant organization. I worship Him because He is God, the lover of my soul. The Giver of Life everlasting!
I totally feel your pain and helplessness.
It’s so wonderful to know that we have a God in control, but it’s hard on this side of heaven to see all the evil and injustice in the world.
I’m just praying that Obama will backtrack on his abortion promises, just like he has on everything else!
But if he doesn’t, the battle is really for hearts. It’s not for the law. So let’s start talking to people and changing hearts!
P.S. I got here through your tweet!
Visit To Love, Honor and Vacuum today!
Hi, Tiffany. I saw your tweet and popped over. I just wrote a book called Expecting. It’s for pregnant women, and my heart’s desire is to get it in the hands of women who didn’t plan and don’t want their babies. I’m praying God could use my words to change their hearts and see their baby as a precious life.
I feel the same way as you though–Planned Parenthood is so huge. How can the centers that value life survive?
I’m going to do what I can and cry out to the God who is bigger than any organization.
Loved your thoughts today!
hey sweet friend!
let's jump down to verse 45.
David said to the Philistine (planned parenthoond), "You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, bit I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Isreal, whom you have defiled.
I will stand behind you! And know that the Lord goes before us & everyone else who knows that life is scared and that abrotion is not a choice~ yet rather, adoption is a blessed choice!
So, glad went the "GO!" …. your peanut will go far. :O)
Blessings to you as your voice shouts this week for Him. You shine.
ps- I wish the comment boxes had a spell check!!! I am seriously a bad speller, and to think…. I homeschool my children, (ummm… scary!)
LOL, Deanna
I came across your name and blog from “Truth for the Journey”. And this was timely, as I have a family member that is in the deep bondage of this in her past. She doesn’t know that I know…so I can’t go to her, but I pray that she will come to me, as she is learning how much I trust and lean on God.
Thank you,
Higher Grounds
Tiffany –
Keep preaching it sister. Keep speaking from your heart. God is raising up warriors like you for such a time as this.
I don’t have personal experience to speak from but I have seen the devastation it does to women. That little tid-bit is being swept under the rug.
God has given me a passion to speak out against this. God is also given you a very strong passionate voice to speak truth. Don’t let anyone silence your voice.
You serve the Living God, and you “Go” in the name and the power of that Living God… nothing is impossible with God, all it takes is faith the size of a mustard seed… He will be victorious in this battle one day… keep on fighting!
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I will pray for you as you fight for the unborn.
Thanks so much for speaking the TRUTH!!
I pray these words will cause many to think and reconsider…
May God use your testimony to save many lives.
Thanks for speaking out for those who can’t.
Yes, it only took ONE stone to defeat Goliath, your testimony could be it!!!
Life is always a miracle from God. Thanks for sharing…
I know how you feel to be in this fight.But we must remember…we must know…that the battle isn’t our but the Lord’s.
I stand with you in this fight againist the satan and like the ONE stone David used to kill Golith,our testimony will overcome the enemy!
Once again, another post that hits the bull’s eye. Thank you for being His voice. We must all continue to proclaim this message load and long.
Thank you, Tiffany, for sharing. . .again.
You have an important story, an important voice. Keep speaking. What you say matters. Women who are facing an unplanned pregnancy will be affected by your words. . .some will run and hide, others will soak them in, agreeing that the life inside them is precious.
I praise the Lord that the birthmothers of my three children chose life. Had they chose death. . .Laura, Julia and John would not be alive now and I would not have the joy of knowing them, of putting band-aids on their boo-boos, of celebrating their birthdays, graduations and every first.
Belinda, Nari and Oksana — How I love you! How I love OUR children!
Hey friend, you need to read Lelia’s blog post entry which is shared on Missy’s blog….
If you don’t know Lelia (Write from the Heart) or Missy “It’s Almost Naptime” go to my blog and click on their links. Lelia shared about her abortion experience.
I know God will use this place in your life to speak to the lives of others…
Love you and your heart!
Sending you my love today!
Don’t ever stop, Tiffany! Even if one abortion is stopped as a result of your efforts…God has worked mightily.
Praying fervently God will somehow change the heart of Barack Obama.
Reading that you feel like a peanut next to a mountain reminds me of the incredibly powerful scene in Facing the Giants where one player is challenged to carry his teammate on his back all the way down the field…where everything in him said what’s the point, that he couldn’t do anymore the coach kept pushing him, encouraging him, challenging him to keep going. May you be encouraged to keep fighting in whatever way God directs. Thank you for rallying us to rise up alongside you to fight this unspeakable horror.
Precious, remember the mustard seed? It grew into a HUGE plant! It takes a little of all of us to change the tide. You have done a great deal my friend and we are all so very supportive and proud of/for you.
Remember, in your worst days, I am going to hold you up underneath your armpits!
I love your brave BIG heart my friend.
Keep up the good work and be strong in Jesus.
Hugs coming your way!
Thank you so much for sharing. This is all very close to my heart as well, as I had a stillborn daughter 11 years ago on this date that was SO wanted. My other great concern is FOCA which will REQUIRE hospitals & doctors to perform murders (which I wrote about on my blog). We need to keep fighting for life.
Thank you for sharing today.
Oh Tiffany…God is going to use you in mighty ways! I feel it in the words you are writing!
I’m so with you on this. This is such a topic that needs to be expounded upon regularly. People need to know the truth and that truth is that this is killing another human being. It is a tiny innocent life that is snuffed out. I’m warring with you…
I found you through your testimony on Lisa’s blog. I am so glad you shared your story. Keep sharing it! There are people who need to hear it Tiffany. What a blessing!
Much love,
Tiffany, I was just alerted to a story on Family Life Today/ Dennis Rainey…you can listen online (Jan 29th broadcast) he interviews a woman who made alot of money soliciting abortions and even saw women die from them. She eventually got saved…
The story is sad, but revealing about the industry. You are right~it is like Hitler. I know of a ministry (Pass the Salt) that were @ the inaugeration with posters of aborted babies. They were street witnessing. Seeing one photo makes me deeply passionate to see abortion stopped. I realized how numb I had become…
Imagine those who do it every day. Hard hearts in need of Jesus. May He have mercy on them and give them knowledge of the truth. Open their eyes…
God bless your heart!
It may break your heart more
oops, I didn’t finish. It may break your heart more to hear that story. So don’t listen if you think it will.
lots of love to you.