Continuing on from my last post, I’m still thinking about my high standards. A friend of mine emailed me about beating ourselves up. I have permission to share his questions with you.
Do you think there is such a thing as “Godly dissatisfaction with the status quo”? Can we sometimes confuse grace with rest and then settle for less than the best?
Maybe high standards aren’t such a bad thing. Maybe that’s what I feel: godly dissatisfaction. I don’t want a status quo existent. I want to offer God the broken pieces of my life and watch Him make something beautiful out of them. I want to know Him more each day.
Continuing to beat ourselves up leads to condemnation. And there is no condemnation in Christ. Satan wins when we believe the lie that we are lazy losers(my confession). I want to let go of condemnation, grow in relationship with God and in His grace, challenge my thinking, and face my fears. Don’t you? But we can’t when we’re bound to believing that we’re not measuring up.
What are your thoughts to my friend’s questions?
I like your comments on Godly dissatisfaction. As a new Christian (way back)I remember just fervantly praying, “Make me better.”
It’s good to want to be better, but the devil surely laughs when we talk ourselves into self-disdain. He likes anything that makes us feel unhappy. We need to remember that God loved us so much He hung on a cross for us.
(Hope this isn’t too long)