Don’t you just love getting something personal in the mail? I do. Thankfully I have a couple special friends that send me sweet things every now and again. An aunt who does too.
A handwritten letter in today’s culture is rare. Email, Facebook and Twitter are easier. I know. I use them over the stamped option. Why not they’re free and instant?
I’m one of those people that keeps too many personal letters, cards and emails. Why? Because words matter to me. Words heal and encourage my heart. Words are my main love language. I keep a folder of notes from my kids, husband, family and friends. It’s my treasure. Something I’d grab in case of a fire. I thank God for those who care enough to send love.
What if God has a daily love letter waiting for to open? Would you treasure it and create a file of remembrance? I love that God’s Word is an active, personal love letter. I love that creation speaks of God’s power and glory. I love that God uses people to show how much He cares. He uses whatever it takes to get His message across.
The truth is God is always sending letters and care packages. Day and night, His love goes out and into mailboxs (hearts)across the world. He waits for us to open and receive them. This mail isn’t junk either. It’s personal-life-changing-post-on-your-fridge-kind-of- stuff.
Are you open to what God may want to send your way today? Will you receive and treasure it?
If so, here’s a love note for you from your Greatest Friend, God Almighty!
Come to Me, my child. Come and find rest. In Me, you will be comforted and satisfied. In Me, you will have everlasting love. Thank You for loving Me. As Your Father, it brings Me great joy to hang out with you. I’m so glad you choose to hang out with Me too. I’m delighted to watch you grow. You are My pride and joy. I’m so proud of You. I see such hope for you. Please don’t give up.
Instead, cheer up. You are significant. Your story in Mine. We are intertwined, woven together in love. Designed to work as one. I will show you how to abide in Me more and more as You trust Me. It’s time to throw in the doubt towel. I am who I say I am. In Me, there is no unbelief.
When you are ready, give up your desire to control.
I’ll be waiting.
Arms wide open,
Your Daddy
PS Please don’t throw My words away. Keep them. They are yours! Hide them in your heart.
(pic taken on Spring Break in a small town off the beaten bath, Az)
I am so thankful GOD is always there ready to speak to me..I just wish I were always "tuned in" like I should be.
Hugs, andrea
SO beautiful!! thank you for posting today …
Thanks Tiffany. There was a time in my life when I could not conceive the love of a father. It is so wonderful to now understand the love of my Abba Father. Sharing the knowledge of this love is my greatest desire and honor.
In His Arms,
Like you I treasure snail mail and write notes to people. How sweet of you to show us a note from our Heavenly Father!
OH how beautiful! Thank you for sharing. May we never forget just how much He loves us and the many ways He proves it. Thank you for that great reminder today!
What a great reminder that God is always communicating with us.
I am like you and can still appreciate and value the cards and handwritten notes of encouragement. Not only do I love sending them but I treasure each one I get and have a drawer next to my bedside for every single one. They truly are something to be treasured much like the gifts God provides to all of us every single day. We just need to be looking for them.
Hope you stop by as I am hosting weekly giveaways now on my blog.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Thank you!!! My love language is also words…
Beautiful post filled with warm fuzzies from our Heavenly Father. *Happy sigh*
Thank you, Tiffany!
You're so awesome! What a cute post! A handwritten letter will never get old, I love them and they are sweet! God is always there when you need him!
I love getting love letters from my precious Father God.
Amen…God always knows our address…even if we move….
Yes, LORD! Praise YOU!
This was so timely Tiffany. I read it on Good Friday, a special time when God comes calling for certain needs and people. I liked the mailboxes, all shapes and sizes. They looked kinda old and beat up too, sometimes how God's hearts feel.
The note was most encouraging.
Happy Easter to all Praise the Lord…He has risen!
Love and hugs,
Paulette Harris
This is beautiful! I especially love this line, "We are intertwined, woven together in love."
Have a wonderful Easter!!!
Even when we break our Father's heart, he still loves us and is waiting with open arms for our return.
All you have to do is love Him back.
Happy Easter!
beautiful post…I'm one who also loves sending and receiving cards and letters in the snail mail. Recently I received a beautifully addressed letter on beautiful stationary. Unfortunately the "wrapping" was deceiving as it was actually a hateful letter penned by a relative who is angry with me over a moral issue in our family which I have taken a stand against. Fortunately for me, I knew I could go running back to my heavenly Father's love letters and find peace and comfort in the everlasting love that adorn His words. The hate letter I choose not to re-read. But I could never get enough of the love letters from God. Like you said, it is an active, personal love letter!