Time to pause to notice God’s gifts in life.
Continuing to count my blessings. . .
22. A new part-time job, a change of pace
23. Starbucks time with my dear friend, a spiritual mentor in life
24. Toastmasters International, as much as I stress about going each Thursday, it’s really a good place to learn and grow as a communicator
25. God’s grace in my life, it’s endless. Who am I to have such mercy?
26. Colorado thunderstorms, love the smell of rain
27. Freedom!!
28. Sweet new friendships I see developing in my kids’ lives
29. The power of prayer
30. Intimacy with God, the giver of all life
31. Peace
32. Knowing I’m loved as I am by God
33. The smell of clean laundry
34. Fans to cool my house down
35. My husband’s heart for the underdog
36. My daughter’s love of dance and heart for Africa (I wonder where she got that from. I pray to go someday with her on missions)
37. My son’s goofy and limitless sense of humor
38. Books and DVDs from the library
39. Creativity
40. Morning coffee
Oh, I have a spiritual mentor too who has become such a dear friend, she is such a blessing to me!
Can you believe I have never been in a Starbucks?
And yes, yes, yes, to every other number on your list. My son went on a mission trip to Costa Rica and Scotland and am sure he would love to go to Africa some day, if it is God’s will. I would have to stow away in the luggage:)
Blessings to you!
Visiting from Ann’s place
May I suggest you and your daughter consider a trip to Tanzania? Tanzania is located in eastern Africa just south of the Equator, and is my wife’s home country. I taught in Tanzanian secondary schools for nearly six years, and I met and married my wife in Tanzania (she was a secondary school teacher of Bookkeeping and Commerce at the first school I taught at). Tanzania still seems more our home that the USA is.
Good idea. I will have to see what door God opens. There are ministries here in town that we can team up with, but I don’t remember them doing to Tanzania. Thank you for sharing this invite.