God’s gifts continued. . .
221. Family time over Christmas break: laughter, singing Christmas carols , goofy gift exchange, hugs, dancing with Pops, yummy banana bread, seeing my mom, enjoying my brother’s puppies.
222. A new start to a new year (It’s January so I’m still thinking beginning. Are you?)
223. My dad’s advice about cars and random home repairs. He’s my long distance handyman.
224. My husband’s job and his hard work outside our home day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year.
225. Puppy prints on my hardwood floors.
226. My kids’ dirty laundry. They are still both living at home but not for long since Justin leaves in August for college.
227. The ability to type, even if I type my own way. Never took a typing class because I never thought I’d ever need it.
228. The local news coming over to interview my son about his wacky videos.
229. Giggling girls, my daughter and her friends.
230. Laughing with friends while playing Kinect.
231. The sound of my tabletop fountain
232. An accountability partner. What a difference it makes having to report to a friend on Tuesdays. My to-do list is getting done. A miracle. Praise!
233. Prayer with friends on Monday nights – over the phone 🙂
234. Hot Tamales – I heart candy..
235. Getting organized little by little
236. Setting up my office space after years of not having one. Finally ready to commit to a writing schedule.
237. Kindness of others
238. A Goodwill deal on a desk
239. Instrumental music that relaxes my soul
240. Hope, hope and more hope
To start counting your gifts or to add yours for this week, please visit Ann at A Holy Experience
I can relate to so many on this list. Thanks for sharing. Oh, and dirty laundry is a funny one. After our kids moved out within two weeks of each other, I struggled to find enough clothes to fill the washer. For a while, it was really weird. Thinking back, I have no idea how I kept up.
I can relate to the one about your son, leaving in Aug for college. Mine too…maybe. He hasn’t decided yet, but just the thought of him being gone for 2 years is making me weepy.
Deborah, thank you for sharing I am not the only one who is adjusting to letting a child go. Growing up is hard on this mom. I pray we stay encouraged and stick together. hugs