Counting my blessings continued. . .
136. the gift of much rain last week and then a rainbow
137. the joy of reading my son’s Youtube profile
138. Leadership luncheon for Women Inspired – listening to the precious hearts of – Sandra Aldrich, Tammy Maltby, Julie Gorman and Lorraine Pintus.
139. Working on home projects with my husband – painting, cleaning, sweeping and shopping at Home Depot together
140. The sound of laughter – my favorite!
141. Mums, the abundant fall flower in Colorado
142. Mascara and lipstick
143. Instrumental music
144. Reflective time, relaxing in the hot tub at the gym
145. Hugs and high fives
146. 12th floor view from my anniversary getaway
147. Hannah (my girl) watched The Passion of the Christ with her dad this weekend. She shed big tears and God comforted her with his love.
148. A friend asking me, “How are you?”
149. A hot shower
150. Living another day just to notice God’s wonders. (remember to stop, look and listen today!)
To start counting your gifts or to add yours for this week, please visit Ann at A Holy Experience
**Find Tea with Tiffany on Facebook here
That is so cool about your son’s YouTube profile. My 3 youngest children (11 and 8) still have not seen the Passion of the Christ. It was very intense for my older two children. I actually can’t watch it without getting very emotional. Love #150! I wrote a post not too long ago on 5 Minutes for Faith entitled “Stop, Look and Listen”. I would love your thoughts. You can find it here: