Some days are just hard, aren’t they? Like a pack mule, I carry burdens of those of love on my back and I ache. Fatigue steals my strength as I stare at my undone projects. More bills arrive in the mail. My car needs $60 worth of gas. My desk is a mess and my recliner overflows with clean, and now wrinkled, laundry. Anxiety swoops in and snatches my breath. I pray for air. With each new deep breath I’m granted, I say, “Thank You, Jesus, for breath.” But I still feel heavy. Call me hormonal. Call it the cares of this world knocking the wind right out of me. Call it war.
Regardless this is life. Life is full of tests, trials and the trivial.
Some days I wish I was a gypsy exploring new lands, leaving my dusty furniture and burdens behind.
But then I remember.
I look again at a photo I took recently. A love note scribbled in pink chalk on my kitchen chalkboard, words left for my son from his one and only love.
Words that remind me of Jesus and His promise of return.
Jesus said, “I’ll be back.” And like my son’s girlfriend, He said it with a smile, hugs and kisses, and a big heart.
He will return one day.
Yes, I can live another day there.
Remembering my first love.
The dust and my piles seem small when I focus on living IN that sweet first love.
To think we are always on God’s heart and mind is beyond my understanding.
There’s nothing like a good heavenly hug among the mundane, is there?
Please consider yourself squeezed by God today.
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. Matthew 11:28-30
Such a lovely post, Tiffany! Thanks!
This is so good. And boy can I relate.
Love this sweet reminder….
The Bible is a love letter from God.
He will be back!