(Read Romans 8:38-39)
Today I’m overwhelmed by the love of God. Last night, I had a plan: deliver a couple pizzas to a family in need and leave. God’s plan: So much more.
The man who gratefully accepted my take and bake pizzas invited me in for a few minutes. Since I know him(barely) and his wife(more), I stepped in. What a joy to see their two kids playing freely. I love little kids. Fun to see Hot Wheels all over the floor again. I hoped his wife would be home soon so I could hug her again. She wasn’t.
Anyway, we started talking. He asked about my writing and speaking. Kind of him to remember. Then he told me more about his suffering(disease). As he described his daily prayers, worship and gratitude, I wept tears of joy. He used powerful imagery to explain his relationship with God. I told him I needed a recorder to capture it all. He spent most of his childhood in an orphanage in India.
This man of faith knows suffering. As a child, and now as a married man with two children. And he still chooses Jesus. What an amazing story of really living!
I still feel emotional this morning. Full of gratitude to see someone walking by faith no matter what comes his way. Outwardly, this man is losing his physical strength, but inwardly he is more alive than most people I know. He’s not bitter. To him, little things like sunsets are big. He appreciates every day. He’s thankful for his disability because he is able be with his kids during the day since he cannot work anymore. He thanks God for his disease because it brought him the deepest desire of his heart: intimacy with Him. His peace is something the watching world cannot explain. I’m undone by the beauty of all of this. I see life being lived to the full in a man with an incurable disease.
I see Jesus.
What a gift God gave me as I delivered a simple meal to a family in need. I left feeling like I had dined at the King’s table. Stuffed and satisfied by God’s love.
This morning I’m hungry for more. 🙂 More of God’s love!
May this serve as a sweet reminder that nothing, including disease or death, can separate you from God’s love. Allow yourself to receive God’s love more and more and watch how joyful your life becomes. Even in dying, living in Jesus is beautiful.
(pic taken at a cemetery in Florida last month)
Please pray for this man and his precious family. No name given since they don’t know I’ve written this. I may ask and tell them.
I have goosebumps (or God-bumps as it should probably be more accurately stated).
I have had times where I counted every breath as a blessing, through pain or heartache.
Thank you for sharing his story. He is a light on a hill.
This is truly an amazing WFW post; Thank you so much for sharing; It's so great to meet you too! 🙂
Yes Lord! Make me, mold me after Your will! Praise YOU!
Tiffany it is a wonderful post today. I love to see people walk by faith not by site as well. I will pray the Lord gives me strength through my trying times, and sends the answers I am looking for, and the help. God bless you.
Did I see a smile in your writing???? You rule breaker! You were at the King's table. You were bringing dinner and God fed you! I lift this family up to God for everything they need. love you, B
This story speaks volumes of his spiritual character and just what God has been doing in his life.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
May we all see beauty through our trials like this precious man does. I love you sweet friend.
Thank you for sharing this story and reminding us to take time to "enjoy the sunsets".
You wanted to bless this man and family and you in turn were blessed even more:)) Thank you for sharing this.
"Whew"!!!!!!!! That's good,that's good!!! That is where I want to be willing to love and worship no matter what I am in or what I go through. Thanks Tiffany for sharing and being such a blessing to me.
Love ya and do have a wonderful evening.
I have been a bit out of sorts, today. I needed to hear this..I know it in my heart, but it was a definite boost in my spirit. Thank you for being you and sharing GODs love with each of us.
Blessings, andrea
What a beautiful thing God has done in his life to be able to praise Him through it all…it speaks volumes. How wonderful too that you could leave with your heart overflowing as well.
What a blessing to have eyes to see this man as Jesus sees Him, and to accept God's invitation to join in God's activity going on in his life. Thank you for sharing your blessing. I am blessed by this story!
Hello Turtle dove
So sweet a gift you were given in this encounter. So many things for us to learn. Trials can get us tired but that I might be so fond of an example. It is inspiring to hear off such a one.
Yes, that is a goosebumps worthy story you share here. When you fed "the least of these" God gave you back so much more that you were filled up.
Thank you for giving us spiritual nourishment with your words here.
Sweet Tiffany, thank you for sharing this story with us. How amazing about what this man goes through and yet how grateful he is.
And girl, how kind of you to put your faith in action. Your love is overflowing not only in the gift of pizza but also sharing this with your blogging sisters.
So many beautiful things shared here…precious moments…amazing love…abounding grace…heartfelt compassion…I have been fed by reading this post!
Love the story Tiffany, an all that you continue to do willingly, to share the Love that only God can provide. I love you much, Dad
I loved this story. It was beautiful.
I love how you love people…. You have touched my heart as I see you so easily offer what is under your care. I think one day you will see how much impact you have had on those you offer to love.
Your Papa God is smiling at you! I love how your Dad wrote right above me… I love seeing your earthly Dad display your Heavenly Dad's heart. They are both so delighted in you. Not because of anything you do, but just because you are….
Love ya!
"On the last and greatest day of the Feast, Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, "If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him!"
Beautiful story. What a blessing you are.
Beautiful! So wonderful that you listen to the voice of God! Enjoy your day!
Thank you Tiffany for posting this trully inspiring and amazing story. I feel as if I were there dining as I read it. I have been overwhelemed with Gods love alot lately, I just sit and weep when I think of his love, his grace and mercy. Just hearing his voice or the mention of Jesus I tear up.
Thank you Jesus for your compassion and never ending Love. God bless this family and be with this gentlemen.
God bless you friend.
Tiff, what a gift. I can just see you leaning forward as he spoke, trying to remember every word.
When we are hungry for Him, He never fails at giving us a spiritual bounty!
Can't wait to see where He takes you next.
What an adventure.
Beautiful piece of writing here, Tiffany, and a lovely story, too. Isn't it something that God blesses us when we bless others? … So happy you shared this story.
You have a beautiful heart. (And so does the disabled man in this story!)
Sending my love to you …
What a blessing to know that I am His…not matter WHAT blows my way. Beautiful reminder. 🙂
Beautiful! Thank you for sharing this story. It blessed me today.
I'll be praying for this family.
What a BEAUTIFUL post!!! Thank you for sharing!
With joy,
Hi Tiffany. I must confess I haven't read your post YET. I am in a rush to an appt. I wanted to say "Thank you" for missing me. Have a great day!
Hebrews 13.14 ~ For here we have no lasting city, but we seek the city that is to come.
2 Corinthians 4.17-18 ~ For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.
Colossians 3.1-3 ~ If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.
2 Corinthians 12.10 ~ For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
The common thread through each of these passages is this: we hope in the gospel, not in our circumstances. We hope in Jesus, not people. The end of our hope is not that our suffering is going away in this life necessarily (although it might); the end of our hope is being with Jesus in heaven. We ought to rejoice even in the suffering that God brings into our lives because we know that it will all work for our benefit by bringing us closer to Him!
Both pain and pleasure are meant to point us to the same reality; namely, that Jesus Christ is infinitely beautiful and so much more than enough for our every need. Living for Him, even suffering for Him, is worth every moment of affliction! Why? Because Jesus shows you such beauty in pain, because He is there and He is carrying us through. C.S. Lewis said, “God whispers in our pleasure and screams in our pain.” That is so true.
The sovereignty of God gives my wife's second battle with cancer a purpose. If God were not sovereign, disability and suffering would be pointless. So we cling to the hope that the God who spoke the universe into existence spoke these “slight, momentary afflictions” into "our" life for our good.
Disability and suffering and me and my wife exist for the glory of God. We pray that in times of suffering and times of pleasure, our lives would magnify the One who “died for all, that those who live might no longer live for themselves but for him who for their sake died and was raised (2 Corinthians 5:15).”
I sighed when I read this line
"And he still chooses Jesus"
Once you have known Him you realize that there is nothing else…only Him…no matter where life leads…Jesus only, Jesus first, Jesus always
Thank you for sharing this beautiful testimony. What an inspiration.
What an amazing story! God is so good. Thank you for sharing this Tiffany!
Bless you!
What a rich experience you had! Helping people is so much more meaningful when you get to know them a little. Scratch the surface of anyone, and you find so much more than you can imagine. Thanks for sharing this very touching evening.
Tiffany, I just stumbled upon your blog through Faithful Bloggers. Your sweet, encouraging spirit and your love for God and people shines through on every page. I share your passion for Christ and ministry~
We live in California, but our son is a cadet at the Air Force Academy, we visit Colorado often. small world… isn't it.
Blessings to you~
Wow.. what a story Tiffany! It brought goosebumps and I read of this wonderful man that has suffered so but still places it all in God's hands. A beautiful witness!
And he still chooses Jesus. A painfilled childhood, and a painful present. Yet he chooses joy.
Thank you for this post.
I should come visit your blog more often, but I have not been active in blog land these past weeks.
I am grateful I came by today. I am sure you act of kindness, bringing over that box of pizza touched the heart of that family deeply.
Beautiful story, it reminds me of "blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven".
It seems you got a kiss from the King!