Recently I had a chat with my neighbor. I thought since he’s a handyman maybe he had a drill bit I could borrow instead of buying one. Not so lucky. (The bit I needed cost me $20.) When I knocked on his door, we talked about our summers, our vacations, the neighborhood, and life. He told me what he’s been up to lately. He’s researching his family tree online–his new hobby since he retired. As we spoke, he told me about his ancestors coming to America a few centuries ago. He mentioned his relatives and how some of them were killed or died. The best word to describe him would be: passionate. Even his wife asked him to stop his research in the evenings so she could spend time with him. His comment to me, “I spent 400 hours last month on Can you believe that? 400 hours.”
This conversation happened about two weeks ago and I’m still thinking. And if you know me, you know where I’m going. My neighbor is fascinated about his heritage. Enough so that he is willing to invest hundreds of hours per month researching and recording it all for the next generation.
As a Christian, I have a family tree. A heritage and it’s all recorded in one book for me to glean from. How many hours do I spend learning about those who’ve gone before me? Am I passionate like my neighbor? Do I enjoy talking about the interesting life stories and discoveries I find?
One last thing he said to me, “I told my kids when I die, they better not throw it all away.” Hmm. There’s another topic in itself.
Your thoughts?
Hey friend, I loved this.
Thanks for sharing….we’re heading out of town.
Check in with you when I get back.
What a great post. It truly amazes me, how in our culture today our history…seems to get lost.
What a great reminder of how I need to be familiar with my christian for-fathers.
Hey Tiffany,
After reading my email you know how much I truly appreciate my heritage in Christ!
Yes, it’s it wonderful to study those who went before us, and I believe cheering us along as we journey toward home.
Blessings my sweet friend♥
Isn’t it amazing in all of the history that people study they forget that it’s HIS STORY!!
Let us never forget the True Author of our ancestry.
God bless you this day!
What a great post!! I am new to your site and absolutely Loved it.
I love what debra said, It’s his story.
Would love to come back and read more. Thanks for the great fresh reminder.
God Bless
Great post! Love the way you eased the application in – non-painful, but still a shot of what the doctor orders for each of us!
Can’t wait to hear part 2 of this post…