(FIRST DRAFT OF MY STORY, written 5-11-2009)
I grew up as a shy girl in Phoenix, Arizona. For some reason I always felt less than others. I am the oldest of four siblings. We moved a lot. Growing up there was substance abuse in our home, which was hard on all of us. (Praise God there is freedom today! No more addiction.)
Thanks to my two aunts, I accepted Christ when I was 9 years old. However my faith was taunted with religion. My first Bible had extra rules in my own handwriting: Do not wear black. No rock music. No dancing.
God wasn’t appealing to me as I saw Him as a mean judge if I didn’t behave just right. My family didn’t attend church regularly. I attended church off and on and went to AWANAS with friends.
At age 7 and then again at 13, I was sexually abused by older men. Because of this I felt deep shame. I felt used and dirty. Devalued. The abuse experience when I was 13 involved me and a friend. She was raped in front of me. We were in an extremely dangerous position. I felt false responsibility since I invited her to join me.
After that experience, I gave up on there being a good, loving God. I could write pages about my experiences during my teens and early twenties.(But I’m trying to keep this short) I’ve been there, done that with most things. I was extremely insecure and focused on my body size to the point of obsession(I had a 24 inch waist but thought I was fat). Body image was a huge struggle for me.
During these years I tried the bar scene. Sought attention of guys, but hated them at the same time. I felt depressed and unworthy, but I hid behind my laughter, the right clothes, my make up and hair. I continued to make poor choices and found myself pregnant–unmarried. That led to my abortion, which led to more shame.
The following year I got married to my current husband, Derek. We struggled during our early years of marriage. I was still emotionally unstable. Wounded. I had an emotional affair, which made me feel like a complete loser. I felt like I would never find help or hope because I kept repeating behaviors I hated about myself. I needed to break free from me.
A couple years later after a move to Colorado, we hit financial rock bottom and filed bankruptcy. More failure and shame. (So much more I could say here too.)
In 1996, our hard times led us to God–the real hope we needed, thanks to a Christian couple who invited us to church.
Praise God, I’ve been walking with Him ever since. π
However the first five years I felt like I was at an arm’s length from God. I didn’t feel worthy to come any closer yet I longed for intimacy. By God’s grace, He led me to a desert place literally. For good purpose. There real change and healing began. I felt the Word came alive like never before. I heard from God personally. I feel undone by God’s love. I danced, prayed, praised, fasted, sang, and felt His JOY.
And out of that I started my writing journey. Compelled to share what God was doing in my heart, I’d write devotions and e-mail them to friends and family. They’d respond with encouragement. So I’d share again.
I haven’t stopped since. I’m wild about Jesus! I live to tell…
I thank God for His relentless pursuit for this once wild child. He has captured my heart for good. God’s done a mighty healing work in my heart and I am free! I love to share that freedom with others.
βIt is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.β Galatians 5:1(NIV).
Okay, there you have it. A Reader’s Digest version of my life.
My prayer is that God use my mess and passions to help others. I speak to teens, college-age girls, moms, and women of all ages. To contact me, please email me on my “contact link. In December 2009, I had the privilege of sharing my story to 96 incarcerated teen boys and girls and 15 of them said YES to Jesus. Talk about joy!
I live in Colorado Springs, Colorado with my husband Derek and two precious teenagers, Justin and Hannah. Everyday Pikes Peak reminds me of the greatest and majestic of my creator–Almighty God.
My life purpose statement is “I am a lens that helps people focus on what really matters.”
I’m known as the Stop, Look and Listen Girl. And for me, that’s finding God in the everyday. Looking and listening for the ways He will surprise me with love. Through the Holy Spirit’s leading, I hope I do that every day that I live in both the little and big things.
Your messages are so powerful and has kept me uplifted during this time in my life. My teenager decided to “run away” yesterday. I have been lost and confused. While at work I prayed for God’s Mercy over his life. I read everything you had posted and it has soothed my spirit :-). Continue to be a blessing!
Tiffany Reynolds
You have a better grip on the Christian life than many people that I come in contact with. Truly, it was a joy to read about your journey…and that is what it is for all of us, a journey. You say you are a rich woman,and you are because…You, know The Truth and the Truth has set you free!! We are all free ONLY because of His Amazing Grace. Thank you for blessing my day in such a special way. I look forward to learning to know you better.
Your post relates very much to where I am now. I am in a “waiting room” waiting to see the next move. The door seems shut, but I know that dawn is breaking forth very soon… I don’t want to miss that next crucial step.
Thank you for visiting my blog, which enabled me to find you.
Praise God…..He sure knows how to navigate us through the Internet, doesn’t He?
I am so thrilled to find your blog…so real, so inspiring. I led a reckless life in my late teens, early twenties. But we serve a faithful God who was waiting with open loving arms…so forgiving when I cried out to Him. I have not taken my eyes off of Him since…and even when I stumble (which I still do…..not in the same ways, but sin nevertheless…..) He is always there to brush me off and keep me in the right direction. I know He has great plans for me!
God Bless you Tiffany!
Hi Tiffany I found your blog via Lynn's at Heading Home. What a thrill to read your words and your story – really precious.
My name is Sylvia and I live in the U.K. and I pray God's wisdom and anointed blessing on your life and your family.
It's amazing how God lifts us out of they dysfuntion of our past into the life He designed for us. What an amazing story! Thanks for sharing it!
Thank you for stopping by my blog which lead me to yours… powerful story and oh so familiar to me. I too have lead a "worldly" life but was found by our precious King and I am reminded everyday that I am HIS and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Thank you for sharing. I am currently working on updating my blog and adding things as I have time. I am extremely busy, but I find that I can get lost in the pages of the internet because here I find so many stories just like mine and yours. Those of us who found the truth that our Lord not only forgives us of our sin of abortion, but He redeems it as well!
In the grip of HIS grace,
Our Father God IS so amazing. My past is quite similar to yours.
God IS the Healer, and He DOES make all things new, and beautiful in His time!!! Thank you SO much for sharing your heart with us precious sister.
Hi Tiffany, thanks for sharing your journey. What a good God we have.
Was great to have you stop by my blog. Many blessings,
What a beautiful testimony! Your life statement is so very inspiring…so glad I stopped by….
It was such a blessing to meet you and hear you speak this weekend. Your story is similar to my own, although boldness in sharing that testimony is something I'm still working on.
I thank God for the boldness He has given you. It is an encouragement beyond words.
Thank you for sharing your "story" with all of us – it has given me encouragement to write my own π So many things in common with you and yet my own unique story. God is so amazing in taking such messed up and broken lives and giving a new life with incredible blessings! God bless you!
What an amazing story of the love of God in your life. Praise Him for bringing beauty from your ashes. I pray that He continues to use your life as a testimony to His glory! Your faith is a great encouragement to all of us!
With joy,
Tiffany, thank you for being transparent. I am thankful for the work God has done in you, isn't He just amazing???? Wow! I love that.
popped over to catch up with ya and you blessed me! i love how our God redeems!!!!
Love your life purpose statement! Following your blog, and I'd like to invite you to follow mine at http://barbarajrobinson.blogspot.com Thanks for sharing your story from the heart and soul!
Tiffany, I'm so glad that you visited my Bridge. Thanks for picking up the pencil to connect, and also the follow. I am blessed to follow you here as well. Such an empowering story of The transforming Grace of God.
WE have some things in common – sexual abuse and abortion. My abortion was done against me and my child – by a deceptive doctor who gave me a 'pill' to supposedly make me start my period – promising that it would not harm the baby – if I was indeed pregnant. (it was 2 months after the abortion pill was legalized- and I was so naive – I knew nothing about this pill).
I would have never known for sure that I was pregnant, had the Lord not caused me to catch the baby in th palm of my hand. I was left with much of the same issues that plague others who've experienced abortion.
What horrendous stuff you've managed to live through….
But God… had a plan and I see Him unfolding it right here in Blogvilla with your story of God's love and grace. May He continue to bless you as you share His love and grace to the world!
God's favor be upon you and your family, Tiffany – thanks for connecting – thanks for becoming my new friend!
Patrina <")>><
His watchman on the wall
Thank you for sharing your testimony. Only God can do what has been done in your life. God is God..all the time. Great Blog
Amen. I am SO thankful that Jehovah God is THE faithful One. I've been destructive and am a work-in-progress. I'm so glad His lovingkindness stretches out forever … where would we be? So glad I came by. Thanks, Jenn
Hello, Tiffany! Thanks for stopping by my secondary blog (the one I use like a facebook page…smile) I am so happy to meet you…I have a dear friend who moved to Colorado Springs some years back…and so I can perfectly imagine the beauty of the place where you live! You have an amazing testimony…and your thoughts about freedom in Christ reminded me of Dr. Neil Anderson's books…Have you read them? I'm sure God is using you in incredible ways to touch lives with His love and hope! I look forward to getting to know you better! Thank you so much for extending a friendly "hello!" to me…I don't know how you found me, but I am so very, very glad you did! ~Janine XO
praise God, from whom all blessings
flow! what an amazing, vulnerable,
and moving testimony.
it greatly encouraged me.
A beautiful story of how God brought you through so much because He loves you so much. I came to read your story because I have a friend who had just started blogging and I think you might want to hear her story. It is truly amazing what God has brought her through. She is ar http://boxmenot.blogspot.com. I'm sure she would enjoy having you visit her. She has a link to a Video that she did about her life.
God is so good.
Blessings, AE
loved reading your testimony. thanks so much for sharing it π what a GOOD work He has done in you…and what FREEDOM you now have! π much love to you, krista
I was touched by your testimony… thank you for sharing so honestly and openly.
I have things in common with you, one of them, being saved in the same year! It was the turning point of my life. I have never been the same since, as I know you haven't either.
God bless you sweet sister in the Lord.
Your blog is so inspiring and uplifting and I'm glad you share. You encourage me to share – it's scary putting your heart and life out there for all to see. Our stories are slightly similar. I'd love for you to read my testimony – As if I never sinned – Blessings; your sister in Christ,
I just stumbled on to your blog…thank you for sharing your story! What a blessing to see again and again how loving God is to lead us back to Him!
Hugs, Carolyn ~ Cottage Sunshine
You are an inspiration. I cannot even imagine half of what you have been through. May God continue to bless you with a happy life.
Amazing Tiffany. Thank you for sharing your story and beautiful heart.
Amen!! What an awesome testimony! How amazing is our God, and His faithfulness! Thank you for sharing this, and bringing healing to so many who are hurting out there!
Bless you!