What makes your heart ache?
For me, it’s the lack of intimacy with my husband, my family and my friends right now. By intimacy, I mean connecting with others on a God level. I feel alone in my faith walk. I long to share my God moments with others more deeply–and more often.
To finish the devotion, please visit me at Laced with Grace.
Loved this friend! I left this over at Laced With Grace site, but wanted to leave it here too.
Absolutely beautiful…..just as your heart….
I understand COMPLETELY what you are saying…you know I do.
I think what Papa God continues to speak to me is that it truly is about love. Love because we were first loved. When He takes me to 1 Corinthians 13: I am pierced everytime. He loved not thinking of Himself, but of Papa God. It’s hard to do, so very hard to do. So when I read His words to you, “Love First”…. I am drawn back to that place of remembering that He created me to be a gift of love to the earth.
May I learn to love as He did, allowing the overflow of my deep intimate times with Papa to pour out over me and into the lives around me.
I LOVE your heart!
Love ya, dear friend,
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I love you my beautiful friend.
(I’ve left this same comment at Laced with Grace.)
Thank you for so openly sharing your heart. This stung with conviction. Like you, at times I have found ways to quiet my heart’s cry through food, or sometimes simply busyness. I think that’s why I was so quickly drawn to blogging. On one level, it has fulfilled a longing for fellowship with like-minded women. I know however, I have to be careful. It can quickly become just another distraction from hearing the voice of God. Not to mention, it becomes easier than ever to try and satisfy my longing for intimacy with God through reading what He is doing and saying in the lives of others. Second hand truth may fulfill for a time, but in the end, it’s also hollow. God is the only one who can meet the deepest longings of my heart for intimacy. He knows the aches I seldom even allow myself to feel. I echo your prayer tonight…this plea especially touches me…”Help me trust You with my longing…” May it be so, Lord.
Thank you again, Tiffany. I am continually blessed by your heart for the Lord.
I’m going to read it tomorrow when I have more time…I’m falling asleep now and want to pay attention to your words of wisdom!
I have something for you at my blog. Come on over and check it out.