Thought I’d pop in today and share my experience at the Universtiy of Denver with you. After all, I asked for prayer this week about this. So thank you for all your prayers.
I have a couple words that describe my volunteer time during Life Days.
Eye opening.
I finally feel like I know in a small way what it’s like to be persecuted for Christ. Even though my experience is minimal, this was the first time in my life I’ve stood up for something(in the public eye) and felt the response of others. We had little conversation with the students, but let’s just say no words were needed. Bodies spoke for themselves. Eyes rolled. Heads nodded. Women, especially, chose to walk far from the table. They wouldn’t even glance over. We read their emotions.
Men, on the other hand, came up in groups of two or three to look at the pictures of the stages of life. They had interesting conversations about the Dean’s letter. I guess the Dean of Students sent an email to warn the law students of the graphic nature of the display. Not! These guys said our pictures were not graphic and that they would be found in any medical book. They didn’t get why the Dean made such a hype about this. I can guess why!
We had one hard conversation with a gal and her friend. She was prochoice and a Christian, so she said. She was calm in her answers to us, but stewing no doubt on the inside. Angry we were there. She leans on the Supreme Court with their decision that abortion is a women’s right to choose. I’m now praying for her.
Anyway, I feel so thankful for this firsthand experience. To watch the students(our future lawyers and justice) respond to us was painful. I grieve over the fact that they had no interest or even disgust over this issue. This experience was perfect to prepare my heart for Wednesday’s radio interview. I’m sad that people aren’t open to consider when life begins or talk to about the after effects of abortion. I find comfort knowing God is working even when it doesn’t look like it.
I came home feeling again like I was fighting an invisible war. I felt like I spent the day on the battlefield. I teared up some. I felt tired and weary. But I refused to stay there. Instead I put on my praise music loud and praised God for brokenness. I praised Him for giving me the opportunity to stand for truth and precious life. I thanked Him for hours to connect with one of my dearest friends. I praised Him for choosing to send me to battle. I feel so small but I serve a HUGE God. I eventually came to a place of rest again. I accepted the challenge to continue to step forward into this arena for as long and as often as He chooses to use me. I found peace again. Thank you, Lord. Courage to carry on, armed for more bloody war.
I am overwhelmed by God’s love and goodness. He always sings His love songs over me. I no longer live to please others or to be liked(my former god), I must stand up and speak up for those who cannot. For the unborn. And for those still bound by shame over their abortion decision.
Freedom is a beautiful thing!
God bless you, Tiffany! for your willingness to ‘go into the highways and biways’ and compel them to come to the saving knowledge of Jesus. I pray for those that came by, those that avoided your table, those that spoke to you.
Thank you for your voice. God sees you as beautiful.
Tiffany, it was before the pictures! Those pictures aren’t grapic.
As far as care on your blog, it is my honor and I am grateful to the Lord for bringing us together via cyberspace.
I admire your willingness to follow what you feel God has led you to do. You are a courageous woman of God and I know he is proud of you! I am sure you touched more hearts than you realize.
Oh I forgot to mention the comic relief!
We were next to a bake sale on one side and an animal activist(save the pig)on the other!
Thank you for your courage. It is encouraging to me. God has been pursuing me for some time to share my story with more women and to go to battle for his babies. God bless you!
I think God was letting you have a greater understanding of where many are on abortion. It didn’t matter if they came up to your table or not. God was working. He always is. You are walking turtle girl. B
I really didn’t imagine a “non-reaction” to your time up there.
I didn’t imagine people avoiding you.
But, even the avoidance was hostile, you say.
And more men then women coming to talk with you.
And the Dean sent out a “warning” letter?
What happened to freedom of speech?
I will be praying for your radio interview.
Bless you sweetie for your efforts, love you.
Freedom is, indeed,a beautiful thing. I like what B said, that God was revealing the state of the battlefield to you? You are a strong lady, Tiffany. God will honor your courage in this ministry.
I am a pro-life gal and actually did a vlog today partially on this subject. Thank you for standing and doing the difficult.
Thank you my dear friend for standing up for life. You are right. This is not an issue we can be quiet about. Thank you for being willing to put yourself out there. You are an inspiration to others!
Take care my friend!
I pray you have a wonderful Valentine’s Day!
I have three good friends, whose mothers had almost chosen abortion. These friends are so wonderful I can’t imagine never having met them.
It’s my belief that people are becoming cold to the ‘subject’ of abortion and that could be why most of the women walked passed your table. However, for alot of men – they don’t have a choice. I also have a friend who had an abortion, yet her partner begged her not to because he wanted a child. But he had no choice.
It’s such a battle.
You are doing a great job by presenting these facts and showing that there is another way.
May God truly bless you.
Thank you, Tiffany! Although the women at the university didn’t want to talk with you, you made a huge statement. Actually, several statements. One of them is “It’s OK to talk about tough choices you’ve made.” I have no doubt you brought in winds of healing to that place. God is blessing you.
God will bless you far beyond what you can ever imagine has you stand up for His Truth.
We must remember,when we share our story,seeds are planted!
love and hugs~Tammy
Good to hear about your time there…..
One step in the direction that Papa has asked you to go. You followed where He led…
Love ya bunches!
I’m so glad to hear how the Lord is using this experience in your life! It sounds as if He is preparing you for a ministry of being light in the dark recesses of young women’s hearts.
Always remember, they need Jesus. That’s where the true transformation will begin. I know you know that… Praying for your continuing ministry.
PS The little ‘babies’ will be in the mail on Monday. Sorry I didn’t get them out earlier this week. I fell under the weather and haven’t been out of the house since Tuesday. But they are resting comfortably in a little box in my to-go bag that goes with me when I leave the house each day.
Love you my friend.
Thanks for sharing about your day.
Praying many who took a glance will never forget what they saw.
Thanks for being so courageous Tiffany♥
Thank you for stepping out in obedience and lending your voice to the voiceless. I pray you will be energized for the battle ahead.
Good for you Tiffany in standing up for what you believe. It can be difficult when you’re in the minority on a college campus. But you’re sharing the truth in love. One thing that popped out for me that you wrote was that your former god was being liked. I didn’t really think much about that but you’re so right. We are to please the Lord and not worry about pleasing others.