Shout for joy, O heavens; rejoice, O earth; burst into song, O mountains! For the LORD comforts his people and will have compassion on his afflicted ones. Isaiah 49:13(NIV)
These pictures are absolutely beautiful….
Thank you for sharing them with us…
As Marsha says: “Breathtaking!”
As always, your post is awe inspiring.
Wow, is this by your house??? Amazing…
So awesomely beautiful.
Tea With Tiffanysays
This is Pikes Peak! In Colorado Springs where I live. I’m always looking at this mountain. The view always changes. It’s always amazing!
Redeemed By His Lovesays
Tiffany, So beautiful!! I have been there! I use to live in CO Springs when I was a teenager! My family and I use to camp all over CO. I remember waking up in the morning and looking out my bedroom window at Pike’s Peak. I miss the mountains. The Lord is so amazing! I don’t know how some can see such beauty and not look to our Creator, but I am praying more will. Thank you for renewing memories, Miriam
These pictures are absolutely beautiful….
Thank you for sharing them with us…
As Marsha says: “Breathtaking!”
As always, your post is awe inspiring.
Wow, is this by your house??? Amazing…
So awesomely beautiful.
This is Pikes Peak! In Colorado Springs where I live. I’m always looking at this mountain. The view always changes. It’s always amazing!
So beautiful!!
I have been there! I use to live in CO Springs when I was a teenager! My family and I use to camp all over CO.
I remember waking up in the morning and looking out my bedroom window at Pike’s Peak. I miss the mountains.
The Lord is so amazing! I don’t know how some can see such beauty and not look to our Creator, but I am praying more will.
Thank you for renewing memories,