Finally getting back to answering your questions from June. Sorry for the delay. Summer is here.
Here we go:
christy rose asked…How long ago did you start blogging? and why?
I started blogging back in March of 2005. Why? Because I was wanting to write regularly and blogging would be a way to discipline myself to write. Also at the time I wanted to write more for publication and blogging was the next best thing to do for aspiring writers. So I did. Now blogging is so much more to me. It’s about people.
How do you decide what blogs you read consistently?
I’ve written about this struggle in my 500th post blog entry recently. I don’t do a very good job at figuring out whose blog to read and when. I often end up reading those who comment more than others. With summer here, my visits are even less than before. I am a random kind of person, so there is no pattern to follow with me. ๐ I’m known to change my mind.
Denise asked…How did you come to know Jesus?
My two aunts explained to me the salvation process when I was nine. I acknowledged I was a sinner and accepted Jesus into my heart then. However, my faith wavered and even faded as I grew up. By high school, I was far from faith. After hitting rock bottom after rock bottom as a young adult, I finally rededicated my life to Christ in 1995. Since then I’ve never turned back. My relationship with Jesus is the best and most satisfying love I’ve ever known.
Marsha asked…If you found yourself imprisoned and you were only able to smuggle one page of Scripture in with you, which one would it be and why?
Only one page? Are you serious, Marsha? No fair. Okay I’ll try to pick one. How about page 2043 of my NIV Life Application Bible, which is Romans 8:28-39.
My reason: Because I need the constant reminder of God’s love for me in verses 38 and 39. And there’s an amazing chunk of scripture above that about us being more than conquerors. There’s so much to cling to on this one page. Especially during a hardship like being behind bars. Marsha, why do I have to go to jail anyway?
~*Michelle*~ asked…How do you feel God communicates with you most effectively?
Another great question. God is a creative God. He speaks through so many means. Obviously His Word is one strong way, also through worship music. He uses others and circumstances and nature too. For me, I find God communicates in my ordinary-going-about-my-day life by what I see and hear. I’m a visual learner, so often I see something and then I sense there’s spiritual truth in it. I’m also an observer and listener. God speaks as I sit still with journal and pen and I write what I sense in my heart. I used to doubt His voice, but it always lines up with scripture. I’m so thankful for the intimacy I have in my relationship with God.
What are your biggest struggles in your walk of faith?
Complete trust in the face of doubts and fears and even my dreams.
Obedience–all the time. It’s easier to be selfish instead of servant-like.
Loving first, especially when I feel like I should be loved first. LOL Sounds like a brat, huh?
(Wow, that’s just a start!)
If you were an ice cream flavor….what would you be and why?
Mocha Almond Fudge.
Three reasons. One, I’m kind of nutty. Two, most people love coffee and want a quick jolt. Three, fudge is a form of chocolate, right? Who doesn’t love that?
Bottom line, I want to be a sweet, somewhat nutty, energizing kind of friend!
Thanks, friends, for asking questions. The final post of answers is written and scheduled to post on Wednesday. ๐
Walk the Talk! I know that's biblical and I feel that from you.
Thanks for posting all of these. I feel like I know you better now. Blessings to you,
Love your answers to these questions! I learn so much about you and I too love chocolate and coffee, but not in the same food item like ice cream.
I just appreciate my coffee in a tall cup with a lid so it doesn't chill too fast for me to finish it. I hate cold coffee.
So glad that you answered some of these very creative questions and hope to enjoy more with each passing day!
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Thanks for sharing you with all of us Tiffany!
You are so amazing, fun, sweet…and all wrapped upto one beautiful package…such a blessing to this world!
Boy do I have a hankering for icecream now ….:)
Mocha Almond Fudge & Romans 8 — Excellence!
~ Wendy
Summer greetings to you Tiffany!
I haven't been by in awhile-summer is so busy. Have you been enjoying all the rain we've gotten this year; I'm tired of it but it makes me wonderful what our fall/winter will be like.
Blessings to you and yours.
You make a girl want to blog! b
Why do you have to go to jail anyway? Because you were with me and we were trying to protect women who are being persecuted for their faith.
This question was actually inspired by an article I recently read. This actually happened to some people in the persecuted church. A whole group of them were imprisoned and they each took a page from a Bible and that's what kept their spirits up.
Great answer. What's on the other page that would encourage us while we're there, Tiff?
Awesome answers.
I love your ice cream answer! Too cool!
I very much relate to your God communicate answer for Michelle.
I started prayer journaling in middle school and love to go back and read them.