Sharing another sweet find from a couple nights ago. I’m guessing Justin grew this at least 5 years ago. I’m thinking more like 8.
If you read my Stop, Look and Listen – Release, you may know why I loved this picture. If not, maybe reading it will help you appreciate this drawing.
God has a sweet way of confirming the idea of releasing our lives to Him, don’t you think?
Want to cry? Please consider watching this precious video, 99 Balloons. I’ve seen it 5 plus times. I’m moved every time.
Enjoy this day walking with God! I’m off to Bible study this morning. Kids are out at noon today. Then parent-teacher conferences this afternoon. Let’s not forget tomorrow starts our family vacation. Off to Florida for fall break. We’re excited.
ok i'm crying. Wow.
What a beautiful tribute to Eliot and how God showed Himself in his life.
Happy Vacation Tiffany. I will see you soon. Let me know if I am supposed to bring something to the retreat. Love you girl…can't wait to meet you!!!!!!
Your friend B
This was especially moving and difficult for me to watch because at our daughter's 20-week ultrasound, the doctor told us they suspected trisomy 13 or 18.
The next two days until the amnio results came back were the hardest days of my believing life, but in my pain, I was held up by the prayers of our friends and by my awareness of God's close presence.
This video blesses me with the knowledge that had God not chosen to heal her, He would have provided for us the strength to love her and care for her as they loved Eliot. I love these parents in the video. Their testimony has probably helped thousands.
This was a first for me viewing this video and how heartbreaking it was for me not only to grieve with these parents but rejoice with them as well as they know that they beautiful little boy will be waiting for them to be reunited once again as a fully complete family in Heaven. What a wonderful testimony of what God is capable of despite doctors advising otherwise.
Thank you my beautiful friend, for your loving words and blessings I receive each time I come here. I can't wait for the day when God makes it possible for us to meet one another. May He provide safe travels for you and your family and give you love and joy as you enjoy your family vacation together in Florida.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
I had heard about this…but had never seen it. Trying to type now through my tears…what a story, what a precious little life. Thanks for sharing.
Have a wonderful fall break with your family!
This video just brought tears.
Very touching. I watched it twice, the second time with my children.
It brought some good conversation.
Keep releasing those ballons, God will show you the way.
Thank you for sharing, the pictures from your son. What a blessing.
Have a wonderful time with your family. I'll keep you in my prayers as you travel.
Wow, please pass the kleenex.
No words can't express how this affected me.
Thank You God for reminding me that YOU are the Almighty God. All things are possible with You. My strength comes from You. In Jesus' name, amen.
I have seen this before, and I'm still crying my eyes out. This is such a precious, precious tribute.
Praying for your vacation, Tiffany. Be blessed with joy, relaxation, and wonderful memories.
This video makes me cry every time!
I hope you guys have a great time in Florida!!
This sounds so much like my sister and brother in-law's story…except they had a daughter, Nicole Grace who beat Trisomy 18 for 5 1/2 months. The impact Nicole had on people's lives–though she never uttered a word–was beyond anything you could imagine. In fact, she taught me how to live.
As soon as the video started I remembered having seen it before. Deeply moving. What faith in these young parents. I pray God's blessing upon them.
The comments from Rosslyn were also moving, especially having just watched the video. Thank you Rosslyn.
Thanks for sharing that moving story!!
Have a great vacay!!