My dear friend, Melisa, and her husband are going through the long extensive process of adoption. Training classes, calls to interview agencies, piles of paperwork, internet research, blood work. The list goes on. Throughout the process, they’ve received a couple calls about a possible child available, only to be let down when they found out they weren’t chosen.
They have prayerfully considered all their options: in the states or out of the country, male or female, newborn or older. They finally landed on what I call a “China doll,” a little girl from China between the ages of one and four. And they’ve been waiting for her ever since.
Well late last week, they received another one of those calls asking them to consider a child. A newborn African American boy from Alabama. They said “yes, have the parents consider us.”
Today they got the answer. The parents picked them! God finally opened up a door, an unexpected door, but the perfect door. It’s a miracle. A newborn boy they can have this weekend compared to an older girl later this year. God is so creative in the ways He works. He surprises me. No one could have predicted this. Yet I love His ways.
I cannot wait. I’m full of excitement and love for this sweet boy I’ve never met. I’m dancing and singing inside. Maybe, I should cut loose and dance and sing outloud instead. Why hold back my joy? I cannot imagine the joy Melisa and Kenny must have. Their love for this child already, their excitement, their fears.
In less than a week, I’ll be eagerly waiting along with many others at the airport to meet Isaac. Yes, they have named him already. And the name couldn’t be more perfect. It means laughter.
Melisa and Kenny are Caucasian. I believe God is going to use their story to continue to tear down the walls of prejudice.
There is one race—the human race!
Please pray for the safe arrival of Isaac.
Tiff: I can’t believe you wrote this already! What a beautiful commentary on Kenny and Melisa’s journey. I too, am so excited for them and can’t wait to meet Isaac to welcome him home into our community of believers! Thanks for the reminder that God does work miracles – every day! Love ya!
For someone who is just starting out on the very first steps of this long journey of adoption, this was a very encouraging story. Thanks.