What breaks your heart?
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This is a question I am thinking about. Here’s just a glimpse of mine:
* Oprah’s newest online class and her book endorsements. I stand that there is only one true God–Jesus Christ.
* Sex slavery
* Poverty
* People without hope
* Children without homes
Speak out, sisters (and brothers, if you are out there). I’d love to hear your thoughts.
You have the gift of encouragement. Your comment gave my heart wings today. Thank you so much for your sweet words.
I feel so undeserving and pray that I will step out into the water of the unknown with faith.
Bless you, Joanne
I so agree with you Tiffany, it saddens me to know people are being led astray by an influential person.
My heart breaks with you over this my dear friend.
Hey Tiffany-
I found you through our mutual friend Marsha. I’ve noticed your comments on her blog before, and I’m so glad I picked today to visit your blog. I was very pained to hear a few months ago about O’s new online course. I really thought it was a joke at first. You know, someone just trying to tarnish this wonderful, strong, giving women’s image. Wow! Were my eyes opened. I have admired her for so long and even dreamed about interviewing her and Maya Angelo. It bothered me so much in my spirit that I stopped watching her. It literally broke my heart. I even tried to talk myself out of it- saying maybe I’m being too judgmental (refusing to watch her.) Imean she does alot of good things…Then I came across a VHS tape of her show that my mom (who has now passed,) recorded years ago, when The Last Temptation of Christ came out. Amist the 2 opposing sides, she brought in a man, who she said changed her life…He wrote a book stating his belief that Jesus is in all of us, and that he came to show us that we are all children of God and his brother, therefore, we all have divinity w/ in us. Whooa! I was floored. And it was confermation enough for me. I’m w/ you- there is only One- and He is my savior. I’m not fit to stand in His prescence (but for grace-)let alone believe I am as worthy as He. Revelation talks about a Jezabel, who will rise up in the end times and be embraced as a great teacher. Now, I’m not saying that it is her-(that is a bit rash, and who am I to say that any way, but it is a scary thought the way it aligns w/ her image and what’s currently going on. Anyway, I realize, I could have written a post here- all to say I agree w/ your #1. I’ve been considering discussing it on my blog, but I know that there would be a backlash, I better be prepared to deal with if I do. So, I’m praying about it. And my #1 heart break is anything that divides the Body of Christ! It pains me (to tears- literally,) to see brothers and sisters in Christ hurting or tearing each other down. #2 Abuse- I am a survivor of S*abuse, and could probably give you a whole chapter for your book on Shame. #3 Those in need..(physically, spiritually,financially or emotionally/mentally.) #4 Those who are sooo open minded and liberal that thay want us to accept and embrace all of their beliefs, but they are not above persecuting us (as Christians) for ours. I have been so hurt by viciousness out of their hearts and mouths. #5 That America- not just the country, but the ideal of all it stands for has some how been lost. I am very idealistic, conservative, and old fashioned. But I am not ashamed of these qualities! GREAT POST! I’m glad I could be a part of it!
You are amazing Tiffany. I agree with your and will add a few:
Believers who still live in bondage
Suffering of others (Have you read the blog Bring the Rain? – My heart thuds each time I read it even though there is hope in the situation through Christ, it still brings me to tears)
Mistreated children
People being bullied
Knowing that my sins have hurt others.
~Oppressed women and children.
~Knowing people are starving around the world when I put left overs away in the frig this evening.
~Christians still trapped in bondage to their sin and/or past.
I’m glad the other Tiffany came over. I loved her comments.
All the things you listed break my heart, and also children in abusive homes with no way out.
As always…a GREAT POST!!
I agree with the things you’ve listed…and a few others:
~I’m saddened by the state of the church and the fact that we want to “tickle ears” instead of preaching truth. We want numbers…rather than changed lives.
~The road our youth are heading down.
~People believing that there are NO absolutes anymore. There are…God’s word is the roadmap….to find his truth.
I agree with you and..I’ll add
The lost
Child abuse, physical and sexual
Women in abusive relationships
Drug addicts
The homeless
The hungry
People who need Jesus
My own sin
With a heavy heart, I had to agree with each and every thing written in your post and included on these comments…if I may add a couple more that my heart is tender to…
couples who ache for children and can’t conceive
lonely, elderly people
people enslaved to addictions
persecuted Christians outside the US
the number of opportunities I’ve missed to be Christ to someone for any number of reasons
Thanks for giving us the opportunity to share.
I agree with the lists posted before me. These all break my heart and I intercede constantly for them and the return of Jesus to set things straight. I would like to add a couple more and that is how Jesus must cry when he sees injustice and misunderstanding in the the Body that he created. Our pride, our tongue, our lack of empathy for others, our lack of faith in Him who promised us life and who died for us. These things break my heart as I know He cries for us everyday, so I guess my heart is broken when we stray or disobey knowing better and still choose to go our own way and do our own things…or when we in our foolishness hurt someone else and we know that while we are doing it.
Yes, we sometimes don’t know and it is mistaken, but often we do know as Christians when we are hurting someone else.
My 2 cents worth.
Hugs to all,
Paulette Harris
Thanks friends for weighing in and sharing your heartbreaks with me. So many things break mine, that I wanted to know if I was alone in feeling so sick in heart about the pain of this world. It’s all too much. Good thing I have a place to carry that pain.
To the foot of the cross. I lay down my burdens and trade them for a little peace. Much needed for a tender heart like mine–and yours.
–Children dying
–People starving when other’s have so much
–Children in unsafe circumstances
People who are stuck in performance and striving thinking it is the only way to get to Papa.
Not living life to the full
Seeing my children ache for good friends.
Finding it difficult to find other couples/families who want to live deeply from the heart together.
Seeing people have no time for relationships.
Thanks for sharing.
2nd you and Tiffany twos! ๐
I have reached my limit (and then some) of commenting. SO I will leave well enough alone!
Hey Tiffany I wanted to let you know that you can read about my daughter’s trip and partial testimony by going to my blog and then clicking on the button that says Keys of the Kingdom Evangelistic Ministries on the right. I have her letter posted there. Hugs!
You covered some really difficult things, and truly they all break my heart.
Some others for me are:
Women who don’t know their worth or true beauty.
Children who have been abandoned.
All the faces I can still see from my mission trips.
The halls of St. Jude.
People without HOPE.
Critical spirits.
I could go on and on…
Now, I need to go and pray for all these things!
Childhood cancer
People with extreme phobias
Teenagers behind bars
Those who cut themselves