Ever fell into a manhole before? I have—this summer. I wasn’t exactly pretty dripping with raw sewage. Even after climbing out, I couldn’t get rid of the stench. The smell was the residue of my own sin. Self-pity mostly. Everyday, all day, my analytical mind tried to figure out what was wrong. Why am I so depressed? So lazy? So critical? So discontent? What has come over me? I prayed and cried. But still, ended up depressed with no clear answers.
My biggest pitfall is me, myself, and I. Close runner-ups are fear and wanting to please others. The enemy waits until I’m off guard and then places a hole just my size along my path. He’s clever and concise, knowing my weaknesses. My pride says “I’ll never go back to that slimy place again. I know better.” But sure enough, I fall back in—headfirst.
Moments later, I’m blinded by darkness and I breathe in an awful odor that burns my nose. How do I get out of this place? In the dark, God whispers, “Look up my child. Turn your eyes back to Me.”
Okay, I get it. I lost focus again! I need to fix my eyes on knowing, loving and serving my God. Forgot about me. God will work out my issues in His time. So again, I guard my heart against complacency, watching for potential manholes, because they’ll be there. I remind myself to seek God’s approval over the approval of others. I refocus, looking upward, not inward.
God amazes me. Even when I’m smelly and slimy, He welcomes me back, holds me close and tells me it’s okay. His love cleanses me. So I get up and walk again. This time with hope and renewed purpose.
Psalm 40:1-3
I waited patiently for the Lord;
he turned to me and heard my cry.
He lifted me out of the slimy pit,
out of the mud and mire;
he set my feet on a rock
and gave me a firm place to stand.
He put a new song in my mouth,
a hymn of praise to our God.
*** Now to you, have any manhole experiences you want to share? How do you avoid them? How do you get out once you’re down there? If so, please post a comment. Thank you for journeying with me. ***
(c) 2005 Tiffany Stuart
Hmmm, bam! This did hit me. This is exactly where I have been. COMPLACENCY:(I didn’t think for a second that I could be here again but after reading your article, I AM in my own way, just doing what I’m good and what I know as routine. Not being aware that I’m in my comfort zone and needing to step out more and not just for a friend but maybe for someone who needs to be friended. Thank You for encouraging, eye and heart opening words.
I think there are two major ploys of the enemy 1) to get Christians doing nothing, and if that fails 2) having them do stuff for themselves only. We end up focusing on Me, Myself, and I. I am in the process of writing a two part blog on this exact thing. You can check it out on a Shade of Keller. Thanks again for your blogs!