Lately I’ve been thinking about how HUGE God is. How amazing are His ways, His creation, His character, His love. Learning about who God really IS blows my mind. Could it be that the God we love and worship cares about both the big and the small? Like the order of universe and a sparrow’s next meal? Or the DNA details of 6 billion people and the exact distance between the earth and sun? Yes, that’s our God! He is great and beyond comprehension! And to think we haven’t even touched the surface of who God is and always will be!
The more I focus on who God is the smaller I feel. And that’s a good thing for someone who’s spent most of her life focused on me, myself and I. Self pity. Self hatred. Self comfort. Self righteous. Self protective. Living for self satisfaction. Just plain self sick!
Focusing on God is a worthy and captivating pursuit. The more I do, the more I find I’m being set free of the focus of me. There’s nothing better than feeling small before a big God.
Father God, You are big and I am small, just the way You designed it.
You big.
Me small.
Perfect order.
Why would I want to anyone want to serve You if You were small? If you were like us? I wouldn’t. I love how huge You are. I love remembering that You spoke and it was. Actually it still IS. I love how you breathe and life begins. I love how the oceans and mountains worship you by reflecting the beauty of their Master Artist. I love how You create all sea and earthly creatures with a unique purpose. But I still don’t understand spiders or mosquitoes. I love how no two snowflakes are the same.
I love knowing I’m Your child. Pleasing in Your sight. Accepted and approved of at all times. The apple of Your eye.
Reflecting on You makes me love You more. So why is it easy to become bigger in my mind than I should be? I’m sick of trying to grow big. I want to be small.
Please God make me small, small like a child because kids believe with a greater faith. They have less doubt and more wonder. That’s what I want childlike faith to know You more.
As Your child, small is good. I need small. Big me, well, she’s well spent and tired. I want to be small in the true sense of the word.
Small and needy like a baby or a toddler.
Relying on You for food, drink, a change of clothes, my blankie, and a place to sleep.
Crying out and laughing spontaneously because I cannot help myself.
Grabbing Your hand because I’m too wobbly to stand alone.
Admitting I’m afraid of the dark and other imaginary things that rumble in the night.
Celebrating every day like its my 3rd birthday.
Looking at my fingers and toes like I just discovered them.
Finding my tongue for the first time all over again.
Asking for You every night to tell me another story or tuck me in one more time.
Waving to homeless strangers because no one told me they might be bad, dirty or smelly.
Blabbing about You to anyone who walks by because I have no clue I should care about what people think.
Lifting up my arms to You and begging “Hold you.”
And hearing You respond, “You mean You want ME to hold you?” And then You scoop up small me and cuddle me close to Your big chest, so close that I can hear Your strong heart beat. Thump, thump. Thump, thump.
Ahh yes, it’s time to remember once again who I eally ram.
Your child.
Very, very small.
Hi Tiffany,
You need to go to YouTube and check out some of the Louie Giglio videos. Start with How Great is Our God Part 1. It is really amazing at how small we are and yet God created it all and cares about us! Be sure you watch his video on Laminin too!
Lovely thoughts so well put! Oh and mosquitoes and other nasty thigns like fleas and ticks…I like to believe they are part of the fall…sin did that. Laundry is part of the fall too..remember before the fall we wore no clothes! LOL! Have a great weekend.
Such precious thoughts.
Truly you are gifted.
I enjoy reading each posts.
You’ve been reading Louie haven’t you? Two great reads if you have not been reading his stuff… “I am not but I know I AM” and “The Air I Breathe.” There is a youth version of “The Air I Breathe” called “Wired For a Life of Worship.” It’s actually a Bible study. Very good if you’re looking for something for your kiddos.
I just love your heart! I’m so glad the Lord has brought us together as friends.
Love ya!
“You big. Me small.”
There are literally billions of people in this world who are either unable or unwilling to admit that one fact. And until they do, they will never truly know the comfort of God.
Then there are the billions of others who live to bring God back down to our level. They try to make God more like us, but all they accomplish is making us look less like Him.
But I’m like you. Give me a big God any day.
Amen my friend! I’ve often heard it described as a backwards kingdom. And that is so true. May we remember how big God is when we feel weak and small!
Take care my friend!
I pray you have a wonderful weekend my friend!
We are small, yet He is mindful of little us. B
A mentor of mine prays, “God, right size me.” 🙂
I am right there with you on this post!!! I have (do) struggle with self issues.
And I need Him to help me stay small…as I too often get too big for my britches. I need to be reminded who is God (ummm…Him!!!) and who is NOT (that would be me!). 🙂
I especially loved when you said, “
Blabbing about You to anyone who walks by because I have no clue I should care about what people think.” I need to be more like that for sure!
Your heart for Him is so evident…and that is precious to see.
I too thought about Louis Giglio when I read your post. I was reading his book “i am not but i know I AM” on the plane on the way home from She Speaks, and it was magnificent being in the clouds thinking about the largeness of our amazing God.
I want to be small too. You really captured some moments and brought back some memories to this mama of teens…lovely writing!
Stop over, I tagged you with a sister award. I love you, girl!
I couldn’t help but think of how God’s nature worships Him. How the trees and plants sway to His heavenliness and how they bow to Him. How the animals run, fly or swim with excitement because they are free; let alone the human qualities of a daddy holding his little child cuddling and snuggling. I never experienced that as a little child. It’s hard for me to imagine it now. I can picture it happening. I just don’t know that feeling.
Thank you for allowing God to use you to share what HE is.
Small but precious and very, very valuable. ((((h))))
small is sweet 🙂
This is great, Tiffany! I’ve never thought about it in just this exact manner and I love the thoughts you have shared.
Great thoughts Tiffany!!
Oh, I wish I can just remember this many times.
Hope you are having a blessed Sunday.
Oh, I saw Angela Thomas speak this weekend at a conference, she reminded me so much of YOU!!
Excellent. I think an important part of worship is realizing God is BIG and we are small. Only then can we truly honor him. You are a good writer.
Less of me and MORE OF THEE O LORD is the cry of my heart. Thank you for sharing your thoughts/heart with us.
Bless you.
Oh, I needed this today. Thank you.
Oh, yes!!! I want to be small. I want to be dependent on my Father and everyday realize that I really am nothing without Him.
I think of my dear little grandchildren, who are all two and under. They utterly depend on others to care for them. They fully trust those whom they well know. Isn’t this a pattern for our relationship with our Heavenly Father?
To know Him so well, we could never think of questioning Him. We could never fail to trust His strong arms. We could never be anything to him but yielded to His will and surrendered to God’s care.
Thank you for stirring my heart today. I truly share your feelings. I simply want to have a heart for Jesus.
God bless. Thank you for allowing the light of the Lord to shine through you.
In His Love,
What beautiful thoughts, Tiffany! Such an amazing irony that could only belong to One…big enough to have created our vast universe and everything around us, yet small enough “hold us” in our time of need. How I praise God for who He is and who He made me to be…small.
I’m sorry I’ve been so bad about visiting lately. My blog time has been quite limited. I’ve missed being here. Thank you for your sweet and encouraging visits to my place. = )