Walking inside a big bubble at a park is fun. Lots of fun. Fun for a short time..
But living in one is pathetic. Small at best.
I’ve never felt so challenged by God to come out of my Christian bubble and share Jesus with the world. After all, isn’t that our great commission to “go and make disciples”?
My Christian bubble must be popped! I must risk my comfort to help the uncomfortable find real rest. Why should I withhold the greatest JOY I know? What am I thinking when I care more about me than those who are hopeless, hungry and hurting?
If you’ve read my blog lately, you know I’m restless and rattled to the core. God often shakes the soul when He is ready to move. Agree? The best part of a shaking is finding God up, close and personal. His presence changes me. His words of love LAST. They change my shallow thinking, they spur me on to take another step. And they inspire me to think outside my current bubble.
Father God, You are great. You are good. You are powerful, holy and magnificent. You are worthy of all my praise always. LORD Jesus, You are my everything. I will live and die to make You known. This life is short. Nothing else is everlasting. Nothing compares to knowing You. You are love and because of LOVE, I am loved. Thank You for choosing me as Your own. Thank You for adopting me. Accepting me. Redeeming and forgiven me. Wow, You are beyond comprehension. LORD, I’m tired of bubble living. Oh so tired of self protection. I feel ready to walk with You to new places and reach out to those in need. Abba Father, carry me. I’m weak but willing. Amen.
Jesus, undeterred, went right ahead and gave his charge: “God authorized and commanded me to commission you: Go out and train everyone you meet, far and near, in this way of life, marking them by baptism in the threefold name: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Then instruct them in the practice of all I have commanded you. I’ll be with you as you do this, day after day after day, right up to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:18-20 (The Message).
(pic taken at Balloon Classic, Sept. 2009)
God popped my bubble several years ago and I could NOT be happier. It is a beautiful place our Heavenly Father is taking you…Jump through that bubble and enjoy the blessings of living as HE created you to be. His love already exudes from you…leap out there with all those who don't know HIM and just keep oozing HIS love…HE will do the rest.
Big hugs, love, and prayers,
PS: Thank you for your sweet comments on arise 2 write.
"I'll be with you as you do this, day after day after day, right up to the end of the age."
What better promise can we get than that one?
Hi Tiffany,
The comment you wrote to me on 5/20 said that you were sorry for my loss. My dear beloved is with me and came home from the hospital. I haven't lost anyone yet…Praise the Lord!
Love you,
Tiffany, thanks for this post reminding me to burst that bubble.
Imagine if all Christians stepped up and out of the bubble, even if only for one day. We would impact the world for the better.
I popped out of the Christian bubble a few days ago, when a gal I see when exercising told me she loves to meditate, and I told her that for me, I love to pray. She envisions the old woman or wise friend when she meditates and I explained how prayer is different, since I pray to connect to God. We had a nice chat 🙂
I got your personal email yesterday which really touched my heart. In the midst of that email during a major migraine instituted by the enemy to see if he could me snap and lose God's blessing yesterday but not, I made sure I had my armor full equipped including love yesterday and nothing worked.
Yet in the dream I had last night and a conversation this morning with my teen daughter, I want to reach out to that next generation and impact them. So I am planning and praying for a youth group home church in our home for my daughter and her friends. Once we establish it with her Christian friends, I am going to ask them all to bring an unsaved friend. Who knows where this will go but I am believing that our youth is under the most attack because with each generation more believers die that are not being replenished as much as before.
Pray for us as we begin this endeavor and hope that so many more will go forth and share the Word of God with their friends. I'd like to see so many Christians going to their school that it becomes a Christian school.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
go get 'em!
Amen sis, joining you in this prayer.I love you.
That is so true Tiffany. God knows just how to wake me up and usually keeps me slightly uncomfortable, so I don't get complacent in that bubble. I'd rather be needy and hungry for more of God, desperately seeking to know, "what's next God?" Use us Lord, as we remain your humble servants in this great adventure
Another beautiful post Tiffany. I know I struggle with the 'bubble.' I feel safer inside, fearful of rejection. And I know that is wrong. I know that living a Christian life means going beyond being 'good,' to also sharing my faith with others. Thank you for the prayer you shared.
"Why should I withhold the greatest JOY I know? "…THAT is the million dollar question…why should we do that…how CAN we do that and still be able to raise our faces in praise to the Lord…
Hello Tiffany
I feel your fear and that stepping outside of the "Bubble" may bring changes you don't feel ready for,but when you trust God and take that plunge you'll never be sorry!!!! God is our great keeper and he will take care of you through all of the things that's being thrown at you through the flesh.I often think of our brothers & sisters before us and look at the boldness and courage they ended up in,because they took that first step of faith to honor God.Tiffany God will keep his words and cover you "Totally"!!!! I'll also be praying with you to go farther with the Lord into that place of perfect peace & refreshing where he is calling you,God understands your fear and he's going to take you there "HALLELUJAH"!!!
Love you Tiffany and just know God got your back.
Yes, LORD!
It is a beautiful place our Heavenly Father is taking you..
data entry work from home
I’ve enjoyed looking over your blog. I came across it through another blog I follow, and I’m glad I did. I am now a follower of yours as well. Feel free to look over my blog and perhaps become one as well.
God's will….will be done with us or w/o us. What a privilege to be a part of His program.