For those of you who don’t know I’m currently writing a book about freedom from shame. And believe me when I say it’s a fight to the finish because I often avoid the topic myself. I started my project about four years ago and have yet to finish, but I will because:
* Shame is ugly.
* Shame is universal. All walks of life know this feeling.
* Shame stops at no one.
* Shame affects us all, both men and women. Children too.
* And like Brené says “shame is an unspoken epidemic.”
I so agree.. Thank you, Brené.
But shame doesn’t have to be the end result of our lives. We can face our shame and find freedom day by day. We don’t have to live under a dark shadow of feeling like we are worthless or less than others.
Shame is a topic I have to tackle because the desire to share is still there. Four years later, the topic won’t go away, so I ask for your prayers as I press on and write and fight. I have dozens of women’s stories and even a man’s story to add perspective to my own journey. And I have God’s Word for the first and final word on this topic. What more do I need?
More and more prayer. 🙂
Today I want to share Brené’ Brown’s newest video with you: Listening to Shame. I find her insights both confirming and fascinating. She is speaking on this topic from a researcher’s perspective. (FYI: This is not a faith-based message)
(PS Here is a link to Brené Brown’s TED first viral video about shame, TED talk on The Power of Vulnerability. )
I’d love to hear your thoughts after you watch one or both of her talks. In my opinion, these videos are worth 20 minutes of your time.
I pray that you will finish your project.
thank you, Iris. 🙂
Tiffany – thank you so much for sharing Brene’s latest video on shame –I needed this today. I’m thankful you are persevering in writing about shame. I look forward to reading what you write. 🙂
So glad you watched and enjoyed it, Gloria. I hope life where you are is full of beauty. I miss our talks.