Please give a warm welcome to a blogging friend of mine, Lisa Buffaloe. After yesterday’s interview at Living Joyfully Free, I thought it was more than appropriate to share her writing with you. Lisa is a gifted writer with a heart for Jesus and a heart to encourage others. I thank God for her voice on the web.
So who is Lisa Buffaloe?
Lisa Buffaloe is an avid blogger, writer, speaker, and radio host for Living Joyfully Free. Her past experiences—molestation by a baby-sitter, assault, rape by a doctor, divorce, being stalked, cancer, death of loved ones, seven surgeries, and eleven years of chronic illness from Lyme Disease—bless her with a backdrop to share God’s amazing promises. She loves to tell others that God’s love is unending, and through Him we find healing, restoration, and renewal.
Wow, I’m so glad God has captured Lisa’s heart. Aren’t you?
Okay onto Lisa’s thoughts on Wrinkles and Pimples.
The mirror doesn’t always make me happy. Wrinkles are now obvious, and to add insult to injury I still get pimples. Goodness, I think I’m trapped between puberty and menopause.
Spiritually I have the same problem. I think I’m getting older and wiser, but continue to make decisions which could be deemed childless. Maybe that’s just part of the growth process. The closer I move toward God, the more I see my flaws, and the more I realize His constant guidance and presence are needed.
As long as I remain on this earth, I’ll keep aging and unfortunately wrinkling, but hopefully growing closer to God.
I do wish that as we aged we would just get cuter and smarter. Perhaps with eternal reality that is true. Our earthly journey is only part of the picture. We age on earth, to be young and our best in Heaven. Oh my, I like that thought!
“Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day” (Philippians 1:6, 2 Corinthians 4:16 NIV).
To find out more about Lisa, please visit her website.
Lisa’s blog for writers, Fliterary. (my photo is the header, fun!)
Find Lisa on ShoutLife.
Hi Tiffany, thank you so much for having me as your guest today. So enjoyed visiting with you for the interview! BIG hugs to you, sweet friend!!
Thanks again, Lisa. I’m so glad we are in this together. Hugs!
“The closer I move toward God, the more I see my flaws, and the more I realize His constant guidance and presence are needed.” That is so very true- love the way you said it! Very liberating to know I am moving closer to God, maturing in a good way when I can see my flaws and know God is working in me and I need His grace!
Thanks Tiffany for sharing about Lisa, can’t wait to pop over to her blog!
Thank you, TC! Isn’t it wonderful to know God keeps working with us every step of the way. Blessings to you!