(Update 11-10-09: I realize this title of Senator is no longer accurate. It’s Mr. President Obama. Please replace as you read accordingly.)
Senator Obama, abortion is not a healthy choice for Americans. I am begging you to reconsider your position with this moral topic should you become our next President.
I will try my best to put words to my “choice.”
Nineteen years old, I chose abortion. Sure, I could blame my boyfriend for not wanting the baby, but ultimately it was my choice. The worst choice I’ve ever made. I was too afraid to walk alone—pregnant.
In order to step into a cold, sterile abortion clinic, I had to emotionally die first. I don’t care what a woman’s beliefs are she cannot go through this procedure with a haunting that follows.
I know.
Sure, I tried to forget and move on with my life, but inside I couldn’t shake the reality of choosing death.
Death carries a sting.
Like a branding iron to my heart, I was wounded and forever scarred. Marked by my so called “choice.”
Senator Obama, you have two girls, can you honestly look into their eyes and say had they been conceived at a time other than your preferred choice that they don’t deserve a chance to live? a chance to change the world? to make a difference?
Senator Obama, have you ever sat through an abortion procedure? Have you seen the graphic images? Do you know how women are treated? Have you heard the moaning of a mom-to-be who sobbed for hours afterwards? What words could you possibly say to comfort her? None. The river of regret and shame runs too deep for words to penetrate.
I know.
Senator Obama, are you aware of Post-Abortion Syndrome(PAS)? Are you willing to comfort your girls should they decide to choose abortion someday? Because should abortion still be legal and an option, they will suffer. Even if from the outside she appears like she made it through unscathed, she is not okay. Something is bleeding underneath the surface.
I know.
My decision from almost two decades ago affected my marriage bed and relationship, my emotional well being every fall(the time of year I had my abortion), my ability to look deeply into the eyes of a newborn, and the way I morally view myself. It’s a choice that keeps on giving. Giving death!
This “choice” comes with a price tag. A price tag I don’t want one more woman to pay.
Every woman who has had an abortion will one day have to look honestly into her reflection of her choices. Choosing death is not an image she should have look at and carry in her heart.
Choosing life is an image worth gazing at. Watching a baby grow up is an amazing experience.
I know.
My two children, Justin and Hannah, are nothing but gifts to me. Not mistakes. Not punishment. Nothing can replace their faces, voices, words, tears, smiles, giggles, songs, talents, or their caring hearts. Their lives are impressed deeply into my heart. And so is a baby who never had a chance. A baby I love and will never forget. A baby named “Grace.”
(Please feel free to share this letter far and wide. The envelope symbol below forwards this post. I pray these words will change at least one woman’s heart who’s considering abortion. I pray these words will comfort the suffering who remain silent. I pray these words will change an undecided voter’s choice. I pray someone out there, pregnant, sitting on the fence will choose LIFE!)
**I added “the rest of my story” inside the comments.**
What a heartfelt and powerful letter! I pray that the Lord would use it to touch and change lives…
Oh, this is so hard and painful to read. I am so sorry, Tiffany, for your loss…for your grief…and for no one telling you in advance about the hell you would live because of it. I have dealt with so many women who have made this decision, and the wounds left behind often so unhealed and untouched. Even God’s grace in the matter is a difficult reckoning. I’m sure you understand.
I love you; I celebrate your costly courage and your willingness to voice your faith in a time when the voices of the unborn are silenced.
Perhaps that greatest atrocity we allow in our world. Grace is well named, for without it, we would all perish as dust. I look forward to sharing heaven with her and with her mother.
peace, always peace, for the journey~elaine
WOW…words truly fail me as I’ve read your letter!
The pain and devastion in your words..are so powerful.
I’m praying, that as your letter reaches Senator Obama….his heart will be touched, and changed as a result of hearing your story.
God IS using you…to reach many…many…wounded sisters who have journeyed this same road!
Know that God LOVES you…and he’s forgiven you…and you have such a blessed hope, knowing that one day…you’ll be reunited…face to face..with your precious…beautiful daughter…Grace!
At the time it was the right choice for you. You have to forgive your self. I can see the pain in your words. And wish I had the words to comfort you.
Tiffany–I am so moved by your powerful heartfelt words. My heart ached for you…for I sit here knowing a dear friend that made the same choice and that choice caused her much pain in later years—but she continues to hold it inside. Healing is yet to come for her. Even though she asked the Lord to forgive her…she has yet to forgive herself.
I have no idea the pain that you, and her and all the others know by heart. But you have my prayers and definitely my love.
Thank you for your brave heart…and for writing such gripping words. I will share this.
ADDED A COMMENT TO EXPLAIN MY STORY: I need to add that this pain and picture is NOT the end of MY story. Especially for those of you who are visiting for the first time. I’ve posted about this more than once.
God is my healer and He has touched my heart with his perfect love. I am free. I know I am forgiven. I rest in Him completely, knowing He is my safe place.
I wouldn’t be able to write and be bold if I didn’t have the comfort of my Healer as my strength. I wrote these words from the past pain that I personally know. It’s easy to write from experience. But that it not where I am at today. Thanks to Jesus.
However today, I weep for those who are not okay. I weep for those who are feeling the depth of sorrow I once felt. I weep for those who hurt in silence. I especially weep for those who think abortion is an easy option. Those sitting on the fence ready to make a “choice” about their baby’s life.
Sure, I have a HUGE scar. But it no longer bleeds–except for others. My scar says “Grace.” And I am thankful for her memory engraved on my heart. I am especially thankful because I gave her life honor this past spring by having a memorial service.
There is beauty in ashes.
I know.
Tiffany for God is using you girl…and I have to selfishly say…I am so excited to get to see this!! Woo-hoo for you are redeemed and He is sending you out to love on His children and bring them closer to His heart! I am praying and knowing this post will move women closer to Him.
Very well put.
In addition, I would just like to say there are so many couples who would do anything to adopt a child. International adoption can be expensive and therefore not for everyone. If in fact, the decision is made not to keep the baby after it is born.
Tiffany, what a moving post. The issue of abortion has really been weighing heavy on my heart lately. I’m actually planning to run your Ungrind article from last January in our “Archives” section in November. It fits so well into the theme of forgiveness.
I will stand with you, friend, I will stand with you all the way to Washington…you are not alone…
God bless your precious heart for this my friend. I love you.
I write this through tears. What a powerful letter. I know you will positively affect many by the way you share your story and your heart. How wonderful that you are willing to reach out to others through the pain you’ve known.
Great writing Tiffany, and oh so heartfelt it made me want to weep along with you….Dad
Tiffany, the timing on this is so surreal for me. I just counseled a young woman this evening that has an abortion scheduled for Friday morning! I posted a prayer request about her on my blog this evening.
Bless you my friend! Yet another one of your pieces that has touched me deeply.
How well spoken and truly does reflect the many women who have gone thur this. The pain and wounds are still there in many a women’s heart. I hope this reaches Obama and the many women who may choose life over this final decision Love Bib
I can not imagine… thank you for being so brave to share this… you have touched my heart. (((hugs)))
Oh friend, The passion and tenderness with which these words are written show the healing of your heart… I heard it said once that one of the greatest acts of spiritual warfare is a healed heart reaching out to those who are hurting. What warfare you have stepped into in writing your passionate, deep heart….
You know how I care for your heart…
You are a blessing and a treasure for my heart….
Loved this, friend.
Your letter was filled with so much truth!
It will be 18 years on Nov.12,when I made the ‘choice’ to end my child’s life. I was told that I would be fine but when I walked out of the clinic but I knew I had left a part of me behind.
Since then our Merciful God has wrapped His arms around me and showered me with His forgivenness.
God has placed me at a CPC where now I have the honor to help other women who are hurting from this ‘choice.”
When you have time,I’ve shared my story om my blog on the sidebar called God’s Grace over my Secret Sin
Praise God for the way you are making Grace’s life count in such a powerful way! Your transparency shows others the path to their own healing and freedom.
Bless you Tiffany,
God bless you Tiffany for writing this. I understand.
Thank you Tricia,
We stand together!!
Blessings upon this,
And they have overcome (conquered) him by means of the blood of the Lamb and by the utterance of their testimony,…Rev.12:11
Oh Tiffany, I wish I could reach right into this computer and give you the biggest hug!
I’m just so proud of you as you take a stand for LIFE, and speak out for those who can not.
I pray that letter gets into so many hands, and many lives will be saved because of your mighty testimony.
I love the freedom you are walking in Tiffany!!!
Thank you for sharing your story. It is a powerful one. I hope lives will be changed because of it.
Thank you, beautiful, for sharing this. Mind if I post it on my blog?
I’m always amazed by the connection that post abortive women share. It’s often silent, but, oh, so powerful. Your letter might as well have been my letter. It’s a pleasure to find you (I did so through my friend Tammy R.).The Lord bless your efforts.
What a beautiful letter. Very powerful! And thanks for stopping by my blog. I was so excited to get a comment from you. 🙂 Ang
Oh Tiffany! What a powerful letter from someone who has been there. I have several friends that for one reason or another had an abortion also. Your letter is exactly what they have told me over the years that they too have suffered.
Thank you for the courage to post this letter. We serve an awesome, loving, forgiving and healing God.
You are touching lives all across this world with your story.
Abortion has been on my mind and heavy on my heart these past few weeks…I posted an entry last night about partial birth abortion. We can only pray that we get the message out and change hearts and lives…either of Mr. Obama or the mother-to-be before it is too late.
Drop by and check out Friday’s video and Saturday’s post…if you want to.
Have a blessed weekend.
Thank you again for your openness and honesty.
I would love to add you to my blogroll so that I and others can follow you regularly.
Have a blessed weekend,.
Thank you Tiffany for sharing your heart and soul in this letter! I’m going to post it on my blog tomorrow.
Much love!
Hi TIffany,
My youngest daughter’s name is the same as yours. 🙂
This is a very important post. You have done an amazing job of revealing the heart of the woman who has chosen this option for her life.
I pray that God has healed your heart as He does not remember this sin. As far as the east is from the west – He has forgiven and forgotten this transgression. There is also no condemnation in Christ.
May God bless you as you minister to other women.
I am on my knees Tiffany. This is such an explosive year and there is much more than abortion at stake.
Many of you can go to a site for
Kelly Mortimer’s Literary Agency, there you can connect to her blog comparing each candidate. It is truly scary if Obama comes to office.
Please, if any of you haven’t voted yet go there and read for yourselves first. You will be amazed at the truth.
I feel your pain Tiffany. You are covered in prayer and God’s grace as you speak out against this.
Love always and hugs,
I'm so humbled by your courage and passion. There is no doubt this has impacted many. I remember several months ago reading about your heart-wrenching pain as you journeyed toward accepting God's grace and forgiveness. I now rejoice knowing you've embraced His love & healing.
I posted your letter to the bottom of my entry on partial birth abortion to continue to get the word out. Again, thank you for your honesty…I know it must be painful for you.
I am having trouble entering you to my blogroll…it keeps telling me that the it cannot detect a feed for this URL. It is possible that it is something that I am doing but I’ve copied and pasted from the address bar as well.
P.S. I tagged you over on my blog for a “little…get to know you” fun. Hope you get the chance to join it.
Have a joyful and restful Lord’s Day!
Thank you for all of your comments. I am touched again by the love of God that flows from each of you.
And thank you for those of you who have copied this letter and posted it on your blogs to continue to spread the word. Thank you, Ashley, Robin and Jennifer. I so appreciate your willingness to continue to be a voice on behalf of LIFE!
Let’s continue to stand together and fight for what really matters.
I came here to thank you for your sweet prayer for my daughter Jenna, and now I’m doubly blessed by reading your story. I would really like to know when your book on shame is published. I’ve been dealing with a lot of shame myself and I know it has had an adverse affect on my marriage. I’m going to add you to my blog list to follow. Praise God…I’m so glad I’ve found another godly blogger buddy!
Just wanted to come here and say, you're "da bomb"… which in today's terms means, you're amazing.
I am just blown away at how Papa has healed you since I have known you!
You are a beautiful gift.
Love & Hugs,
I was so glad you stopped by my blog. I really think your letter to Mr. Obama was wonderful. I pray that it gets out and has an impact on many. Thank you for being so open.
What an emotional letter. I don’t know if you sent it or not, or if he read it or not… but the fact is, this is the reality of it all. May you continue to find rest in the Lord and in His healing touch. One day, you will know Grace and I anticipate that day for you! Hasten the day we are all with our Lord! All will be right with our souls and bodies! May Christ be glorified through the words you offer to others.
Thank you so much for visiting my blog and for leaving such a sweet comment. I hope that you will visit again!
I cannot begin to tell you how touched I was by this very powerful post. As the mother of a daughter (named Grace) who also became pregnant at age 19, I know something of the struggles that you were facing in your life at that very young age. It has to be one of the most frightening things that a young lady can go through – alone.
I am so thankful that this was not the end of your story! That the Healer has touched your heart and set you free! Praise be to God!
Thank you for your transparency and boldness to share your heart so that many others will be touched and change their lives.
I am so blessed to have found your blog and I will definitely be back.
Have a great week!
thank you for sharing this to me. i am so happy that you came to my blog.
i will repost this in my blog. crediting it here. thanks again.
i was greatly moved.
What a beautifully honest letter, Tiffany! God bless you for being so strong and willing to share your experience to encourage and uplift others in similar situations!
What a powerful letter! I’m so sorry you live with the pain of a past choice, but am so inspired by your honesty and the truth you share!
Praying peace for you during this “season”!
Praying for you and your healing process. Praying also for our country and the election. I confess, I am scared – I know God is in control – and mama and I have voted.
Tiffany, I’m so sorry for your loss, but I’m so glad that you’ve taken time to express all the feelings that those who are pro-choice don’t mention. I hope they and Obama will listen.
I am a former labor and delivery nurse and I can attest to much of what you said. Women are affected so deeply by abortion and often the effects really show up when they birth a child.
I hope that many women who have had a similar experience will read your blog and find comfort and healing. I also hope women who are thinking about abortion will somehow read this letter and choose life.
Thank you for your transparency and bravery.
Hi Tiffany,
I just want to thank you for dropping by in my blog.
I want you to know that I posted your letter into mine to help in spreading it.
God bless you always.
This is an absolutely beautiful and heartfelt letter. It gave me goosebumps. I pray that God continues to give you peace. Thank you so much for sharing this letter with us…I understand. xo
Thanks for your comment on http://www.consecratedtohim.com today. I appreciate the support..
And thank you for sharing this..I am prayfully considering reposting this on our Christian Girl Advice Site http://www.WeUsed2bu.com. Better yet would you be willing to share your story with our readers? We have over 600 hundred friends on myspace and other girls subscribed to our blog who really need to hear about the damage and the consequences of abortion. Please prayerfully consider being a guest writer for WeUsed2bu.
Let me know.. narrowroad777@hotmail.com
hello tiff! thanks again for the visit.
i agree with you, the video was really nice and your country’s election is so intense.
hope to see you more often. ^_^
Hi Tiffany, I read your letter on Robin’s blog – Wow! Powerfull stuff. God is holding Grace in Heaven until you get there. I wish the youth of our nation were educated on what abortion does to the emotional and spiritual part of our beings. So many children choosing abortion as a form of birth control, not realizing the price they will ultimately pay. May God give you an extra measure of blessings for sharing a very personal and painful time in your life. May He use your words to help heal those who have been there and use your words to stop those who may go there.
Be so blessed
Wow! I sure love the fact that the story didn’t end there! I agree Tiffany, there is beauty for ashes with Jesus!
May the Lord use your story to minister to many! Thanks for being willing to share in such honest and powerful ways!
May the Lord bless you and use you to continue to bring glory to His Name!
I do not have words. Thank you for being so open and honest and sharing your heart.
I get SO fired up about abortion and how it is justified by those who support it.
I cannot tell you how many stories or women I have talked with who have so regretted their decsion, because of the emotions that one has to deal with afterwards.
God is good…no matter what, and I’m so thankful you know and love him.
Thank you for your letter. I hope many will read it and choose life.
Terrific story. Thank you so much for your willingness to share. I am so thankful that God has allowed our ‘blogging’ paths to cross and look forward to keeping in touch with you.
You are truly a woman of Grace!
Pamela in TX
LIfe Adapted – Amen!
Just wanted to say that I love the picture with this post – I didn’t notice it before.
Thank you for sharing that story! Wow!
Hi Tiffany –
Thank you for opening your heart to plead for the unborn. I hope the Senator reconsiders his positions on this and other matters.
Susan 🙂
Thank you for making yourself vulnerable and transparent to help others. I’m looking forward to your book on shame and addressing PAS.
Tiffany, thank you for sharing. I was surfing the web but I stopped at this article. If only more people could hear it. I’ve counciled s
many woman who have PTSD as a result of abortion. Praise God He has set you free.
If only more women knew that the abortion would not end their pain – in fact, it would intensify it.
Thank you for your boldness in sharing. I have a story on my blog you might enjoy. Stop over and read My Name is Johnny.
Blessings to you,
I just found this message you wrote back in 2008. Powerful and an amazing story. I have my own on this very difficult topic. I too have received our Lord’s healing but I too grieve for those who are hurting right now. Those who are covering their shame and guilt and need forgiveness and healing in Christ.
I see that you’ve given permission for us to share this message. I would like to do so on my Speak on it with LisaS blog where I speak about the topic of LIFE in addition to other things. I appreciate your heart Tiffany to be used by GOD in such a transparent and healing way.
Bless you.
Hello Sweet Tiffany,
Thank you for sharing your story. My good friend Deanna just wrote a book entitled "To be a Mother" … did you see my post?
God is using her story about abortion to heal many. Keep sharing the truth behind abortion my Sister.
I am so grateful God brought healing into your life.
Oops Tiffany, that last comment was from ME. BethinNC (http://bethinnc.blogspot.com). Sorry!