This woodpecker figured out how to twist his neck just right to get a bite to eat! LOL I use this guard to keep the big black birds from eating all my seed.
This is so funny. My kids are so willing to follow my lead. I told them to we had to hurry and come catch some snowflakes on our tongues. These are gullible hams for sure! Especially Justin!
I know there is NO safety net on our trampoline. It ripped off during the high winds and we have yet to tear the whole thing down.
What fun we had watching the snow come down yesterday! We’ve had no real snow accumulation all season! No snow days off from school. No moisture to speak of. So this was a real treat! Now we are back to the sunshine like usual. Yeah!
Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean;
wash me, and I will be whiter than snow. Psalm 51:7(NIV)
beautiful i love snow!!!
Wow! Fun photos! I am sick of snow. But I never tire of the beauty of it! It was 16 degress when I got up today…spring is slow in coming.
Such awesome pictures.
Love the pictures…. can’t get over Justin IN THE SNOW IN SHORTS! What????
I loved seeing the snow there… can’t imagine that much snow. It looks so dry… compared to our wet, icy snows… is it?
We also have a trampoline with no net… Looks like the same trampoline…
Hope you all enjoyed the snow.. We’ve had rain for 3 days!
Love ya!
Oh how fun! In the snow with shorts on! That is too funny!
Such fun to watch them in the snow, especially when it’s warm here. I really do like snow though.
‘Never had a net on our trampoline either ~ and both boys have taken spills landing on the ground. Ouch.
Great pics!
All very nice!! I really like the bird eating.
Oh how fun! Your snow is so pretty! Love the picture of the bird. Too cute!
That trampoline picture is really neat! :0)
Oh my, how beautiful!
Looks like you caught some great moments.
Enjoy!!!! (stay warm…)
Beautiful, fun photos! It’s so strange to read about snow when it already feels like summer here.
Wow! I am looking at pink trees and daffodils and you are looking at snow. What a wonder. Enjoy Tiffany. Blessings to you!
Praise God! It’s 60 degrees here today. I love to watch the snow fall and think it’s beautiful, but I’m ready for Spring and everything to turn green once again. I love the pictures of your children. They certainly look like they are having a ball.
God bless,
I love snow and miss it so I thank you, Tiffany, for the gift of pictures of it. I feel like I know your kids just from your blog! They are so cute and uninhibited.
By the way, I never and mean NEVER listen to music on blogs…I can’t focus, but you win the prize for having the best music on a blog! I’ve been keeping it on for the past 20 minutes! LOVE IT!!!
Tiffany, thank you for sharing your pictures of the snow and your children. I love snow, but we don’t get much of it down South. Thank you for the scripture you shared, also. Yes, cleanse me, Lord, purge me. I want to be your vessel. God bless.
What great pictures! Although, it looks like your kids are well ready for winter to end and the warm weather to come.
I for one, am so happy for the cold weather to end. I love the fact that spring is finally making its way here…I even planted lettuce seeds in my garden today.
Thanks for your sweet words of encouragement on my blog. Knowing that I don’t walk this journey alone is such a blessing!!
Aw, I enjoyed the pictures so much that I even wish I liked snow…
…. cones, that is ๐
I can never like the snow, for some reason, I’m unable to walk on it (rubs fanny) ouch!
Thanks for sharing, your kids crack me up LOL
I love the snow…and the verse is absolutely fitting.
Cleanse me Oh Lord.