Do you have interesting stories to tell like this Southern Belle I met last October? Framed photos of generations before you that bring you great joy?
Or are you like me, either don’t know much about your family tree? Or maybe their stories are ones you’d rather not hang on your wall?
Our lives are affected by generations before us. Parents. Grandparents. Great grandparents and beyond. We learn what is important by what they chose to do with their time. We learn what they cared about by what they spoke out about. What silenced them, we took note of, Maybe that doesn’t matter. Then we grow up and often repeat what we agree with and dump what we don’t. Regardless of the good or bad legacy, family touches our lives. The reality is we are here to leave a legacy. It’s overwhelming at times.
I’ve been thinking a lot about legacy this year. Asking myself hard questions. Finding no clean cut, easy answers. Feeling frustrated with my failures and yet feeling hopeful all in the same because I’m still here.
TO FINISH READING, I’m over at Laced with Grace today!
(pic taken last fall in Florida)
Enjoyed this sis. Please come by, there is a picture of Marsha and me from yesterday. I love you.
Oh that reminded me of rich example . She left such an admiration in my heart. What amazing folks they were.
Tiffany what an amazing woman you are. Your legacy is often hidden from our own view through the seasons that it takes others to get through the lessons of their own choices. It will be then that there will be something to catch them.
I loved reading your thoughts about legacy….I too find myself thinking of that more now (for me its because I'm older—for you it must be to share)……but what a legacy you are already leaving. Your words and your encouragement are an inspiration to hundreds of women (if not more)….you might even say you are a living legacy because people aren't waiting till you die to realize you made a contribution. Walking in God's plan for your life…you are reaching women for Him! I am so thankful to be one of those women!!
legacy….I've broken the cycle of abuse and do so many things differently than my parents…I think for me…He made all the difference. Also being Jewish and raised in a pretty religious home and now a Christian….huge change…Legacy…want to leave my kids with a newer better one than what I had.