Can you tell me what lead you to tackle this topic: Grace?
Grace is the underlying theme of every book I’ve written—fiction, nonfiction, and children’s books. My heart’s desire is to share the good news of God’s loving-kindness with a hurting world. Without his mercy, we would all be lost. I especially long to reach women who aren’t aware of how much God loves them, so I look for ways to express the truth of the gospel in non-threatening ways. As Madeleine L’Engle wisely said, “We do not draw people to Christ by loudly discrediting what they believe…but by showing them a light that is so lovely that they want with all their hearts to know the source of it.”
Can you give me a glimpse into your story (BC) before Christ?
Paul sums it up perfectly: “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst” (1 Timothy 1:15 niv). In a nutshell, I spent a decade of my life (ages 17-27) longing for joy and settling for fun—namely, marijuana, speed, cocaine, Southern Comfort, and seriously sleeping around. When I hit the bottom of that deep, dark pit, God sent two ambassadors my way who demonstrated the grace of God. They accepted me “as is,” hugged me daily, shared the truth of God’s Word with me, and quite literally loved me into the Kingdom.
Is grace missing in believers today?
Since grace is a gift bestowed on all believers, I don’t think it’s “missing” so much as misunderstood. People seem to think grace is a one-time gift, that we’re forgiven the day we’re saved, but after that we’d better straighten up and fly right, because now righteousness is all up to us. Yet God’s Word says, “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast” (Ephesians 2:8-9). And that wonderful gift is poured on us over and over, morning by morning: “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning” (Lamentations 3:22-23). Talk about good news!
Can Christians become too grace-filled and as my neighbor says become “sloppy agape?”
I don’t think we can become too grace-filled, but I do think we can become complacent, forgetting what the free gift of grace cost Jesus: everything. And so we must handle his forgiveness with awe and reverence, never treating it lightly, and always looking for ways to give it away.
What does grace look like in your life as you live it out?
Grace looks like gratitude. It’s a constant awareness of how any virtue we find in ourselves, and any blessing we’ve received, is because of God’s goodness and not ours. Grace should also look like humility. I confess, I’m better at being grateful than I am at being humble! But it’s what I most admire in mature believers: genuine humility.
I know you are full-time speaker and a writer, tell us what you are currently working on?
I’m writing a trilogy of historical novels based on the biblical story of Naomi, Ruth, and Boaz, set in 18th-century Scotland. The first novel, Here Burns My Candle, will appear in stores March 17, 2009. I’ve loved researching the book of Ruth and researching Edinburgh and the Scottish Borders and researching the turbulent years of the Jacobite Rebellion in Scotland, 1745-46. Such sagas are meant to make us search our own hearts, even as we consider the attitudes and behaviors of these characters and see God at work in their lives. Oh, how I love storytelling!
What do you enjoy doing outside of your ministry?
Traveling abroad, reading novels, watching historical films, hanging out online, and spending time with our college-age son and daughter, whom I’m CRAZY about!
Liz, I must say the one thing that stood out to me when I first emailed you was your fast reply and your sweet words, how do you do it?
Well, any sweet words are because of God’s kindness, not mine. As to the fast reply, I cannot bear for emails to stack up unanswered, so I keep my email open all the time and pounce on ‘em when I hear that telltale “ding!”
If readers want to contact you, what is the best way to reach you?
You’ll find lots of fun stuff on, and can reach me directly through my website or through Facebook.
I’d love to close with one more question. If you could say one thing to readers, what would it be?
The closing words of chapter one in Embrace Grace communicate that one thing I’d love to say most:
Wherever you are spiritually, whatever you have been through emotionally, you are already wrapped in the Lord’s embrace. Held close by nail-scarred hands. Enfolded in the arms of One who believes in you, supports you, treasures you, and loves you. He is waiting for you to embrace him in return. To accept the gift he’s offering you. To listen for the whispered words you’ve longed a lifetime to hear: You are loved. All is forgiven.
Thank you so much, Liz. I’m sure everyone who reads this feels as blessed as I was. Thanks for allowing us an inside look into your journey. May the Lord continue to use your gifts to encourage others.
And blessings on all you are doing to encourage the body of Christ, dear Tiffany!
*****I’m giving away my copy of Liz’s book at the end of this month. All comments will be entered into the drawing from today until April 3oth. Someone will be blessed by Liz’s heart.*****
Nice interview, great content, Dad
Awesome interview my friend, I enjoyed this.
I love what Liz said at the end “…you are already wrapped in the Lord’s embrace. Held close by nail-scarred hands. Enfolded in the arms of One who believes in you, supports you, treasures you, and loves you.”
The words nail-scarred hands get me every time…I so agree with Liz – we have mercy and grace every single day, and we should not forget that.
Thank you so much for sharing this interview with us, Tiffany.
Please enter me into the book-drawing. Thank you…
Very Cool and her book sounds terrific!
What beautiful words. This books sounds awesome!
I love that your dad commented on your blog. My mom does that occasionally with me.
Thanks for sharing this interview… I love knowing about new books.
Great interview, and I too love Liz. She’s done a couple things on my blog, and I love how she calls us girls, “sis.”
This is an excellent book!
I loved this interview and can’t wait to read the book. God has been working his grace into my life so quietly and steadily for as long as I can remember that it takes my breath away to look back on it. What a glorious God we have.
I stopped by yesterday and read your post…but I didn’t have time to I’m back today.
I really enjoyed this truly blessed my soul.
This interview brought tears to my eyes, Tiffany.
May I post a link to it over at my blog,
What a great interview! I’ve heard Liz share her testimony on Christian radio and I’ve read some of her articles in Today’s Christian Woman, but haven’t yet read any of her books. I’m thinking this would be a great one to start with! I’m also looking forward to checking out her site. It’s precious to know that she answers her own e-mails and loves interacting with sisters in Christ. Thanks again for sharing this!
That was a good interview Tiffany.
Liz is a great author and I enjoyed reading your blog today.
Tiff!!! How neat was THIS! I’m always encouraged to see when someone’s persona actually matches up with the “real” them. Thanks to Liz for sharing, and to you for stepping out and doing an interview with her. What a blessing to me today.
Excellent interview, Tiffany and Liz! Thank you both so much for speaking the truth about grace. It is so misunderstood. I can’t wait to read Liz’s book.
The interview on your blog was a blessing, so the book would be great! I was a Christian for many years before I realized grace was for more than salvation – how sad! God is good.
I loved this interview Tiffany! I popped over to her site…what a treat! So much valuable information! (Thanks for your help as well!!!!) Can’t wait to meet/hug!
Have a blessed evening!!!
What an awesome interview! She is such a tremendous woman of God! Thanks for sharing it and golly a book giveaway! Count me in!