I often thank God for the opportunity to live out my passions. When I am doing what He has created me to do, something inside me sings and dances and soars. I feel God’s pleasure. There is no greater gift than God’s presence. I live to experience His love, His voice, His peace, His power, and His pleasure more and more.
What is that sweet spot for you? What makes you smile? What drives you to risk it all?
The only way I know to find that sweet spot is to try new things. To sail into places I’ve never been. Discovering who I am requires risk and courage. I have to be willing to fail or succeed. It requires my mustard seed size faith. An act of surrender.
I’m wired to love adventure. Are you? I love change. Meeting new people and going new places satisfies me. I am easily bored with routine. So naturally, I am all over the map. Starting and stopping. And for years, I saw this as a weakness in my character because I’d try something and then quit. I felt like a flake. Uncommitted. Unreliable. Like a lone ranger, different.
However, God has spoken into my life enough about this now that I don’t feel shame over my lack of commitment when I try something and decide it’s not for me. That’s how I discover my sweet spot. Saying no is okay, even necessary. So is saying yes.
So my friends, we don’t have to explain ourselves when we say no after saying yes. Sure, we should keep our commitment if we signed up for something for a season. But afterwards, we are free to move on. We are never too old or too young for God to use us. God knows what He is doing. Nothing surprises Him. For some, the journey may be more stable. For others, it looks more like mine. A little of this. A little of that. Like popcorn popping!
The more I step out and risk, the more my God designed purpose is being revealed.
So, what are you waiting for? Take a baby step. The waters will not overtake you. Trust the One who will never fail you. His hand is extended. His eyes say, “Come, my child. It’s okay. I’m here. I will not let you drowned.”
Heavenly Father, I thank you for each and every reader that has ever read my blog. I thank you for the opportunity to be one voice. Thank you for the gift of relationship. People matter to me. So many of my visitors I will never meet in person but they have already found a special place in my heart. I care deeply for their hearts. I want the best for them. I believe in them. I feel their pain. Please touch them with Your love today. Encourage them. Remind them that You approve of them as they are. Because you created them for Your pleasure, for intimate relationship.
I thank you that you’ve shown up every time I’ve stepped out and tried something new. Either to catch me when I fall or to whisper words of love when I succeed. It’s only because of You that I can make a difference. Your Holy Spirit inspires me. I pray that someone today will say “yes” to something new. Something that has been nagging inside them for a long time now. And Lord, go before them and pave the way. Part the raging waters of fear and doubt. I trust You to prepare the hearts of your people. There are some who are entering a new season. Some are to “rest.” Some are to “GO.” Speak to us right where we are at. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
I believe we were separated at birth…lol! I am so grateful that you wrote this post in ways no one will probably ever know. You touched a spot in me that no one ever has. I thank God for His unbelievable timing today and for His confirmation that continues in bits and pieces as He puts the puzzle of my life and my destiny together. I am grateful for you, my friend. Stay cool. Stay crazy. Hang loose as much as you can for Jesus. I think He loves it. You know He created that side of us that is wild like Him(there is nothing tame about a Lion)that no one can tame but Him so we. I love that He does have a wild side. I love that He wants us to have one too. Without one, would we ever step over the line to new things and scary things? Would there ever be a revolution started? I seriously doubt it. So, embrace that side of you girl!! Embrace it!!!
I have something for you over at my place ~ be blessed!
This is my first time visiting your blog and I believe that God directed me here for a reason today! Thank you for sharing. We never know who we might touch… Thanks you!
Oh amen! Thank you for speaking to my heart today. I am so like this. There are so many opportunities out there and I love to try new things.
I am contemplating stepping out of one of my roles. This is confirmation that that will be ok. The group will not fall apart without me. I can move on. Thank you for the reminder.
My other comment didn’t go through – ugh.
I feel like a flake sometimes too. Yesterday as I was thinking of my work history I realized I’ve been at my job 2 years now and that is a long time for me. Yikes.
I guess I just supposed most churches do things like that for their Pastors. Hummm. Oh well, that’s a new one on me. Yes, I do love my church home and my Pastors because it was at this church and with those people that my whole life changed and my deliverance came. They never gave up on me when everyone else did. They are still pushing me and my husband to be all we can be even if it kills us. They said they will settle for nothing less than what God has shown them is in us. So, we feel very bonded to them. But as I am growing and learning and venturing out, and my preparation time is drwing to a close, I am discovering that it is a mighty big world out there and I want to see it all and I want to meet new people that God has specifically destined for me to meet. I pray everyday for Him to set up divine appointments for me and to place divine people in my life. I thank him you are one of those divine people. I am so honored that he would choose me to be in your life even if it is only in such a small way it seems. I am still humbled. I am excited about the future…
Have a beautiful day!! I hope you see or sense something in nature today that arouses you to write, to think, to breathe deeper, to listen harder for something that no one esle can hear…
This is an interesting post. In a book I am reading I just read this quote by Richard Halverson:
Those who fear God face life fearlessley. Those who do not fear God end up fearing everything.
Clearly your life reflects a healthy fear of God which allows you to try so many new things without fear! Awesome!
Have a great Wednesday!
Hi, Tiffany:
You remind me of my late friend, Janine. She, too, asked the Lord if it was flakiness or did she hear Him begin so many adventures in her life. When she died last year, they had to rent the gym for her funeral; they knew her many friends would be there. Service was long because she touched so many hearts and they all wanted to share how her love for Jesus changed their lives. What a witness and you are too because you are unafraid to venture out and make a difference. Thank you for being you!
You sure are speaking to me.
I positively love your heart my friend. You are so often used of God to speak to my heart just what I need to hear!
I’m finding one of the most precious gifts of aging (both in life and in faith) is becoming a bit more willing to take risks, to worry less about what others may think. I think that comes largely from trusting God more these days than ever before.
Thanks for the inspiration and encouragement my friend. You are such a gift from God.