Today I’m stepping back and inviting you to meet another friend. I’ve never met Julie face to face but because of blogging we’ve developed a deep friendship. We talk on the phone for hours sometimes. I remember 3 hours one day. Wow! And I rarely talk on the phone.
Does anyone call a friend anymore?
Julie knows how dead it is to live deep in religion. She’s been there, done that. And thank God she knows what it’s like to live deep in relationship with God. She’s a changed woman because of her love relationship. I love Julie’s heart and her love for her Father God she lovingly calls her Papa.
Here’s one of Julie’s favorite entries from her blog Jewelz Sightings titled, The Door is Always Open.
As I stood at the edge of the threshold, a hush filled the room. What would He think when He saw me standing there? I don’t deserve to be here. Will He see me? Will He wonder why I’ve come? I don’t think I can bear to see the look of disappointment on His face.
My eyes look down, embarrassed to have them looked into. I want so desperately to enter in and feel His embrace. What must He think of me? I haven’t lived as I should. I haven’t been who I was made to be. Is He disgusted with me too? Will He talk to me today? I don’t deserve to be talked to. I don’t even deserve His glance. I don’t deserve to be here. Should I turn and leave before He sees me?
Suddenly I hear His voice. “Come here, Jewel.” “Come sit with me a bit”. Tentatively I move forward to sit.
How can He look at me that way? How can His eyes light up like that as I move towards Him? Doesn’t He see how dirty I am? Doesn’t He see my sin covering me? I feel it shroud me and I am ashamed. Surely He sees it too? I don’t want to fall back into these places of sin, but I do. Why do I keep falling back here?
He pats the seat next to Him and tells me to sit. I see the kindness in His eyes and I am undone. How can He look at me like that? How can He love me so?
He knows what I am thinking. After all He knows everything. “Jewel, you are still looking at your performance aren’t you?” “You’re still grading my love for you based on how well you perform.” “It’s not your good behavior that invites you here with me, it’s love.” “You belong to me, Jewel, it’s that simple.” “That’s why I created you.” “ I moved heaven and earth to be with you.” “Nothing you do or don’t do can change that.”
I hear His words yet they are still so hard to grasp. He loves me apart from anything I do? He loves me just because He does? He will never be disgusted with me? He doesn’t see me the way I see myself? He knows that my sin does not define me? He knows that the choices I make are not my identity?
But I don’t deserve this love.
His voice penetrates into my thoughts. “Jewel, if you look at your behavior as a barometer for love, you will never deserve.” “Love isn’t based on what is deserved” “That makes it about you.” “It’s not about you.” It’s about the Father. God IS love.” “We created in order to love.” “Unconditional love means there are no conditions to being loved.” “You’re just loved… period.”
“Think about your children, Jewel” “You have always loved them.” “They are a part of you.” “This love you have for them runs so deep that nothing that they do could ever take it away.” “You don’t love them because of their choices, or actions.” “You love them because they were made in the midst of love to be loved.” “That’s me with you.”
Truth begins to awaken my soul. No matter how many times I screw up and make the wrong choice those eyes of kindness look up at me, welcoming me to sit right beside Him and feel His embrace. His kindness leads to repentance. I feel the tenderness of His heart as He reminds me that He reveals my sin to take it away. He only wants to cover me with His love. He doesn’t grade me or keep record. Neither should I.
This intense love draws me in and I am undone. I have never experienced anything like it. As His truth washes over me, I linger there in His embrace, feeling the full affects of the cross, and resurrection.
The door is always open. I am always welcomed in. He delights in loving me. I will never be graded again. There are no conditions, nothing to fulfill, only love awaits. I am a daughter of God, created in the midst of love. I see it now. He’s been waiting to love me.
Let us then approach the throne room of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. Hebrews 4:16
Thanks, Jewel, for allowing me to bless my friends with words from your heart. I love you!
Please stop at my blog today to pick up a special surprise just for you and here is hoping that it makes for a Happy Monday.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Thanks for sharing this Tiff!
Thanks for loving me from the heart!
Love you!
This is a wonderful post! I don't remember a time in my life that I was not a believer, but I sure had some growing pains along the way. How freeing it was to really know that all our sins, past, present, future were totally covered at the cross…and there is nothing I can add to gain God's favor. He loves us with an everlasting love in spite of us. I would be totally lost without that door that is always open. Thanks for sharing this!!
Beautifully written…and the message has been recieved.
What a great post. Wow! Awesome words & visual.
Thank you for sharing another great blogger with me.
Blessings, hugs, and prayers, andrea
Thank Tiffany for having our friend there at your place…I have met her…and LOVE HER! She is an awesome writer–and her heart is just as kind as her dear face reflects!
I loved this post—it brought the tears on.
You share some amazing people on here and you have done it again. It's so beautiful. Thank you for sharing all these gifted bloggers!
Tiffany, I was on Julie's blog just this morning. I'm so glad you invited her to do this guest post so I could hear more from her heart. I love what she wrote. How easy it is to play the good girl role doing all the "right things" and yet that is not what is needed before God. He loves us unconditionally. I've learned that as I surrender all to Him and invite Him to sit on the throne of my heart, He does a mighty work in me. And then He can use me as His vessel.
Loved this one.
Jewel is a heart blessing.
Beautiful post. So glad the door is always open. Love that verse as well!
Jewel is special! Thanks for sharing with us today. I'm always blessed in what she shares.
Love you Tiffany.
What an amazing post! Thank you for sharing Jewel with us!
I am a regular reader of Julie's blog…she shares from her heart and blesses me always…this post is a favorite of mine….
Tiff, the comments have blessed my heart today..
Thanks to each one for reading my heart…
Thanks for the opportunity!
Love ya!
Jewel is wise, and I am going to visit her blog. Thanks for sharing her with us.