What are your thoughts about flying? Are you afraid? Or do you dream of becoming a pilot or a flight attendant? Maybe you already are one. Or maybe you don’t want the responsibility of flying, instead you want a window seat so you can check out the land below.
What if I asked you to board a plane and told you the destination is not for you to know yet, how would you feel? Would you eagerly buckle yourself in for the adventure of a lifetime? Or would you hand your ticket off to the nearest stranger and run?
Why the plane question today? Because this is where I’m at. As I’ve sought God for direction, He continues to use this word picture. Going places. Flying to new destinations. Bringing very little because He will supply my needs.
God wants me to travel with Him to new places, places unknown to me. Is it by plane literally? Maybe. But probably not. It’s a visual God is using to speak to my heart. As much as I want to know where and why, God will not let His secret out. Instead, He’s inviting me to TRUST Him completely and enjoy the journey. He promises amazement and joy along the way. He knows where we will land and why and how long will be grounded. He knows when we will stop and explore spectacular sights together. He knows who we will visit and whether or not they are friends, strangers, or enemies, and our purpose.
But none of this will happen unless I board His flight.
And to be honest I’m not sure I like the idea of the traveling to the unknown. I want to know the details before I say yes. I want to be prepared and pack accordingly.
So I’m being tested with how much I really trust God. Will I go or will I say no?
Ultimately, I know I will surrender. For some reason I resist at first. Here’s the reality: I can’t fly. But I don’t like staying grounded either. I want to go places. And I know I can trust God’s flight wherever He leads. When I feel out of control and storm winds rattle the plane, I can trust God is in control. I believe His plan is good. He will never leave me or His instrument panel in mid-flight. And best of all, He knows how to fly. He’s my pilot.
LORD, my faith is always being tested. Often I resist fully believing You because of fear. Fear of the unknown. I worry about what others might think. I fret about possibly not being prepared. I feel unqualified and unequipped. I hate the fact that I often think about my own safety more than others. Forgive me. I’m tired of resisting Your offer of adventure. It’s time for me to take a step and board Your plane. So I surrender once again. Start the engine. I’m finally ready to fly!
***Could God be asking you the same questions? If so, I hope you fly.*****
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight, Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV).
Love this. Isn't Faith fascinating? It's all about God's plan for me and not about my plans. Can be scary or exciting. It's up to me.
Thanks for a great post.
I hate flying and I think God knows that about me. I think if I felt His calling, then I would jump aboard a plane without question because I truly trust His flying ability.
I would also be hoping that God would calm any fears I had so I could really enjoy the flight.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Wow! What a wonderful example of how God leads us! We want to know our destination and plan everything out, but often that isn't how God works, is it? His goal is less about the destination and more about growing our faith during the process of getting us there.
Love that Psalm and I haven't read it in a while. Thanks for reintroducing it to me. I'm like you, I would like to pack accordingly if I must travel, but HE plans it, HE knows what we need to bring!
Love for a great day!
Very eye opening. Trust what a big issue it can be.
I'm spontaneous by heart. I love to do last minute things and would love the excitement of jumping on a plane and trying something new..
I guess I walk in Faith that way too. I love to see God taking new directions and get excited. I'm happy just knowing God is active..
When it's painful though.. that can be tough.
Great post!!
Oh Tiff…. God has been speaking this to me…Prov. 3:5 I was praying for this very thing before I read your post. I am going to use the feathers He has given me to fly. Need to go pray. B
Thanks for this, love you.
I love to fly and visit new places. Yet when God asks me to get on board, sometimes I am hesitant. A dear friend stated this the best: "I love the recklessness of faith, first you leap and then you grow wings." Blessings, SusanD
I do not struggle in this area. I do understand though. Because I have people question me about where I'm going or how I can go where I've gone. It's simple. God is the pilot and he takes me on adventures for His purpose and glory.
Blessings today and forever!
Oh, Tiffany, I so love this word picture and your description of where the Lord has you. Me too, me too! It is an exclamation mark on the scripture God gave me this morning: …the wo/man who hates his/her life in this world will keep it for eternal life (John 12). Thank you for sharing His life in you.
Tiffany, I love the analogy. I was all set to take the window seat and watch the scenery below until you mentioned destination unknown… would I still go? With God as the pilot, yes, even if I hesitate at first:).
This is something that I definitely need to be reminded of! My problem is not the trusting God to go where He wants but its the waiting and surrendering once I have gotten there for what He is going to do!
I loved loved this visual and analogy! I hate flying unless I know where I am going–I'm finding lately that isn't the case. But I trust the pilot and that's what counts. Hope your journey is an awesome one!
Amen! He knows how to fly! And He will take us to the places He wants us to go.
When I fly in a plane, I always imagine God as the pilot and believe it to be so as well.
This was a wonderful post Tiffany!
What a pure word picture this post is! TRUST is such a monumental thing in God's realm. We say we're 'trusting God' but then we have plan B,C and D lined up 'just in case'.
With trusting God – there is no 'just in case'. I'm really preaching to myself right now! Whew! God is testing me fully on this one. I lose my current health insurance in less less than 3 months – God's says: TRUST ME! I've gone to doctors – had a battery of tests for my back and foot – and I'm still where I was a year and a half ago when I started seeking medical help. God says: I'M the HEALER – Do you TRUST ME?
Just writing that down here scares me. I know that I'm out on a limb with God in TRUSTING HIM but there's no place safer to really BE!
Though it's not even about being 'safe' – it's about being in God's love and care!
I desire to TRUST HIM with all my heart for every unknown desitnation He leads me on. Why? Because I have a KNOWN God who loves me – and I am KNOWN by Him!
Wonderful post – I will take it to heart and ponder what God is teaching [stretching] me with today!
Choosing JOY, Stephanie
[JESUS – the One I Thirst For]
Flying. Never with ease. But the views make me catch my breath.