Something is happening to my heart. I’m not sure what God is doing but I keep hearing the word “orphans.” In different places and in different ways. Through radio, books, videos, the Word, songs, friends, and blogs. The other morning I woke up to the word. Loud and clear. I wrote it down. Three times I heard “orphans.” I asked God why I was almost shook awake with this word. I can’t remember what I said. It was early, early. I do remember saying no. Then I heard the word “decision.” End of discussion. Silence.
Today at church, I almost walked out during the service because I was about to sob watching a video about, you guessed it, orphans. I couldn’t watch. The reminder was again before my eyes and touching my heart. Breaking me. I stirred in my seat, restless, trying to contain my sorrow. My husband asked for a tissue, he was moved too.
I cannot stand the thought of kids without homes. Without a mom or a dad. Without a soul to love them. It’s wrong. And obviously God is asking me to respond somehow, some way. I’m not sure where God is going with this repeated message.
But I’m ever mindful and prayerful not to miss out. I’ve kept this private until now. Between me and God. Maybe it’s to pray for them more. Give financially. Maybe Visit an orphanage overseas. Get involved with a ministry. Volunteer. Or maybe it’s closer to home. There are 700 orphans in Colorado’s foster care systems.
Will you join me in praying for those precious girls and boys without homes? Would you pray for my heart and for my family that we clearly hear God with this matter?
Thank you.
I will update you as God continues to speak. I’m listening. And curious!
Tricia says
I will definitely pray for you… for clarity and discernment in hearing His voice…
Susan says
Oh, I will, I will!!
How touching… I love when God stirs our hearts. This is truly exciting!
Love you♥
Named Alicia says
Saying a prayer for you, my friend. May God lead you in the right direction and prepare your heart for the path ahead.
Debra says
I will pray for you, Tiffany. My friend, Missy, has recently heard the same call from the Lord and is now embarking on adopting a child. Her youngest child is 13 ~ she never thought she would adopt but she feels like to not heed the Lord’s voice would be disobedience on her part. She feels ill equipped and over her head but stepping out in faith.
I will pray Proverbs 3:5-6 over you.
With love, Debra Kaye
Ashley Weis says
Well, you know how I feel about this!!! We have an orientation in less than a month to adopt. We’ll see where God leads. I read that if 7% of all Christians adopted there would be no more orphans. I don’t want to be part of the 93%.
There’s also a great organization called Shaohannah’s Hope. Check it out!
Glad to see your heart about this!
Hannah says
Thanks for your honesty. I know of Christians who have heard the call, but not acted upon it.
Thought I’d share this link with you, in case you hadn’t seen it:
Bonnie says
Your openess to the voice of God is a beautiful example for us all. I share your heart for children. There are two interesting moves happening in this season that I can't help to take notice of. There's a move of writers. God is prompting believers everywhere to write! And there's a move of compassion for His children. Even in reading your other comments, you can see how He has been moving on many hearts in this area. I will be praying! Praying for you & your family, and praying for us all, that we would walk out His great plan in all things!
Tracy says
Praying with you for openness and discernment to God’s promptings. Thank you for sharing this with us and allowing us to pray with you.
Truth4thejourney says
Perhaps you are going to be called to adopt. The word decision that you heard, that sounds like adoption to me! I have 5 biological children and 1 adopted daughter from Russia! If you want to see a pic. of her and have a facebook account look me up: Sonya Thompson. Her name is Valerie and she’s adopted from Russia (8 years ago).
I can’t imagine life without my Valerie.
Adoption is one of the best ways to help a child with NO parents.
God is good and He will show you, but the point is it’s YOUR DECISION to make. He is not pushy with His agenda. It’s up to us to say, “yes Lord, not my will but yours”.
God Bless,
Tiffany Stuart says
Hannah, thank you for the link. This is the ministry video we saw. I Care for Orphans.
On Purpose says
Dear Heavenly Father thank you for your daughter Tiffany’s heart. For she is listening to Your voice. She is also speaking Your precious words to us. May we all join her in praying, Your will. We know You bring purpose! Thank You Father for taking us from orphans to precious children of a great and mighty King, throught the precious gift of Your Son-Amen
Tiffany Stuart says
Thank all of you for your sweet prayers. Prayer is so powerful and I feel humbled to know that friends I’ve never met in person are willing to lift up my requests. May God bless all of you with more of HIM!
Just To Praise Him... says
That is to weird. My family and I were just talking about the abandoned baby girls in China yesterday. I can’t imagine what it must be like to never know a mom or dad. I can’t imagine the holidays. I just can’t imgaine any of it. I’m glad your heart is imagining it…