(UPDATE: God provided and I went to Uganda. I’m still processing my thoughts and my photos but look for an update in August. It was an amazing, life-changing experience.)
Do you have a dream that won’t leave you?
I do.
My dream is ten years old.
I dream of going on a missions trip to Africa. I dream of going more than once, too, to develop long term relationships and to watch God do His thing in the hearts of people, including in me.
Lord’s willing, this year I will live out my dream.
But first I need some help. I’m the helper type, not the type who asks for help. Sounds like pride I know. Since I hate asking for help I’ve avoided writing this post until now. But I can’t wait any longer because July is coming soon. Today is April 1st. Yes, already.
I need two types of help.
One is help through prayer. I need lots of prayer.
And two is help through financial support for those who feel connected to this ministry.
A few years back, I met Brandi, the founder of Beauty for Ashes Uganda, about going on one of their trips. At the time I loved hearing Brandi’s heart and the mission(she’s the real deal. She loves broken people well.), but I didn’t feel I could juggle my responsibilities to make traveling possible.
But this year things are different. Way different.
Over the past seven months, I’ve went through another layer of major healing. It’s been excruciatingly hard, but the best of hard. Individual talk therapy sessions. Some EMDR sessions for healing trauma. Lots of journaling. I’ve also worked diligently to change my life. I broke my sugar habit and 7 months later I’m still at it. I’m also committed to self care (nutrition and exercise) and this time without feeling guilty or selfish. Yes, I’m worthy of care. I’m finally living true to my core values. Oh and I have newfound energy and a passion for LIVING. A miracle! (More on that in a future post.)
Better to wake up, get well, and start living at age 46 then not at all. Praise God! He is Jehovah Rapha, my healer. Oh how I love the names of God.
As far as my family goes, my son is married to his high school sweetheart and my daughter graduates from high school in May. So I’m entering into a new season. I’ve spent the last 22 years being a mom (18 of those years as a SAHM) caring for my kids and doing my passions on the side (volunteering, blogging, speaking, photography, writing, coaching). I have my husband’s blessing to go because he knows I dream of Africa.
So why do I want to go to Uganda?
Because that particular country pulls on my heart. A couple years ago I read the memoir Kisses from Katie . Wow. I was so moved by Katie’s story in Uganda. But several years before that, I saw a vision while I was praying and driving. God showed me my neighbors. I saw dirt roads and lots of black people. I knew then I was called to Africa some how, some way, someday. That day I pulled into my garage, closed my door, and cried because I couldn’t UNSEE what He showed me. It was so real. My heart felt love for people I’ve never meet. And since then, I continue to pray and dream of the day I step onto African soil and hug my neighbors.
I also want to go to Uganda because my family currently sponsors 2 single moms through Beauty for Ashes Uganda. I cannot believe they work for $23 a month. I long to meet these mommas and their kids, learn from them, and sing and dance with them. I long to be broken in a beautiful way and to experience God in a deeper way.
When the time is right, I believe I’m going. And as long as this dream remains in my heart, I’m believing God.
This year’s trip is July 6-20 so I’m looking to raise or work for $3500 (ground fees are $1500 and the flight price is the remainder, which can vary.)
I’m willing to WORK for donations (tax deductible).
My work includes:
- Life coaching sessions (1 hour phone or Skype calls, weekly) women only
- Speaking for your small or large group, special events, conferences, women’s retreat or teas, outreaches, schools, churches, writing or speaking workshops, youth groups
- Photo sessions in Colorado Springs – families, teens, senior yearbook photos
- I’m creative so I’m sure there’s more… support on writing projects? Critique/feedback?
Anyway I know people have their opinion about missions trips, fundraising, local community issues, staying in America, opinions about Africa, or about safety. You name it and there’s probably an issue or opinion about it. But that’s okay. We are all different. Hopefully people can accept/embrace our differences without judgement or excessive fear. Because the truth is we all have different interests by design. Some adopt, some don’t. Some give to missions, some go on missions. Some have faith, some have none. We all have a unique purpose and unique passions.
I’m passionate about restoring dignity and worth to hurting women and children. I’m not backing down on this dream until God releases me. He can move mountains. This trip will only happen if God provides or brings me the work to provide. Because right now I cannot make this happen alone.
I need help. And if you’ve been following my blog for the last decade, you know I don’t normally ask. I’ve done two fundraising walks for our local crisis pregnancy center, but I have yet to do something big like this..
All I know is I’m available to go and I’m asking for help.
To donate directly (tax-deductible), please find the link here.
OR mail a check payable to “Beauty For Ashes Uganda”
Tiffany Stuart
PO Box 1608, Colorado Springs, CO, 80132-1608
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Even if I don’t end up going, ALL money will be used to help these single moms, widows, and their kids. I 100% trust this ministry as I’ve watched Brandi work fundraisers on Facebook for years now. People have bought goats, roosters and mosquito nets. Donations paid for minor and major surgeries for the mommas, education for their children, including books, uniforms, and school supplies. It’s been amazing to see hearts work together to help those across the globe.
To become a monthly sponsor for a momma in a village, (I’m an advocate for Ojemoru Village) at $23 per month, visit HERE.
To contact me about a service I can provide, please email me.
Or buy a book or several books to support my trip, visit here for full list of novels. Currently over 500 titles available. All genres, Christian fiction.
To view video on Youtube, click HERE
PS I’m doing some housekeeping on my website, so stay tuned, I’m still here.
If you’ve received this post by email, feel free to reply back with any questions or comments you may have.
Yay, Tiffany! Praying that God will make a way for you to come!!
thanks, Lisa. I’m believing for a miracle. God is already doing amazing things. Together we will go to Acuna and love on our mommas and their kiddos.