I’ve once again found myself overwhelmed by God’s greatness! The more I focus on who God really is the more I want to praise Him, sing, dance, shout, cry out, climb the highest mountain, or dive the deepest sea to tell the world about Him. God is huge, beyond measure. The heavens declare His greatness. Creation shouts out DESIGN!
I wonder how we can go day in and day out without noticing Him. Are we even awake or are we sleep walking?
I don’t know, you tell me. But first consider these questions I’m asking myself.
Why does meaningless conversation consume us? How come we let trivial things like a dirty house steal our joy? Why do we tape our favorite shows and miss conversations with our King? Why are sports games more exciting than the Greatest Love Story ever told? How can we stand by and watch the world starving without lifting a finger or a prayer? Why do we have bigger houses with more stuff, but less love? How is it possible to look at a newborn, a sunset, or the ocean and miss God? Where is our joy and peace really found? In our pocket books, possessions, people, or in our salvation?
I don’t get it. I have only a glimpse, and I mean glimpse of God and I am undone and amazed!
I ache for more God talk. But often unless I start it, I get very little. I thank God for the friends who love Him. When we talk, we feast at His table. We share His finest foods together. In those moments, I feel so satisfied, so full. Like I really lived.
Is anyone else moved by how big God is? Is anyone excited? Sometimes I feel like I live among the living dead. My heart breaks knowing we are going through the motions and missing the greatest gift in life. God Himself. Most of the time, I’m unsure of how to change a single thing! The coward in me keeps me quiet. And in my quietness, I die along with them.
I long for more joy. Do you? I even long for more tears if that’s what it takes to know God intimately. I want a deeper life in Him. I want to know Him. I can’t get enough of His love.
This past Sunday during my small group study on the MAJESTY of GOD, I sat there shaken to my core about who God really IS! I held back tears as I felt God’s presence so deeply. The words God spoke to me last spring about the stars in sky were explained in a deeper way through a video we watched. I couldn’t believe God was so big and so full of love for me, so full of love for the world. No one knew I was rocked by His greatness. I felt every breath go in and out. I told myself to remain calm. Soaking in His love, I could’ve shared, but I didn’t want the attention. This room was sacred ground. God spoke. I heard. I wondered if anyone else heard, but now wasn’t the time to ask. I wanted all eyes and ears to be on the One who in worthy of all praise! GOD ALMIGHTY! Not on me!
Words don’t do justice to my God sized moment in this room full of people. It’s hard to express what the LOVE and JOY of the Lord feels like.
All I know is this great God I serve and love, He is MORE than enough for me!
He is huge.
I am small.
Just the way I like it!
How about you? Have you allowed God full access to your heart? Are you ready for a great awakening of His love?
God is near. He wants to wow you! He wants to love you more. Come as you are. His arms are open. Your favorite meal is waiting!
Taste and see that the Lord is good! Psalm 34:8
And one more thing, please come back again and share a bite with me. I’m still hungry!
This was awesome Tiffany.
Yes, I too long for more of the Lord.
Thank God for people like you who ask these questions and stir our hearts to think more about Jesus.
He is everywhere, and yet we miss Him so often.
Sometimes we just get too busy to notice or care.
We’re taking a little trip tomorrow. I’ll be able to see Him in Williamsbury, Va.
I’m excited.
Blessings my sweet friend♥
You not only gave tastey morsels today, you gave me a feast here and I'm still hungry too! I am so in love with our God. So in love with Him! My heart aches with a burning desire to always be filled with Him, at all times. When we think about the awesomeness of who He really is, it blows me away…too great to ever comprehend such splendor, such glory. What a Mighty God we serve and what a Mighty God we have that has formed us by His hand to live in this world for His purpose.
Great post Tiffany.
Love & Hugs,
Oh, Tiffany… you are a sister after my own heart, let alone God’s. He is so blessed by your words of praise and worship and adoration. I see him leaning down from his throne (even though he dwells within us) with a magnificant smile on his face, saying, “I love you my daughter and I will fill you with all you desire.” “Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart”. Blessings!
Be still and know that I am GOD gives me goose bumps each time I read it…. He is near and he is consistent and he is forgiving and he is patient and he is the strong hold of my life and he is….. HE JUST IS!
Love, peace and blessings!
Well, I have a word for you Tiffany. You and I would be like ‘best buds’ if I lived in the Springs. The Lord was letting me know as I read this post, ‘She’s just like you Barbara’ My eyes were stinging as I read your post. Betty (the other B) and I could spend the whole day praying and talking about the Lord and His plans, never running out of things to say. My husband calls us Piranhas! We ‘frenzy feed’ at His table. When the Lord first made His Presence known to me I made an appointment with the pastor and asked ‘Why wasn’t everybody talking about HIM?’ I didn’t get it. I was so blown away! I believe many have not experienced God. He is not only enough in my life….He’s EVERYTHING! Yes, we are indeed His turtle girls. Your heart for Him is going to take you places! I’m so glad you shared this. In God’s Glory, B
Bless you dear one.
Hello – thank you for your post today. I’ve just popped by via someone else’s blog and enjoyed reading yours. My grandmother used to have plaque in her kitchen which read ‘Life is life a cup of tea – depends on how you make it’ God bless you, Judith
Love it, love it, love it!!!!!!!!!!!!
These verses shout out A Might God is among us & in us. I love these verses.
Thank YOU Father God for who & what You are and what You do for us. I pray that we give You recognition and glory. Because, God, if it weren't for You we wouldn't be. Amen.
Psalm 50
1 The Mighty One, God the LORD,
Has spoken and called the earth
From the rising of the sun to its going down.
2 Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty,
God will shine forth.
3 Our God shall come, and shall not keep silent;
A fire shall devour before Him,
And it shall be very tempestuous all around Him.
Jeremiah 32:17-19
17 ‘Ah, Lord GOD! Behold, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and outstretched arm. There is nothing too hard for You. 18 You show loving-kindness to thousands, and repay the iniquity of the fathers into the bosom of their children after them–the Great, the Mighty God, whose name is the LORD of hosts. 19 You are great in counsel and mighty in work, for Your eyes are open to all the ways of the sons of men, to give everyone according to his ways and according to the fruit of his doings.
I think I have found a heart like mine!
I love this so much. It’s refreshing and awe inspiring to wake in His love each morning. To anticipate with joy what new a wonderful thing He has for me each day. And it makes it even better, when you can share that with other sisters in Christ. So often we focus on the sruggles we need Him for instead of just falling at His feet in worship with adoration and praise on our lips. Sharing this part of our God makes our hearts and spirits soar.
I sat AMEN, and PRAISE the LORD!
Wow Tiffany! I am right there with you… I want more of God, and I want to be with others who are also desperate for more of God, this world just does not satisfy…
I loved this, it is also the cry of my heart:
“I ache for more God talk. But often unless I start it, I get very little. I thank God for the friends who love Him. When we talk, we feast at His table. We share His finest foods together. In those moments, I feel so satisfied, so full. Like I really lived.”
I think that is one of the reasons I try to make time to read blogs like yours so often, it is so good to know that there are other women out there who are hungry and thirsty for God…