This is a constant echo in my mind nowadays.
“Go where I send you.”
“Go where I send you.”
“Go where I send you.”
Alright, already! God has spoken this phrase to me in the quiet enough that I hear Him loud and clear. I see this command as a daily one. Go where I send you today, Tiffany. Look and listen and respond. I even spent time sharing this phrase with my dear friend at the gym this morning.
Okay, confession. I don’t always listen to the “Go.” Actually, I’ve haven’t listened for over two weeks.
Here’s what happened. On November 1st, I went to a restaurant with my family and my father-in-law and his wife. After we ordered our Philly steak sandwiches, the waitress left to place our order. Soon after, she returned. She came up to me, bent down and shared a medical problem with me. She had a fall at work and three days later she was still having weird symptoms. She wanted my opinion. A stranger’s opinion. I guess she felt safe with me. I felt honored. I told her my opinion, which was an “uneducated” guess of what might be going on. I suggested she call our local hospital helpline for free nurse advice. I told her what she was dealing with wasn’t normal.
After eating our lunch, we said our goodbyes and left. But she would leave me. She followed me in my mind. I worried first and then I prayed for her. I told my husband I will go back and check on her. I knew her talking to me wasn’t a coincidence. I knew it was a God opportunity.
As the last 17 days have past, I have continued to sense I needed to go back and check on her. I pushed down my thoughts. Always having an excuse. “I will go tomorrow.”
Well today was my “tomorrow.” I sensed I better go back or else this waitress would haunt me for the rest of my days. I wanted to know if she was okay. To be honest, I wanted relief from thinking about her.
When I walked into the restaurant, she was right there. The only waitress in the whole place. No hostess. I leaned over the counter as she was looking down. Hearing her name being called, she looked up. I told her who I was. She remembered me.
“I was hospitalized for three days after that.”
“I’m sorry. I just had to come back and check on you. I’ve thought about you everyday.”
This sweet redhead came around the bar and gave me a big hug and smiled. She even asked me to come back at 4:30 and have a glass of wine with her.
As I drove away, I sensed God is not done with my connection with her. I am not sure where she stands in life. I do sense she is struggling. With what? I don’t know.
So here I am tonight with “the waitress” still on my mind.
So much for relief!
Time to pray again!
(I believe God is always trying to get our attention. He wants to use us to help other people. Are we listening? Or are we making lame excuses like me? When God says “Go,” take it from me, He means GO. I say run!!! Someone is waiting for your words, your smile, your hug! Even if it’s weeks after the fact still go. I felt the reward of finally listening. I’m a slow learner.)
** Please pray with me for this waitress. I’m not sure what she needs, but who doesn’t need prayer?**
Hey. I understand the “go” but I hear it in different terms from Him to me lately “go and prepare the way for Me”. I just keep hearing “prepare the way, prepare the way” almost like this trumpet that keeps sounding off with urgency and authority. We must go. We never know if it is not that one person that God planned for us to touch before we were ever born. What if we miss it? What if we were the difference between life and death? What if I have to stand before Him oneday and give account for my fear and my laziness and my flesh for not going, for not preparing the way? What if I have to see someone’s face on that day that will live in torment for eternity because I couldn’t get it together and get over me and they lost there chance at Heaven? Too many what ifs. I think I choose to do whatever it takes to “go”, to “prepare the way”. I will remember the waitress with you. Tiffany, you are a delight to Him. You are pleasing Him. You need to know that. I hear for you “just believe, Tiffany. I’m here. Just believe”…
My husband was interested to know that your husband body builds as well. He is somewhat new to the whole thing but is loving it. He is up and gone to the gym at 5:15 every morning before work. I am very proud of his commitment to it not to mention it is not looking to shabby either…lol. He takes all these supplements and stuff that I have no idea about. I take some of them to help me gain weight. I drink a protein shake with soy milk at least twice a day.
I am so enjoying your friendship as well. You are definately one of those divine appointments and divine people I was talking about that He has blessed me with and I cannot be more excited to see where He leads and what comes next with this. And yes, my light is always on…just come on by…
I am glad you listened to that voice. One thing I have learned about that is we don’t always get to know why we were suppose to do something, or even if it made a difference. Though, sometimes you know right away. One time I felt God nudgeing (not sure what word to use here…it was more like DO THIS NOW!) We were in the basement of our church and my one year old had wandered away. When God said go, I went and found my son in a closet in a sump pump I did not even know existed. Only his little face was out of the water. Now I always listen when he says ‘GO’.
How true this is, if we can *hear* Him, He is ready to use us if we can only hear Him. We must spend that time with Him, giving Him the opportunity to speak to us. I really feel He is pouring out His Spirit on all people and we need to be sensitive to it. Trust and obey. Hey that reminds me of the lyrics of that song. I haven’t heard it in years.
Trust and obey, for there’s no other way
To be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.
So glad you went back to check on her. I’ll definitely being praying for your next visit with her. God is using you Tiffany! Walk in His grace today.
Hi Tiffany. Thank you for the love and encouragement you have left me. I agree with Grammy that while we won’t always get to know why we were supposed to do something, or the difference that our doing something may have made, one thing for sure is that God orchestrates these things for divine reasons. He chooses who He chooses because He knows that they will be the ones to heed His prompting. Being used by Him is a great honor and one that speaks of His trust and pleasure in you!
I too will be praying for her! Your sensitivity and obediance + everyone’s prayers will no doubt = a miracle in that precious woman’s life. We shouldn’t expect anything less!
Much love,
Oh Tiffany,
What an awesome testimony!! God told me “to go” yesterday too.
To make a long story short, one of my neighbors, I barely know, called yesterday morning and told me she wanted to end her life.
I’ve never got a call out of the blue like this, especially from a stranger! Plus, she is Hindu!
I rushed over and spent over 4 hours at her house. She had hurt her back and needed someone to help out with her young children and did not know anyone to call.
By the time I left she seemed much better. I told her about Christianity and why I have hope. She was very open. Praying God will grant me the honor to led her to Christ.
Interesting how God will use us if we only listen, and obey.
Blessings my sweet friend. I’ll be praying your new friend too!
I’ve had those moments too!
I am glad you followed your heart and went back to that precious woman. You were the face of God to her.
Love ya,
Went into prayer this morning and when I began to remember you I felt a deep sense of a call to intercession for you. Don’t you give up and don’t you give in to anything the enemy throws at you. It is just a smokescreen. I would hate to have to come all the way to Colorado and take you behind the woodshed…lol. Just kidding, but I will keep you close to my heart for the next little while knowing that you must be on the brink of a serious breakthrough, one that has been coming for awhile. You must be about to birth a very big and a very overdue baby. Don’t run… Dig in… You will succeed…
So glad you were obedient to the voice of God! And thanks for sharing, it is so good to hear what God is saying and doing in the lives of others, it strengthens my faith and makes my ears perk up a little more for His voice because I do not want to miss what He is telling me to do.
Pray for me tonight as I end my class with my youth girls. I have felt the Lord calling me to pray for each one individually tonight, and your post has confirmed to me that I need to just be obedient. Some of these girls come from hard backgrounds and some from wonderful, so pray that they would all receive what God has for them, and that I would be obedient, no matter what! Thanks!
Dear Heavenly Father thank you for the opportunity that Tiffany has shared with us to prayer for “the waitress” for You God have created her and You know her needs. Thank You Lord for the blessing to see You work in Tiffanys life and in this “waitresses” life. Knowing that You God will bring purpose in all things. Amen
Definitely praying with you my friend! Nothing is ever by accident. May the Lord continue to lead and guide you!
Blessings to you my sweet friend!
Hi, Tiffany!
What an inspiring story of obedience! Sometimes those commands that seem so unusual end up being the most rewarding. I will pray for you and this sweet redhead!
You inspire me!
Amen! Thank you so much for sharing this — so clearly a God opportunity.
My family also had an awesome God moment with a waitress when we were in Florida backin 2004. I’ll have to share about it on my blog sometime. I will pray for that waitress, and for you as you continue to listen for God’s promptings. He’s definitely up to something here.
Oh Tiffany…those words…GO! God is speaking to hearts all over—I pray for ears tuned to hear!
This post was an incredible blessing—I struggle with the same—I actually spoke on my “dis-obedience” before my actual “Obedience” last week at the tea! God was merciful and gave me another chance!
I appreciate you for sharing this 🙂
Have a blessed weekend!