To continue from yesterday’s post. I thought I’d challenge you more. Are you ready?
Forget about getting OUT of the boat. There are some who never get IN. Hear my whisper. What are you waiting for?
Comfort Island offers you more of the same ole, same ole. Aren’t you tired of the same coconuts? What a pain to eat and drink those rock-hard fruits. Remember the movie Castaway? Aren’t you tired of the same views and the seclusion? You sailed to Comfort Island to escape. And now you long to escape your escape. You’re lonely. Do you wonder why you’re restless?
Sure the sea is scary. For those of you who don’t like dark waters where you can’t see the bottom, the ocean is the last place you’d want to go, right? But what if that’s where you will find your greatest joys. Out there in the deep blue waters. What if that’s where God will show up? Where He will provide for you in amazing ways. Where your love and life purpose will grow.
Living by faith is risky. I understand.
But here’s the deal. God will not fail you. He will not let you drowned. The boat he designed just for you remains tied to the dock until you are ready. He’s weatherproofed it in advance. I see the words “Trust and See” painted on the side.
Will you come aboard? Will you let go of control and trust the unknown plans of God? Will you let him navigate through rough waters and calm the storms within you? Will you trust him to provide you with friends, food and drink along the way? Will you open your eyes and ears and heart to discover the beauty and hidden treasures God wants to reveal to you?
The choice is yours.
Step in the boat.
What are you waiting for?
okay, i’ve been trying to post for over an hour now.. but everytiem i sit down one of my lovely little people pull me away. the beautiful music from your blog has been a great mood softener! 🙂 so thank -you!
Thanks for the challenge… you have given me something to ponder as my little ones nap…
Oh the treasures of the deep…..
They are amazing…
Yet we are more comfortable “snorkeling” where our feet can touch the ground. So often the uncertainties hold us back. But doesn’t it all go back to trust?
Deep calls unto Deep…..
I watched a video one time for a home school science class of the depths of the ocean. The creatures that swim there are unique and brilliant.
Things you would never see are hiding….in the depths…..
It’s astounding.
I loved this. In fact I wrote something about it…hmmm, maybe I’ll go pull it up and read it again.
Hugs friend,
I am in.
Hey friend,
Your post reminded me of a devo I had written back in the school season. So I pulled it up and posted it on my blog.
Thanks for the reminder!
Great words, friend. Thanks for leading me over here. Let’s both step on those waters and see what God will do with faith like that!
I’m aboard! It seems the theme this week is reaching for God’s best! I love the ocean imagery. God has so many treasures in store for us. Sometimes I have a little trouble diving in…but I never regret it!
OK, this post is getting taped into my journal! I need to read it over and over. Thank you, Tiffany!
Great post. Great imagery, could “see” it in my mind. Yes, I’m taking your challenge. I will remember it as I go through my day. We are facing new challenges in our lives in a changed routine and lifestyle…office in the home…God is right here with us..hard to remember at times when things are rough. Blessings.
I really like the boat name “Trust and See”….Yes, He is faithful and totally trustworthy. Not sure why I always hesitate!
Be blessed today as you have blessed me today…
Wow… A very powerful challenge!
sorry I’ve been scarce. Sooo much going on. Heaven has left for her missions trip. I’ll try to catch up soon. Much love!
Wow! What a beautiful challenge today. I have grown tired of same ole, same ole. I’m ready for an escape! And so…(not without fear or a bit of anxiety) I’m stepping in that boat. I’m going to print this message to re-read frequently so that when fear threatens to cause me to flee, I stay! Thank you Tiffany!
Oh Sista~
Not only do I want ot get “in” the boat…I want to “step” out in faith too!!!!!!
That’s exactly what He told Peter – get in the boat, go out into the deep, cast your nets and trust and see what will happen. And so they did; netting such a huge catch they almost sank!
Thanks for this great devotional. Your writing is getting better and better every week.
Praying for you.
Thank you so much for your sweet prayer, I appreciate it so much! You are a blessing!
Have a great weekend!
Yes, living by faith IS risky… but, oh my, is it ever worth it!
Have a great weekend!
I love your depth….
Just had to say it!
Love ya,
I’ve read your last two posts. Now what a challenge! I find myself IN the boat at this very moment with trust and faith that our Lord will see me through. I have felt such peace this week, yet a bit uncomfortable! I know with faith/trust everything will be fine.
Thanks for visiting my blog. It is so good to hear of cancer survivors, especially childhood. I’ve been there with a friend who had a child with cancer.
Hey Tiffany,
This was great. I love the name painted on the side of the boat, “Trust and See”!
I’ll remember this next time I hear Him calling me to take a trip out with Him.
Yes, it’s safe on the shore, but oh, he has so much more out in the deep waiting for us.
Blessings to you my sweet friend♥