(This is day 10 of my 31 day blog series: Live Free. )
I would die if I couldn’t create…
When I was young, I dug holes in the dirt and then made bridges out of twigs. As a teen, I made up dance routines and sang and recorded goofy skits. As a mom, I built a kids’ fort out of random things my son and I found in the garage.
I love thinking outside the box, brainstorming with other creatives, and imagining the possibilities. And over the years I’ve tried lots of things to be “the most creative me” I can be. Some ideas stuck and others didn’t.
* faux painting
* gardening
* cutting hair
* photography
* speaking
* making slideshow presentations for talks
* scrapbooking
*jewelry making
*mentoring troubled youth
*helping young writers
*volunteering in various ministries
*co-leading Bible studies
* teaching blogging workshops
* making fresh fruit and vegetable juices
* transforming the old into something new
* writing articles
* designing my website header, making fliers, making YouTube videos for a friend who lost her son
* making woodsy crafty things to sell in a booth I once rented
* helping friends with their decorating
* coaching women who feel stuck and who want to live out their dreams
Creativity isn’t just a right brain thing. Creativity is life. In the beginning God spoke, “Let there be ______.” Our Creator created all of creation. And I believe God still invites us to join Him in the creative process. So we create by bringing children into this world. We create by sharing ideas. We create things like business models, organizational charts, home designs, and sports cars. Creativity is all around us every day. Look at nature, look at the skies, the birds and the variety of animals. Look at all the unique faces and the different personalities in this world. Wow, what creative designs customized by a Masterful Creator!
So here’s my question. If my Creator has NO limits in creating, why do I? After all I’m His, right? And I have His spirit living within me, right? So what’s the problem?
Why not create more?
So what if I’m not as good as so and so? Remember I’m free of comparison. So what if it’s not perfect? Remember I’m free of perfectionism too. What would happen if I just created, regardless of my current limitations? What if I just said yes to God? And what would happen if you did too?
Would the world be more colorful?
Would there be more talent? More songs? More bakers, artists, scientists, and designers?
Would there be more inventions?
What would change if we ALL said, “World, here’s my creative portion, take it. It’s all I have, but I’m sharing it because creating this _____ gave me joy.”
Joy is worth passing on, so please consider sharing your creations.
PS Anyone want to share their cooking with me? I lack in that creative department. 🙂
Q4U: What is your creative offering to the world and do you share it? Please share in the comments on my blog OR stop by my Facebook page.
(To find out more about the over 1,400 bloggers writing this month of October. Visit The Nester. I guarantee someone is writing on a topic that interests you! The variety is amazing!! And if you’re on Twitter, look for us by the hashtag #31days.)
Oh yes! We were made to be creative. Well, as you know, I am sharing two of my creative talents with the world. First, through blogging, and secondly through art. I finally got up the nerve to share my paintings during this 31 day series. Oh and I sing in the house of prayer. Not the greatest singer by any means, but my heart of worship is more needed than my vocal talent. Have a lovely weekend!
I love your creations. And I, too, used to sing in the choir. I forgot that in my long list of things I test out. Ha.
Please keep offering your gifts to the world. We need YOU!