“A family without a commitment to the God of the Bible has no hope of stemming the tide of cultural onslaught. If we mix a little biblical truth, a little secular physchology, a little romance novel idology, and a little eastern mysticism, we will get a deadly mixture of lies. Unfortunately, this is what many Christian families do . . . If we are to experience multigeneraltional faithfulness we must come to a place where we throw off the shackles of our culture and live in the fullness that is found only in Christ. We must be people who live the Word in our homes.”
~By Voddie T. Baucham, Jr~
What a strong quote! Living by the Word at home is a challenge. The voices of the culture echo through our televisions, websites, newspapers, magazines and through people around us. The only way I know to live out the truth at home is by reading the Word. Better yet, meditating on it. And surrendering completely to God, allowing him to work through me. Dying to self.
I’m at a place in my faith walk where I am trying to identify truth versus false beliefs. My thoughts and actions show signs of faulty beliefs. I have unbelief. I feel ashamed. Worry and fear can consume me. I think about myself more than others. I want my way. Serving my family stretches me some days. When I compare my life to Christ, I fall so short.
My goal is to be so saturated by truth and God’s love that my children know God is real. I want to forgive quickly. Love unconditionally. Listen first, speak second. Offer grace instead of condemnation. Seek to serve rather than be served.
Oh the thoughts of living fully surrendered to God! Help me, Lord.
Thank you to Loni at Writing Canvas for hosting this week’s In Other Words.
I had similar thoughts while studying the Lord’s Prayer. If you break down the prayer into phrases, there is really only one segment, “Give us this day our daily bread,” that has anything to do with our physical needs. Bread was a staple. If you didn’t have bread, you didn’t have food. You died. When I pray, so often my prayers are for “things.” Yet that isn’t how the Lord taught me to pray.
And, when you consider that Jesus is the bread… even that one segment has a Spiritual implication.
Lord, change me ~
Yes, meditating on the Word and even memorizing it will be what transforms our minds from worldly thinking to godly thinking. You and I are living sacrifices, giving Him our minds each day, but you know that saying about living sacrifices: they can get up off the altar and walk away too easily.
The prayer of your heart is mine today too!
I too had these same thoughts when I wrote my take on In “other” Words. It has to be about Him. We can overcome anything if we saturate ourselves more with Him!
it’s such a constant journey….
surrendering completely to HIM and throwing off all those worldly things is our walk each day…sometimes we RUN and sometimes we CRAWL….
I need to give it up daily…
Use me…
wonderful post!
thanks for sharing your heart!
Hi Tiffany,
Been thinking of you lately and praying for you too!
Great word. I pray daily for the Lord to help my unbelief.
Great post and quote… Hope you don’t mind if I post the quote on one of my blogs – thinkonthis.blogspot.com
Its too good not to share!
Yes! Powerful words of wisdom! Awesome!
Im so gald to be reading everyones posts this week! Words of wisdom that needed reminding in my life!
Thanks, Lisa