For some reason over the past year, I’m extra aware and passionate about making each day count. Maybe turning 40 last week did something to my brain. Ha.
I almost despise going through the motions and just getting by. I can’t stand being too comfortable. I ache to pour out something good onto my kids’ heart, unto this blogging world, anywhere I go. I feel such love for people I don’t know. It’s strange. I want to sit beside every hurting soul and point them to hope and healing. I long to redirect their hearts to the greatest gift I know.
God’s presence.
His joy really is my strength!
The cliche is true, life is short. I’ve prayed for years for God to “teach me to number my days aright that I may gain a heart of wisdom.” Psalm 90:12. And I believe God has convicted and changed my heart accordingly. Thank you, Lord. I pray I never lose this perspective. Do I fail daily? Sure. But I will not stay down and defeated. Today, I am now filled with a passion that cannot be quenched for loving life, loving others and loving God.
No matter what the cost.
I may face rejection. That’s okay. I may be labeled Jesus Freak. So what. I may be persecuted or judged. I don’t care. I care about people. People matter. Love matters. So today I live out loud and say from the depths of my soul: God is enough.
Because of His love, I have a spring of living water bubbling inside my heart.
Because of His love, I write words on my blog.
Because of His love, I speak something worth saying.
Because of His love, I laugh until the tears come.
Because of His love, I hug a friend, my kids, my husband.
Because of His love, I cry with those who cry.
Because of His love, I rejoice with those who rejoice.
Because of His love, I forgive even when it’s hard.
Because of His love, I cling to hope.
Because of His love, I sing in joy and in pain.
Because of His love, I choose to be thankful.
Because of His love, I think of others.
Because of His love, I live and move and have my being!
Because of His love, I am free!
God is enough!
I do hope oneday you and I have the opportunity to sit down and talk face to face over tea. I think you would find we have so much in common. Have a wonderful day. And you are right, people do matter. Love matters. Nothing else matters. May God strengthen us both to understand fully what that means…
Tiffany, thank you for this. I totally agree with you. I guess I came to this realization a while ago but never really thought that hard about it. It just “is”. Praise the Lord!
Yes, I know how it is to have to “add” some thoughts but I have a feeling if you don’t get that shower you are going to be late!! There are nothing like words. Words are everything. God “SPOKE” and creation began. Even sign language is just signing a word. Without words, where would we be? For me, words are my very existence. Without them and God’s gift to express them, I would cease to exist. I have to express. And I have to praise. I have to exalt Him. Though I have to admit, sometimes tears speak what words can never say to the ears of God. I’m glad He can read tear language…lol. Have a great lunch date!
I loved your post friend…. but more I love your heart.
I too want to do more than just get by. My son is home for fall break this week. It would be so easy to let him play his computer game for hours at a time. That is what he likes to do. Instead, I have been really focusing on us doing stuff together. I don’t want the week to go by and realize, “hey, I didn’t really spend time with him”.
Tiffany, such deep heart confessions we “sisters” can agree on…What wonderous love is this, o my soul…I, like J2PH, would love to have tea with Tiffany! Although I like coffee better…
God bless you!
yes, yes, a thousand times yes. Thank you, Tiffany, for expressing passion for the Lord so beautifully. It’s awakens our hearts! Gloria
A beautiful psalm to the Lord!
Blessings to you!
Amen to that! God is definitely enough and His love should be the driving force behind all that we do, think, and say! So glad to hear that our Lord has infused you with so much of His joy and love!
Happy Birthday Tiffany. I wanted to come to town and give you a hug but it didn’t work out for me.
Hope we can get together soon, I would love to give a Birthday Hug….40 0f em!
Beautiful thoughts my friend.