Something is seriously wrong with this picture, don’t you think?
I took this picture in May at the zoo and ever since then I see this image in my mind. Off and on at random moments–but especially lately–I see this caged eagle staring at me. Haunting.. I think God is trying to show me something profound.
What’s wrong with this picture?
Eagles are not supposed to be caged. They are designed to fly and fly high.
This is where I relate. Before God really started to heal my wounded heart, I’ve often visualized myself in an invisible cage. Yep, I have a creative imagination. I hated being trapped and I longed to be set free. I dreamed of flying and flying high. High above life’s storms.
The trouble is I sense another cage trying to tie me down right now. I have big dreams and I long to live them out but I feel bound. Maybe this cage isn’t really there, but nonetheless, I feel trapped. Because of this I bounce around, stretch out my clipped wings, and wait for the next raw meal to be thrown in. There’s no freedom here. Only voices that keep me down. I look at the active, free world through a chained link fence just like this bird.
Like I said, something is seriously wrong with this picture.
I know I was made for more than the cage I’m living in. It’s invisible. It’s not really there. I know that like an eagle I was made to soar and see more.
God is saying to me over and over again in my quiet time. It’s time to fly. Time to soar. Time for new. The old is gone. Fly to new heights and explore with Me. Trust Me.
I’m like this eagle staring into the eyes of my Maker. I see Him walking up to me. His gentle, giant hand reaches down and grabs the top of my cage. He tears off the lid and crushes it in His palm. With one squeeze, it’s gone. Vanished before my eyes. I look up, no more top, only open sky.
I’m free to fly.
The choice: Will I stay or will I go?
Father God, I’m not going to believe the voices today. I instead I will look up to the uncaged, open sky. I will look to You. In my weakness, renew my strength. Teach me how to fly high. Amen.
My prayer today is that we will all use the wings God gave us to go to new places with Him. To places where He sends us, places where we have greater influence for His kingdom. There are no more cages for the believer. None! They are just a figment of our imagination. Invisible. The truth is we are set free to soar to the heights through Jesus.
But those who wait upon God get fresh strength.
They spread their wings and soar like eagles,
They run and don’t get tired,
they walk and don’t lag behind. Isaiah 40:31 (The Message)
Thanks for alerting me to your new post. This was good. Great metaphor and imagery.
I think we all want to fly sometime, and God does unlock our cages. For me I think it comes down to trust: will I trust that God will bless and honor the initial steps that I take? Will he allow me to gain courage from them so I can continue to venture out with confidence?
Also, as I'm getting older I realize more and more that our ability to fly is directly related to our willingness to continue to take the very basic steps of growth that enable flight – discipline, hardwork, honesty, time management, dedication to our tasks, even the mundane ones. I think if we keep the basics in order, God is the one who helps us take flight.
Good post.
Amen! May I use the wings God has given me to soar to new heights with Him!!
Have a wonderful day!
Well said. I think the moment of our salvation and turning our lives over to God is that moment when our cage is open and we are given those wings to fly away.
Our cage is our old life, our old sin filled ways and yet sometimes we sit inside that cage because it offers us that false sense of security that if we were to leave it we would fail.
Let God release me and lift my wings full of air and allow me to soar on the current of wind straight into His blessings for all of us today.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
I totally get this and often times my cage has the door wide open but because I have been accustomed to being hand-fed I stay and do not taste freedom.
The bindings of our flesh and this world come in many shapes and sizes. Sometimes it is being trapped by what we think others think about us and other times it is down-right lack of faith. I experience this too often. I will step out but as soon as the bindings raise their ugly head I shrivel. Felt it this morning.
Thank you for sharing and reminding me it is bondage.
Wonderful post! I think I have been staying in my cage waiting for the help to open the door so I can go fly:)) I hope you get to!
And you soar!
Great post and analogy. There are often times we allow things to hold us down or cage us in. God wants us to be free to soar under His grace. Praises to His name. Blessings, SusanD
"B" and I collect feathers that God gives us. They remind us of His Presence in our lives daily and also that He has given us wings to FLY HIGH with the Most High!
If you've never received one – ASK Him to give you one – but you have to be paying attention when they come. And… they can come on the ground – in the air – from another person – however and whenever He gives you one – save it and then remember those things above…
And I also loved what Warren shared with you….. Take FLIGHT – dear girl!!
Choosing JOY, Stephanie
[JESUS – the One I DELIGHT In]
AMEN~GOD did NOT design us to be caged, but free to live out a victorious life.
Blessings and prayers, andrea
Amen, such a great post.
I think politically our freedom is being caged. But about this entry, John 10 says that we can't be snatched from the hand of God. But this by no means implies a cage. There's something about scripture and being "free indeed." I am able to live and live abundantly under a watchful God's who knows the numbers of hairs on my head.
So yes, I gotta believe there's something seriously wrong with your picture.
I LOVE eagles.
I love that they wait until just the right moment, when the wind of the storm is at it's highest…. then fly right into it. They know that it will take them to soaring at higher heights. They that wait on the Lord….. the eagle knows how to wait, be alert, fly out at just the right time.. For it's creator has timed everything inside it perfectly.
I love that eagles push their eaglets out of the nest when it's time for them to fly. I love that because I know I can trust that God will push me out of my nest when He sees it's time to fly.
It's what keeps me waiting…
God lifted my cage. I've been flying high with Him this week. Please continue to pray for me and my husband. We still have healing to go through. Praise the Lord for His mercy & grace.
Absolutely! This is truth. The truest and most enveloping freedom comes from Him alone. It's freedom that's meant to be expressed. Knowing you're free is good, living in it is all together different. Thanks for the thoughts (& stopping by my blog too). You're encouragement is greatly appreciated.