Wanted to share some pictures from the teen girls conference Hannah and I went to on Friday night. It was truly a time of being in God’s presence and hearing truth: We are called out to dance with Jesus in this life. He sees us, loves us and calls us beautiful. Angela did an amazing job relating to teens. She’s a storyteller at heart. So thankful for her inspiring message to all who were there.
Hannah and her friend.
Angela Thomas in action.
My girl and me.
A couple views of the crowd. The girls were precious to watch as they danced and sang and worshipped God. I couldn’t help but tear up as I saw young lives give praise and love to the Lord.
Very cool! Conference sounds great! Glad you were able to go with your daughter!
What a beautiful scene to witness firsthand…what a beautiful picture for us to see here! Thank you for sharing them with us.
May these young ladies of the Lord always dance so fervently for their King! Blessings to you sweet sister.
Hi Tiffany, Many years ago I was able to attend several conferences with my teen daughters and it was such a joy to watch them be impacted for the Lord. These seminars woo them to Jesus and I’m thankful you were able to take your girl. Blessings to you both as you continue to nuture her walk.
I LOVED seeing the faces of you and your sweet Hannah! You are SO BEAUTIFUL, both of you!
We gotta get that webcam thing going. Wouldn’t it be fun to see each other’s faces?????
What a blessing I am sure that was! Thanks so much for sharing the pictures!
You and your daughter are absolutely beautiful!
Hi Tiffany,
I found your blog through Lysa T’s. We have much in common including a love for Tea!
Thank you for sharing your heart and past abortion. With all of the “anonymous” writers we can see that our work is great.
Blessings to you and all that God is doing in and through your ministry!
Pat Layton
What a sweet experience. And you dear, are very pretty! Your girl looks like a bundle of fun too!
Thank you for your comment @ Women of the Word! I was happy to hear that you worked with incarcerated women @ one point. The lady that actually visits them and gathers prayer requests is such a tremendous joy and beautiful friend with a gi-normeous heart of of compassion. She sends me the requests w/ pics and I download them b/c they are linked directly to the server @ the facility they’re in…no passwords…just all their info there! I was surprised, too. So, I’m just using first names with them…
Shalom Aleichem Sister!
…your daughter is lovely…I look forward to times with them like what you’re doing! (I have 3 young daughters and 1 son…blessed are we!)
Wow! It looks like so much fun. I’d love to take my girl to one of these! I don’t know that we have one close enough here in VA though.
God Bless ya!
That sounds like one FUN conference! I wish I could take my niece along sometime. (My brother-in-law doesn’t really trust his kids off without BOTH parents being gone on the trip – so no chance of me taking her!) :-/
Anyway.. I was glad to hear that you saw the movie, “FIREPROOF.” I’ve heard it was going to be GREAT! Now, to just get MY hubby to take ME. Hehehehe…
You guys have a WONDERFUL weekend!
Thank you for your sweet encouragement. I had no idea that a book proposal would be this much work. Have you already submitted yours?
It is pretty rare that you find a blogger who has worked on a book proposal. Of course I should be working on mine right now.
I would love to hear more!
Warmly, Joanne
Warmly, Joanne
Oh my—that looks and sounds like an incredible time! What a blessing to participate in that with your daughter!
That is SO NEEDED in all areas!
Bless you dear friend!
Looks like you guys had a blast!! Your daughter is growing up to be beautiful just like her mother 🙂 I enjoyed the pictures!!