What do you do when you see a Salvation Army bell ringer?
Do you pretend you’re busy or that you don’t see them and just buzz on by?
Do you feel annoyed and think things you’d rather not say like, “I don’t have one more penny. I can’t take another bell dinging.”
Do you feel pressured to give? Or do you give with gladness?
I’ve done all the above.
This is the second Christmas God is working on my heart to give to the Salvation Army bell ringers. Hannah usually wants to give them coins to them before we even get to the store entrance. Sometimes we give nickels and dimes and quarters from the bottom of my purse.
But my giving isn’t always loose change. God is teaching me a different kind of giving. It’s giving my attention. It’s intentional eye contact and “Merry Christmas.” I’m learning not to miss the opportunity to treat someone else with dignity. I’m learning to notice them and offer a simple act of kindness. My smile.
Now to you, do you give to bell ringers? Is God speaking to you about this or something similar lately? If so, share please!
I wanted to thank you so much for your comment on my blog. I am so grateful for those who pray for my husband in Iraq, for our family and for all of those serving in the military. I think it is amazing how God is uniting believers in this most unique way. Merry Christmas!
I have felt the same way this Christmas. I usually give when I see them, but sometimes pass on by. I love giving a smile with eye contact and a Merry Christmas…I use my best southern accent. See, I’m up north.
Today was trash day and God told me to give those fellas a bit of money…so I ran in quickly, before they were gone and grabbed some cash. It’s cold and snowy here today with wind chill in the teens…being a trash fella is hard work and I told them so…WITH a big smile and a Merry Christmas.
What a wonderful message! Many years ago (and ever since), I have spoken to my husband and many people about how important it is for us especially as Christians to ‘make eye contact’ and SMILE. My pastor in VA used to say, ‘if you’re happy and you know it tell your face’ and of course every one would smile.
I just firmly believe that we never know what we’ll be doing to help someone by making eye contact and giving them a great big smile. I have had people make comments over the years about what it meant to them when I smiled and greeted them so thank you for this encouragement!!!
We all need to smile more.
As for the Salvation Army bell ringers, I do make contact and smile and when I have something in my pocket I give it.
Now I’ll tell you where I’m CHALLENGED: an unkind cashier or customer servic person. BOY OH BOY DO I HAVE TO SMILE AND PRAY THROUGH THE ENTIRE EXPERIENCE!!
Merry Christmas!
I love your transparency, humble & honest sharing.
Yes, I've done all of those things too. However, I do give on occasion, not everytime. I always make eye contact & smile. It warms a heart.
I try to always give to the Salvation Army. My dear sweet grandpa, who passed away 8 years ago, served in WWII. He said the Salvation Army was very good to them during the war.
I have also read the story of the start of the SA. It is incredible to read of the faith of the founders. So those are the reasons I always try to support them.
And yes, I am trying to make eye contact and smile at others during this time. We get so busy that it is so easy to have on blinders this time of year. But it is also the best time to share the love of our Saviour. Thanks for reinforcing that!
Take care my friend!
I pray you have a great Sunday!
I too have done those things, but since our church has participated in bell ringing, I have changed my ways.
I still struggle with the guilty feeling if I walk past them without giving too. Last time i went in Walmart one way, dropped in my cash, and when i came out the other door, I felt bad that I didn’t give him any (silly I know!)
Hi Tiffany
I’ve felt all the ways you mentioned also. My children are excited about giving – everytime they see someone collecting they want to give. People are always collecting for something near us – sometimes I’m a skeptic and think what are they going to use the money for and is it really for what they advertise, but my children just want to give without reservation. I wish I could be more like them.
I’m not completely back to blogging – I’ve posted a couple quickies at my main blog, but am spending most of my time snuggling with my precious daughter who is already 2 weeks old. She is such a gift!
This is a thought provoking post for me… and as I ran into Wal-Mart today for a quick item, I made sure that I made eye contact with salvation army bell ringer and wished her a Merry Christmas. Thanks so much for sharing this… I was definitely convicted.
You know, I have done all of the above when passing the bell ringers. But the last couple of years the Lord has really been speaking to me, too, about at least making sure that I look at them, smile, make eye contact. Looks like several of us are on this same journey…. ๐
At our local Kroger, the sweetest older handicapped woman who’s nearly blind is always there ringing the bell. The management has moved her into the section between the doors and given her a chair and afghan for her lap. I always try to give to her…sometimes I’m caught offguard with no cash money on me and I forget to ask for cash back on my debit card, so then I look for a handfull of coins to give her. No matter what amount you put in her kettle, she says very loudly, and so heartfelt you could cry…GOD Bless You! I love to look through her thick glasses into her eyes and say God Bless YOU, too and Merry Christmas! She is always a blessing. My husband just told me about a young man ringing the bell downtown with a kind face and big smile. He stopped and gave money, then they chatted a bit and parted ways asking how they could pray for one another. What a blessing to hear those bells.
I usually give a little at each one. Being a nonprofit ministry, I understand how hard it is to make ends meet. We’re all very reliant on the end of year generosity of those whom God touches to give.