As many of you know I’ve been seeking God about my blog and its purpose. I felt like I needed to pause and ask God what to do and not do. I felt burned out from writing and at the same time, burning with passion to share. Anyway, during my prayer time, I’ve sensed God nudging me to continue to write on my blog. Why? Because I want to be a voice that points others to Christ and what really matters.
I’ve also sensed I’ve been hoarding my experiences from others. I have fears that cause me to withhold the blessing from others. Sad to admit, but true. So my prayer is as I have an idea or an experience to write about, I am going to ask God specifically where does it go? On my blog? Just between Him and I? To a friend? In a devotional magazine? In a chapter for my book? And in doing so, I can trust God will lead the way. This way I don’t get stuck hoarding anymore. I believe He will show me what to hold on to and what to release and when.
I don’t believe I am suppose to share everything here. Like some of my journal entries, they are just too personal and irrelevant to others. But I do believe I’ve withheld some things for the wrong reasons. God is speaking to my heart about my reasons. He’s cleaning my heart’s home: decluttering overflowing closets, tearing down walls, building new ones, organizing, rearranging, and redecorating.
So as I transition into my newly designed and decorated heart, I pray I will offer words of life here. Not fluff. Not posts that make me look good. But honest reflections of the highs and lows of an ordinary woman who is in love with Jesus.
I’m ready for His extreme heart makeover!
Here I am, Lord, take my life and make me over! Tear down the old. Rebuild me. And out of that makeover, allow me to make a dent in this world for Your namesake! You are the reason I blog. Help me always remember that.
Not long ago, (I may have already shared this with you), God spoke to my heart about my writing. I was used to “saving” my best stuff for the yet to be published book rather than giving it away to others. One morning while out running, as clearly as I have ever heard him speak to me in my spirit, he whispered…
“Spend it now, child. Pour it forth. Tomorrow is not promised to you. Spend it now.”
I didn’t know what that would require at the time, but it’s been hard to be “on” everytime I come to the computer screen. I’ve struggled for the past two days in my writing for another venue; so frustrating. I hate it when the flow doesn’t come.
But I will continue to pour it forth for as long as the pen allows. I don’t want to go home to Him hoarding a thing!
Will be back soon to read some more of your journey.
Sounds like God is already answering those prayers and giving you some definite direction… praise Him for that!!
And a heart makeover, what a wonderful thing… I think mine is constantly being made over…
I can’t wait to read what God directs… Blessings
Dear Tiffany, Thank you for again sharing with us. I loved this post because it encourages me so and also I’m sure all who read it. The Lord has His Hand on your writing, be assured of this.
Continue on dear sister for this is what gives life to others. Oh that all our posts, especially mine, would point others to Christ.
In His Love,
Tiffany, this is such a good place to be… palms open facing upward, heart yearning for Him and eyes fixed on Him.
I wait eagerly to see what He has for you.
Tiffany, I love your wording below:
“So as I transition into my newly designed and decorated heart , I pray I will offer words of life here. Not fluff. Not posts that make me good. But honest reflections of the highs and lows of an ordinary woman who is in love with Jesus. “
you are a very talented writer and your words are very relatable espicially your wording of “newly designed and decorated heart”
AMEN so be it in my life also.. Thank your for being so open and sharing from your heart.
Blessings, Debbie
What an awesome Lord we serve! He will be so faithful to guide you, of that I am so sure. Blessings to you, my sweet sister. Abundant blessings!
Mark 16:15
And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
It’s such a JOY, and Blessing to share the Gospel…
Word for the day: Share
Kind Regards,
I’m so glad you visited my blog because it led me to yours! I wrote a very similar post lately, just trying to decipher this thing called blogging and what God wants me to do with it and the other things I write. I came to many of the same conclusions as you.
God has also been speaking to me lately about the condition of my heart and I, too, long for that heart makeover. Blessings to you for sharing!