Do you ever doubt when you pray a big prayer?
I do.
We’ve added a prayer request section to our thankful journals. So during the past six weeks, we’ve prayed together. Sometimes the prayers are personal, other times we pray for others. (I wrote about our thankful journals in another post weeks ago.)
My eight-year-old daughter Hannah’s prayer remained the same for weeks. The house across the street was for sale and Hannah’s prayer was for a girl to move in. Specifically, a girl her age, who was nice, liked the same things she does, and who believed in God. Not asking too much is she?
So we prayed for her request over and over. However when I prayed, I doubted. I thought about how I would explain to her if God answers “no.”
Well, two weeks ago, a family with three kids moved in. The oldest girl is seven, soon to be eight. Hannah and Olivia met about a week ago and have played outside after school ever since. Olivia seems nice, likes similar things, and her family believes in God. Hum? Think God heard our persistant prayers?
Hannah saw how prayer works—up close and personal. God answered her request with an obvious “yes.” God loves to build the faith of His children. I love it. In the process, He built mine too.
Who has more faith Hannah or me? Sometimes I wonder….
Wow. Isn’t God amazing! Thanks for this reminder to make big asks, and to believe that God can and perhaps WILL answer!
Aww, the absolute sweetest faith story. The heart of babes. It reminded me of Psalms 37:4. “Delight yourself in me and I will give you the desires of your heart.” Hannah wanted a Godly girl to be her friend and God Blessed her with just that. All too precious!