Please excuse the behind view of this photo. I wish I had a way to cover her rear with a graphic, but I don’t know how. Here I am again taking pictures. Pray for me to drive safely. I was almost stopped thank goodness! I’m compelled to capture moments that speak to my heart. I love my camera.
I live with an ever-increasing hunger to know and share the depths of God’s love. I’ve asked Him to give me eyes to see; He is faithful to answer. I see God in this precious picture of a mom and her two little ones.
This is a perfect example of us coming to God as a child. I love the fact that she is able to hold more than one child’s hand. In her right hand of all hands. I love that she carried both of her children’s bags for them. They probably got too tired of the extra weight. They are weak and small, she is strong and willing.
I could continue to share more about what is speaks to me but I will let God speak to your heart as you look. There are SO many verses I could use to back up this idea, but I will let you dive deeper should your choose. Keys words like child, right hand, burden, Father, come to my mind.
Please know YOU are loved by your Heavenly Father/Papa. He wants to lead You with His righteous right hand–and carry your bags.
Are you willing to give those things that weigh you down to your Abba Father to carry?
How ’bout your hand, are you willing to grab His, trusting He knows where He is going and what is best?
Beautiful post, Tiffany! God does love us in just the same way and I pray that I would always remember that and know and recognize that is always right beside me. Always carrying whatever I am willing to turn over to Him.
Great shot and insight Tiffany. I also love the fact that while it seems like too much to handle, she takes it all in stride. She has it. Just like Jesus. Our problems are not too much for Him – or too trivial for that matter.
I love your randomness with this using it in a way to allow God to speak to your & our hearts.
Praise the Lord!
Please drive safely!
What a precious post… a great illustration of how our Heavenly Father relates to us.
I love this “I’ve asked Him to give me eyes to see; He is faithful to answer.”
I think I will begin praying this also… I recently read where one lady asks the Father to read the Bible to her when she reads her Bible and I thought how magnificient that would be… I have started asking Him to read to me… oh the things He has shown me from His Word! Awesome, amazing, and magnificient!
A beautiful image, Tiffany. I love what you pointed out–how she is able to hold both hands.
I’m reaching up for His…
To take a picture like that, it’s evident you are always in the moment with Him. Seeing those God moments and wanting to share them with all of us. Thank you, my friend. Thank you for sharing, but more importantly, thank you for being in the moment.
Great picture.
Don’t know what I’d do without my Papa carrying me through.
Beautiful post!
I love the picture -and then your words about it. Word pictures speak volumes!
I like this statement – “He wants to lead You with His righteous right hand–and carry your bags. “
Sweet – thanks for sharing!
The picture and your post reminded me that we can hand all our baggage to God. He carries our burdens and leads us where we are to go.
I love the hands -all 3 held together! so sweet and caring! and gentle loving protection… as He carries our burden in the other hand.
the 3 hands together also make me think of the trinity .
beautiful captured moment!
You’re a beautiful soul! I love the images that you capture and the messages that they speak. God has given you many gifts, Tiffany. Every time you share, it is evident to see just how special God has made you to be.
There is something I feel that God wants me to share with you. I will send it via e-mail.
My love,