Quick note: I dropped the “blogspot” on my blog. I bought a new domain for $10 a year. YEAH! It’s now www.teawithtiffany.com. Short and simple. The good news is that all those using my old address will be redirected to this one without even knowing it!
I feel so techy! Not!
Now to get a custom design again. I’m not digging this ordinary template! I miss my tea house.
OK, help a girl out. What did you do differently????
Cause we are considering doing a website and David said he could link my blog to it. It’s a bit confusing to me, but I’m hoping that the people at Mac will help a girl out.
What’s the difference in buying whatever it is you bought and using blogspot?????
You obviously know more than I do.
Wow, Tiffany! I clicked on your blog and thought I got the wrong one.I miss your tea house, too!
I have thought about changing my blog template, but haven’t taken the time to sit down to through with it.
Have a blessed weekend,
Hey Tiffany!
Techy Tiffany…how cute! I feel like a dinosaur most days with this computer stuff! lol
I’d be interested in knowing about buying a domain too … can you answer me and Julie too?
Lovin ya today!
Congrats Tiffany. I’m still working on making my blog part of my ministry website.
I’ll hop in here too this morning. I missssss the teahouse Tiffany. It was so unique and so you!
I am so computer challenged, I don’t even know how to ask the questions you are being asked! ๐
But 10.00 a year for a blog site sounds pretty reasonable to me.
I am still learning how to connect blogs and webs to each other.
Talk with you soon.
Hi Tiffany,
You go, girl!
I’m not tech-y either. I hire help. ๐ Since the summer when my website went up, I’ve been on a major learning curve. Now I’m doing three blogs too! Need to rest brain.
Would you like to link to Real Hurts, Real Hope at http:lucyannmoll.com/realhurtsrealhope/ ?
I could link to yours too.
Blessings and hugs,
Hello you sweet little tech girl, love you.
Okay to all you techy people who want to drop the “blogspot” part of your blog address. Here’s the way:
Go into your blog under “settings” then click on the “publishing” tab. You should find a place to type in an address name you are interested in using. Type it in to see if it’s available. If so, BUY IT. And I think blogger will walk you through the rest. I had to use the advanced settings part because I already bought the domain through an outside source. I recommend buying it right inside blogger, it’s easier.
Tada! I think that’s it. Let me know if this works!
Happy blogging!
Good for you, Tiffany! I’ve been tempted to drop the whole “blogspot” part, as well. You are far and above me as far as being techno goes! Seriously! And $10 annually? Wow. All I need is more time so I can look into this myself.
Hope you get things spiffed up just the way you want them soon.
Have a wonderful week.
Hi Tiffany,
Thank you for all your comments on my blog. I was overwhelmed in a good way. Thank you. I was thinkin about you, wondering about this girl who has a turtle thing and a heart for Jesus. Then, I thought of a turtle post I did a while ago that may make you smile. Check it Tiffany when you can. http://bhisgirl.blogspot.com/2008/10/stories-from-turtle-girl-master.html
Blessings, B
Hey Sweetie, looking forward to your new look. I’ve noted your new blog address.
Bless you.
Good Morning Tiffany,
Happy Monday to you and peace and blessings for a great day!
As a new believer, it’s great to connect with others who Love the LORD. I’m looking forward to your words of wisdom and encouragement as I walk with HIM and pursue a more Passionate Life with those HE has sent my way!
Thanks for visiting w/me and let me know when you schedule a Tea Party in Maryland (smile)
The butterfly
Just wanted to stop by real quick and tell you that I’ve dropped the ‘blogspot’ from my blog, too! I followed the directions on blogger and am awaiting the change which, I’m told, will take 3 days. What a deal, for $10 a year. Thanks for sharing this!