(This is day 3 of a 31 day blog series titled Live Free. ) Stop for a moment and look again at the photo here. Do you notice anything wrong? I do. . . I see the petals of the biggest flower are either bent or shorter on one side, I can't tell for sure. I also see uneven petal spacing on all of the flowers. In your opinion, is this a Continue Reading
Free From Comparison
(This is day 2 of a 31 day blog series titled Live Free. ) Well, let me start by being real. I struggle with comparison and I'm almost 45 years old. For example, I may think: * She's fit. I'm flabby. * She's popular. I'm not. * She's got it made. I'll never be as talented. * I'm so glad I look young for my age. I know I shouldn't compare, Continue Reading
Free From Shame
(This is day 1 of a 31 day blog series titled Live Free. ) When I think about living free, the first thing I think of is living free from shame. Yep, I'm going right to the deep, dark topic of shame because that's the first thing that needs to go in order for me to live free. Because shame steals my ability to enjoy my life. Shame shouts and Continue Reading
Live Free – A 31 Day Blog Series
Welcome to my 31 day blog series titled, "Live Free". This month (October 2013) I'm linking up with The Nester and over 1,000 other bloggers to commit to writing every day on a topic of our choice (9 general themes to choose from). I'm writing under the "Inspirational and Faith" category. Why did I pick "live free"? For one, I Continue Reading
What I’m Learning Through a Season of Defeat
Confession: I've spent the better part of this year with a bad attitude. Stressed from money going out the window. Overwhelmed by our remodeling mess. Mad at myself for being so indecisive. Tired. Disillusioned, defeated, and discouraged. Impatient, irritated and often critical. Isolated on purpose. Wanting to run away from everyone and disappear Continue Reading
A Reminder from Psalm 46:10
Enjoy the weekend, friends. Remember you have a God who loves you and wants to lavish that love on you. The question is, are you open to receive His love? Continue Reading