Sometimes we need a gentle reminder of what God is saying to us. The word of the day today is: Come. Come to Jesus. Come to the cross. Come all who are weary. Come all who are thirsty. Come. (pic taken by my husband, Guatemala, from the cemetery overlooking the Guatemala City Dump, Feb. 2011) The word come is an Continue Reading
Stop, Look -n- Listen: Redo
Do you need to "redo" something from yesterday or even last week? An assignment gone bad? An ugly argument? An overdrawn debit transaction? A night of indulgence? If so, you are not alone. We all mess up. As hard as we try we still fall short. We are tempted and sometimes we cave in. In our weakness, we react and there is no "delete" Continue Reading
The Pieces of My Heart
Like an unfinished puzzle, I try to make sense of the pieces of my heart. A rainbow of colors, a myriad of people and places. Pieces of the past, the present, my life up until now. Moments cut out for just for me. Moments of joy and sorrow intertwined. Some pieces are stuck together, but most lay apart, disconnected, in no particular order. I grab Continue Reading
Word Filled Wednesday: Shine Like Stars
One easy way to stand out today: Do everything without complaining. Friends, let's shine like stars. **For more Word Filled Wednesdays, visit The Internet Cafe. This Thursday, on Our Hiding Place radio, I am still on a sabbatical. It's much needed and satisfying to my soul right now. However my sweet friends, Continue Reading
God is Love and God is Grace
There's some amazing beauty going on behind the scenes over here and because of that, I'm more quiet than usual on my blog. I'm enjoying time with Jesus. It's pure and simple: My Bible, music, and my journal, and if I'm outside, my camera too. My time has also a wrestling match over here. God is asking me to tuck away with Him, to write the book Continue Reading
Chasing a Rocking Chair
(I'm writing over at Laced with Grace today, here's the start) The Stop, Look and Listen Girl is at it again. For those of you who don't know that's my nickname. God speaks to me through what I see and hear, if and when I look and listen. I often capture a picture of His message and share it online. This week's message was loud and clear. On Continue Reading