With summer almost here, I feel my thirst rising. Anything cool and refreshing sounds great. Iced tea, water, a frozen drink. Today it is supposed to be over 90 in Colorado Springs. And we only have a portable swamp cooler, so that means we get pretty warm in our house. Good thing our nights are nice and cool. :) Speaking of thirst, have you Continue Reading
Show Me the Real You
If I were to peek through the window of your heart, what would I see? Pause for a minute and survey the area. Are you okay with what you see or would you prefer to tidy things up a bit first? The truth is I want to see the real you, not the one you want me to see. I'm okay with a mess because I'm a mess too. The truth is you will never be Continue Reading
Be a Star
(pic credit: taken by my girl on the last day of junior high. Love this creative shot!!) Today I'm going out with four teenage girls to enjoy this beautiful Colorado weather. We are going to have fun taking pictures. As I look at this star, I'm reminded of the beauty of light. Light removes the darkness. Light encourages growth out in nature. Continue Reading
Need Answers to Life’s Questions?
Need a visual reminder of what to do when you need answers to life's questions? CALL ON GOD! For free. No charge. And He will answer you. The question is: Do you really believe this? ‘Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.’ Jeremiah 33:3 I call on you, my God, for you will answer me; Continue Reading
I Surrender All
What does God want you to surrender today? What are you clinging onto that you know needs to go? What is God asking of you for this season? Is it too hard? Risky? Are you afraid? If so, I understand. God is working on my heart too. My prayer is that we can sing with our whole heart "I surrender all." And in doing so, I believe we will find Continue Reading
What is the Fire Burning in Your Heart?
If I say, "I will not mention him, or speak any more in his name," there is in my heart as it were a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I am weary with holding it in, and I cannot. Jeremiah 20:9 ESV Can you relate to Jeremiah's heart cry? Do you have something that burns inside you? Do you feel shut up if you don't Continue Reading