If bringing light to those in darkness was your daily goal, what would your life look like? How would it be different than others? Just asking. Continue Reading
You are Invited
(pics taken at a women's luncheon yesterday for Women Inspired) WHO: TO ALL who will respond, YOU are invited. No one is excluded. WHEN: Today and every day, moment by moment WHERE: Wherever you are works just fine FOR WHAT: To taste and see that the LORD is good WHY: Because God wants YOU to know Him up close and personal, and to be changed Continue Reading
3 Tips to Wake Up
My husband's coffee cup caught my eye. I wonder why. :) What does it take for you to wake up in the morning? Coffee? Tea? A workout? A hot shower? For me, it's definitely coffee, but even that doesn't always work. Sometimes I go about my day half awake. Packing my girl's lunch. Reading my devotionals but forgetting what I read. Washing a load of Continue Reading
Youth Matter Today
My son being hit with a water balloon. :) He just got a cold water bottle dumped on him by surprise. LOL My daughter and my niece. Love these girls.. A random little girl I couldn't help but take a pic. She's too cute! ********** I love the heart of a child. I love teenagers. I love twenty-somethings. How 'bout you? Young Continue Reading
Feeling Helpless?
Feeling helpless about something in your life? I get that. I often tell my husband feeling helpless for me started when I was a child. I couldn't change what happened to me. Being sexually abused left me feeling ashamed and helpless. And throughout my life I've had situations when I couldn't change a thing no matter how hard I tried. It's an awful Continue Reading
Processing Takes Time
I'm in the middle of processing some changes over here. Can you relate? This uncomfortable feeling reminds me of when I take in my memory card to a photo lab to get pictures printed. Waiting to see what my pics will look like creates both excitement and a nervousness in me. Will they good enough? Will the lighting be right? Did I over or under Continue Reading